Crown mutation: virologist Christian Drosten reviews statements




Corona mutation: Christian Drosten sees low risk

Charité virologist Christian Drosten assumes that the crown mutation is in Germany, but that it is difficult to establish itself.

UK government imposes curfew on London and south-east England

Following the discovery of a new variant of the coronavirus, which is attributed a sharp increase in the number of infections in southern England, the British government has imposed a curfew on London and south-east England.

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  • After the discovery of a new mutation in the coronavirus, the virologist Christian Drosten spoke
  • On Twitter he surprised everyone with the statement: “Unfortunately, that doesn’t look good.”
  • Now the doctor relativized his statement about the corona pathogen

The chief virologist of the Berlin Charité, Christian drosten, considers a rapid spread of the coronavirus mutation from Great Britain in Germany unlikely. “I don’t think we will have a bigger problem anytime soon,” he told the German Press Agency on Tuesday.

With the intelligence service Twitter the expert wrote Monday night: “New data on the mutant. Unfortunately, that does not look good.”

Drosten: the new virus variant will have a hard time taking hold of the blockade

On Tuesday afternoon, the virologist explained this statement again, as it was sometimes taken out of context. He tweeted: “With the formulation, ‘That doesn’t look good,’ I started something … To end the speculation: this was only referring to the now clearer evidence of the mutant’s further spread. Otherwise, there will be no changes to my evaluation. “

Drosten assumes that in the current blockade “this variant is quite difficult to establish in this country.” This is indicated by data published by the UK health authority, Public Health England (PHE). In areas in Britain where effective measures are applied, the new variant is also largely under control.

Crown mutation: no signs of reduced protection against vaccination

So far there is no evidence that the new variant has an impact on the Severity of disease Drosten said. “This is very important for the population that is concerned now.” There are also no signs of reduced protection by vaccination.

Read here: Mutated coronavirus: you know about the new variant

Coronavirus: the most important news at a glance

It is positive that the new variant has a certain Gen The lack of it actually increases the severity of the disease, Drosten said. “That is the good news.” It could well be that B.1.1.7. it is more harmless. This can also be a reason for the faster spread. Because people without symptoms or with mild symptoms tend not to isolate themselves and therefore can increasingly infect others, according to Drosten.

On Monday, Drosten said on “Deutschlandfunk” that he was “anything but worried.” the recommendations about the mutation are “incomplete”, the question of whether it is actually more transferable has not yet been clarified with certainty.

WHO on mutation: the situation is not out of control

World Health Organization who believes that the virus can also be controlled in the new variant. “The situation is not out of control,” said emergency aid coordinator Michael Ryan. “But we have to work harder. That Virus it can be stopped. “

Protection measures such as Distanzhalten, Avoiding direct contact and hand washing are also appropriate with the new variant to avoid contamination.

Corona: Drosten suspects mutation already in Germany

The strict restrictions on air traffic are a precautionary measure, Drosten told “Deutschlandfunk”. He sees one in him too reaction on England’s “heated news situation”.

Drosten assumes that the Mutation already exists in Germany. “I think that is already in Germany,” he said. “You shouldn’t let that bother you now.” The virus has been circulating in England since late September and now also in Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Australia.

In none of these countries, with the exception of England, was there an increase in the virus relative to the mutated virus. Infection numbers become noticeable. (with dpa)

commentary: Reaction to the mutated virus: border controls, what else?

Crown – More information on the subject

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