Crown mutation of Great Britain: first case in Germany


The variant of the coronavirus that appeared in Britain was also detected in Germany for the first time. The mutated variant B.1.1.7 was found on Thursday in a woman who entered Baden-Württemberg from Great Britain on December 20. This was announced by the Stuttgart Ministry of Health.

The woman has mild symptoms and is in domestic isolation. Three close contacts are also in quarantine.

The rapid test at the airport was positive

The woman had flown from London Heathrow to Frankfurt am Main to visit relatives in the Freudenstadt district. “A quick test of all passengers for Sars-CoV-2 was carried out at the airport upon entry, which was positive for the person in question,” said a ministry spokesman.

She was later picked up by relatives in a car. “To confirm the diagnosis, a PCR test was performed on December 21, 2020, which was also positive.” In this PCR test, the corresponding virus variant was detected on Thursday. Close contacts have not yet gotten sick. A smear test of contact persons was started.

The mutation can be more contagious

The new variant of the coronavirus may be significantly more contagious than the previously known form. After the mutation became known, most EU states decided to heavily restrict travel to and from Britain to prevent its spread.

On December 22, for example, the Federal Ministry of Health imposed a blanket ban on passengers from Great Britain, Northern Ireland and South Africa on Tuesday. This is to prevent the mutation from spreading to continental Europe.

So far, 33 cases of the new variant have been detected in Denmark. Now he has also performed in the Netherlands.

Experts so far not alarmed

Berlin virologist Christian Drosten had already stated on Tuesday that it was quite likely that B.1.1.7 was now also in Germany. With the current closing restrictions, “this variant is likely to take hold in this country,” Drosten said. “I don’t think we have a bigger problem in the short term.” So far, there is no evidence that the new variant has an impact on the severity of the disease.

The head of vaccine maker Biontech, Ugur Sahin, said Tuesday that his preparation is highly likely to work against the new variant. The president of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lothar Wieler, also assumes that the new vaccines will work against mutations in the virus.

With dpa material.
