Crown: Merkel and Seehofer let Germany’s borders open again, and set the time


Powerful measures have been imposed in Germany in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Now these are loosening more and more. The news in the ticker.

  • In Germany numerous countries have the Crown measures * relaxed, but the crisis continues.
  • Chancellor Angela Merkel answers questions from Bundestag members on Wednesday (May 13)
  • Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has already reported on possible border openings.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the coronavirus *. You can also view the current number of cases in Germany as a map *. The most important on the subject is also available on our new Facebook page, Corona News.

Crown: Merkel lets Germany’s borders open again and sets the time

Update 12.47 p.m .: The press conference of Federal Minister for the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU) is over. Towards the end, Seehofer praised the good teamwork in the federal cabinet. The central coordinating factor is, of course, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). Merkel previously had the border question Stuff for the boss He explained and called the French President Emmanuel Macron and the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. The Minister of the Interior does not seem to feel degraded by this. Rather, he had really enjoyed teamwork in the past few weeks. He has been in politics for a long time, Seehofer emphasizes. Good cooperation in the Coronavirus pandemic I really appreciated it.

Update 11.33 a.m .: Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) begins its press conference on the opening of the German borders with the Internal border controls – but also wants to go out to travelers Third countries to Europe.

With Switzerland, France and Austria, Germany had border controls that should have expired on May 16. June, 15 extended. At these borders, however, the controls will only be carried out randomly from Saturday, May 16. Relief is strong interior minister A consequence of the positive development of the infection process.

He doesn’t expect it, but she does Opening of the border on June 15 it required “that we continue to be determined regarding the infection process,” Seehofer said. A second wave would have to react again at the borders. You owe the number of New infections in neighboring regions, however, it will increase considerably, control will intensify again. The applicable guide in Germany of more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants offers guidance in seven days.

German borders: first relief since Saturday – No more quarantine for incoming travelers from neighboring countries

Previously, a 14-day quarantine ordered by the federal states also applied to anyone who comes to Germany. In the future, this should only apply to people who have previously been in Third World countries They have stopped For example, no longer for Germans arriving from France or the Netherlands. However, the decision on quarantine rests with the countries’ heads of state.

by Luxembourg border controls will expire on May 15. Similar things can be imagined for Denmark, too, says Seehofer. However, this is delayed because Denmark advocates a kind of legislative package that involves other countries. Also, from now on you only want to check randomly.

Until now only allowed Travelers or people with good reasons. across the border. However, as soon as social life becomes more dense, “and I hope so, and I suppose that,” Seehofer said, random controls should also be specified. So that a coach with school-age children is not reviewed and can cross the border without any problem.

Coronavirus: these European borders could reopen from June 15

“It is in the highest sense European spiritwhen neighboring countries coordinate their measures in the face of the pandemic, “Seehofer quotes French neighbors. He is therefore pleased that a common strategy has already been agreed with four countries.

Austria and Switzerland obviously want to close the borders Italy I still control. Countries justify this with the country’s high infection rate. “Therefore, it was important to us that we closely coordinate with both countries,” Seehofer said. At the moment, this relaxation of controls only affects the mentioned countries.

On Wednesday she also wanted EU Commission present a plan for the prudent opening of internal borders in Europe. According to a draft dpa, controls will be phased out across Europe. Seehofer followed the Commission’s recommendation to extend restrictions on the entry of third countries into the EU until June 15.

At the press conference, Seehofer was asked about the scandal involving an employee of the Interior Ministry. He had described the virus under official letterhead as a “false global alarm.”

Coronavirus: Saturday’s border loosening

Update 11:18 a.m.: Controls should be sent to the German borders loosen up again. The federal government decided Wednesday morning. Crossing the border from Luxembourg in particular will be easier, the German news agency found out Wednesday after a cabinet meeting in Berlin.

According to the information you are trying Federal Ministry of the Interior under Horst Seehofer (CSU) a complete end to the controls introduced due to the crown pandemic in all border sections but only for June 15.

Seehofer has had the details of one with his counterparts in neighboring countries and with the prime ministers of border states in recent days. gradual return advice on stationary controls for normal border monitoring in the 30 kilometer range.

the Border controls Denmark, Luxembourg, France, Austria and Switzerland were announced on March 15 and introduced the following day to curb the infection in Germany. Since then, only those who can give a “valid reason” for this can enter the country.

Crown measures: German borders must be carefully opened from Saturday

Update 11.10 a.m.: Controls on the German border It should be carefully loosened starting this Saturday. As the German Press Agency found out on Wednesday after the cabinet meeting in Berlin, the Federal Interior Ministry is fighting for the first June, 15 a complete end to the controls introduced due to the corona pandemic in all border sections.

Update 10:56 a.m.: Saar Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) emphatically has the speed Opening the German borders and the renunciation of permanent border controls. “We must now return to a normal Schengen normality of open internal borders as soon as possible,” Hans said in a government statement Wednesday before the Saarland state parliament. This means not only “restoring freedom of travel without quarantine”, but also a more coordinated approach in Tracking infection chains for future waves of the crown pandemic. “I am confident that we will be able to avoid permanent border controls in the future.”

Coronavirus: Cabinet advises on opening the border – press conference announced by Interior Minister Seehofer

Update from 9.55 a.m.:Two months after the German federal government, in consultation with the federal states and with European neighbors. German borders are closed He has advised the federal cabinet on the gradual opening.With the exception of exceptions, such as those that could not be postponed for professional reasons or an operation that was essential for survival, no one could leave Germany for weeks. Just a few weeks ago, checks for family members and couples relaxed.

On March 15 the Control S announced at the German borders as part of the measures against the coronavirus pandemic. Today, federal interior minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) could explain when they should be fully reopened.

Previously there were conflicts. The interior minister wanted to maintain controls for the time being. After a phone call with the chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) A full opening of the Austrian border was already announced on June 15. This allows speculation about a corresponding cabinet decision on Wednesday.

Coronavirus: the Austrian border will reopen on June 15

Update May 13, 7:02 a.m.: Apparently the line between Germany and Austria It will be fully reopened on June 15. According to information from the Austrian news agency APA, the controls will only take place at the borders starting this Friday, the Chancellor’s Office in Vienna confirmed on Wednesday from the APA.

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) had with the chancellor on Tuesday Angela Merkel (CDU) on the phone. The Federal Government wants to discuss new steps at its meeting on Wednesday.

Austria Chancellor Kurz He had already said on Tuesday night on the “10vor10” program on Swiss television that he had a Opening of the border wait in June. As also announced by the Federal Chancellery in Vienna, Austria is also striving to liberalize the border regime with its other neighboring countries.

Crown measurements: date leaked when border was opened? Merkel is on the phone with Macron and Kurz

Update May 12, 9:44 p.m.: The signs of an early Opening of the border Meat out. Noisy image has Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) both with French President
Emmanuel Macron and the Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz on the phoneto discuss the border issue.

According to the report, a full opening of the border will take place onJune, 15 A step-by-step plan must be implemented beforehand, for example with a view of France, that Merkel’s opinion is not yet far enough away for a full opening of the border. It happened from a cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

The step plan coincides with a proposal forEU Commissionto be presented on Wednesday. Noisy image There is a draft in which states with similar infection numbers must open the borders first.

Coronavirus: Laschet wants the border to be closed quickly

Update May 12, 8:36 p.m.: Prime Minister of North Rhine-WestphaliaArmin Laschet (CDU) wants a quick end to it Border closure. “My soul hurts when I see that the barriers in Europe have fallen again,” he told the Süddeutsche Zeitung (Wednesday). “So we should be this week Border closure divide and restore Europe, “said Laschet.

“In North Rhine-Westphalia we are in close contact with our neighbors in Belgium and the Netherlands to fight the pandemic together and to make cross-border tourism possible again in the future,” said Laschet, who is also CDU federal vice president.In light of the number of infections, it must be decided at European level whether tourist travel can be done again. “We quickly need a solution for the border with France and Luxembourg to restore the open borders in the Schengen area.” Quarantine rules should be limited to travel outside Europe as soon as possible. It is important to her that the checks do not continue “until the end of the day,” Merkel said.

Merkel gives hope for the opening of the border

Update May 12, 6:05 p.m.: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has hope for one in the crown crisis gradual opening of borders to neighboring countries done. Changes to border controls should always be made in cooperation with neighbors, Merkel said Tuesday, according to information from the participants’ German press agency, in a virtual meeting of the Union faction in the Bundestag. There will often be a two-step process.

Lindner demands that borders be opened as quickly as possible

Update May 12, 5:27 p.m.: According to FDP party and parliamentary group leader Christian Lindner, Germany must Open borders with neighboring countries as quickly as possible. “Infection is no longer a reason for these border closings,” Lindner said in Berlin on Tuesday. He accused federal interior minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) of “stubborn“To be – this is not a contribution to international understanding.” If there is the will to open up across the border, then there can no longer be a blockade on the German side. “This also applies to the unnecessary Quarantine requirement for travelers from other European countries.

Lindner announced that her groupThe second law to protect the population in an epidemic situation this week in the Bundestag. The FDP still supported the urgent procedure for the first law. The second law grants new ordinance powers that the FDP wants to discuss longer. In addition, there are data protection problems in some points that may justify the unconstitutionality of the law. “Therefore, in our view, such a hasty procedure is not advisable, we should take more time,” Lindner said.

NRW and Saarland want to suspend quarantine obligations for returnees

Update May 12, 4:50 p.m.: Prime Minister of North Rhine-WestphaliaArmin Laschet (CDU) He has promised to suspend the quarantine obligation for returnees from abroad for his state. Laschet on Tuesday referred to a court ruling that voided the 14-day quarantine obligation in neighboring Lower Saxony. North Rhine-Westphalia also has “the intention to immediately suspend this quarantine agreement”Laschet said.

The regulation does not contribute to the protection of health and is “anti-european“Laschet said further.” We will discuss this at the national level. “

Due to the crown pandemic, almost all travelers who came to Germany from abroad have had to quarantined for 14 days. Exceptions apply to travelers in border regions.

The Lower Administrative Court of Lower Saxony (OVG) in Lüneburg annulled the regulation for Lower Saxony on Monday night: Its reason: the global numbers of crown cases no longer allowed to compel immigrants to quarantine.

too Saar Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) plans to suspend quarantine measures for the time being.

In Bremen, restaurants and pubs will be open from Monday.

Update May 12, 4:28 p.m.: In Bremen can next to Restaurants Starting next Monday, bars will also open under strict conditions. The Senate decided to relax the crown restrictions on Tuesday.. In particular, a minimum distance of one and a half meters should be observed between the guests. Each visit, including contact details, must also be documented.

However, the regulation applies to restaurants and pubs. not for nightclubs, bars, discotheques or game rooms. The relevant license is decisive, according to the economic authority. In the case of pubs, however, counter operation is also prohibited.

At the same time, the sales area in Bremen is limited to 800 square meters in retail stores. Alternatively, a rule applies from Monday, according to which a customer is allowed ten square meters.

The number of infected people in Coesfeld is increasing

Update May 12, 4:12 p.m.: After the outbreak of Corona in one Meat factory in Westphalia Coesfeld is the number of workers who tested positive for the virusrose to 260. As of Tuesday afternoon, 1,012 of the approximately 1,200 Westfleisch company employees had been evaluated, 571 with a negative result, as announced by the Coesfeld district at noon at the request of the German Press Agency. The district had reported 254 infected on Monday. Crown infections have recently increased in German slaughterhouses.

Possible demonstrations in Thuringia without limit of participants

Update May 12, 2:12 p.m.: In Thuringia supposed to start on wednesday Manifestations again without restrictions on the number of participants. This provides for a regulation that the cabinet has agreed to, as announced by the Ministry of Health in Erfurt.

Coronavirus: Merkel calls for continued caution towards citizens

Update May 11, 3:08 p.m.: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) happens after your video conference with the county health department resin in front of the microphone and thank you all Health offices in Germany. the Public health service played a central role in the fight against the pandemic. “Committed people work there, they will do this work,” said Merkel. Where reinforcements were necessary, they would be provided together with the countries. The Bundeswehr is also ready to provide support.

The health service “will decide if we can really understand all the contacts in newly infected people.” It is “crucial” that health authorities work well, “they do,” says Merkel.

The chancellor emphasized that one was entering a “new phase of the pandemic”, with the relaxation of conditions, but that Crown protection measures, the rules of distance and hygiene must be maintained. It is very important to be considerate of each other. With this appeal, Merkel ends her statement by the Chancellery, which lasts only a few minutes.

Update from 3:05 p.m.: The press conference with Chancellor Merkel was announced for 3 p.m., but there is still a wait.

Update 2:44 p.m.: Chancellor Angela Merkel after his video conference with the health department of the Harz District make a statement at the chancellery.

Crown crisis: Merkel once again warns of caution

Update, 1.30 p.m.: Chancellor Angela Merkel has also given the Manifestations against the conditions in the Crown crisis again caution when facing the pandemic. You had been denouncedthat a lot of people went shopping without masks over the weekend, Merkel said according to information from German press agency of groups of participants in one Video change from the CDU Presidium. In part, this behavior was even seen as a test of courage, they criticized. Chancellor. But the command must still comply with the applicable distance rules.

Merkel Also, only in two or three weeks will you know how last week ended Relief the Crown restrictions about him Infection numbers impact. He also announced that next Wednesday (May 13) in the Bundestag in the government poll again to comment on relevant measures for the federal government to classify the pandemic. Merkel and the federal government He was last accused of causing confusion with different key figures.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) used this information at the information desk to emphasize that Germany has so far been so successful in treating the pandemic because citizens have adhered to the restrictions. He asked people that Hygiene’s norm continue to adhere.

Corona virus in Germany: infections in abattoirs and corona demonstrations are a problem

01.01 p.m .: The federal press conference has ended.

12.57 p.m.: Now it comes to the question of Let’s give * against Corona’s measures over the weekend. “Of course, they are allowed within the framework of our laws,” says Seibert, but if distance rules are not followed, it would be “worrying,” he explains. “If you attack police or journalists, I cannot invoke freedom of assembly, but attack our democracy,” said Seibert.

12.51 p.m.: The R factor * it’s just a reference point for the Loosening of the crown. the “Emergency break” * It has been exceeded as one more brand in several counties. Should another block be considered? Seibert responds that the indicator of 50 infections per 100,000 people in a district within seven days “should not serve to blame counties,” but that the focus could be on how municipalities react to the measures.

Merkel Crown Cabinet PK: Seibert rejects slaughterhouse charges

Update from 12.45 p.m.: What can be learned from the rapid spread of the coronavirus among refugees in mass housing for slaughterhouses? What does the federal government say about the accusation that they will accept the death of these employees? A journalist wants to know. “I firmly reject the accusation,” replies Seibert.

Update, 12:23 p.m.: Government spokesman Steffen Seibert is now speaking at the federal press conference for advice in the Crown cabinet.

Sedan – Almost anywhere Germany will be theCrown restrictions relaxed. Meet with members of another household, shop at department stores, more outdoor sports, and in some places, even visit Restaurants they are now allowed again. However, normality has not yet returned: the strict rules of distance and hygiene remain, as does the constant vision of the number of infections *. The recent increase in infection rate (R factor) from 0.65 to 1.13 in a few days may play a role in the way forward.

Corona virus in Germany: Chancellor Angela Merkel advises Corona cabinet – video statement expected

In Sedan Various committees come Monday (May 11) Federal parties together to talk about the way forward and the current situation of Corona in Germany. the CDU Leadership warns from 9 a.m. At video conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the other closest Leadership circles the CDU It is probably also about the current infection numbers.

Numerous Discussions There was also the recently decided corona emergency brake by Angela Merkel: out of 50 new corona infections per 100,000 residents, action must be taken. That could also be the case with Summit video be spoken to again some counties had this Upper limit It’s over again.

Angela Merkel statement on the crown situation: numerous demonstrations against measures

Demonstrations against Corona’s current measures also caused a stir across the country over the weekend. In numerous Federal states people took to the streets to protest regulations, sometimes without mouth and nose protection * and without adequate protection Safety distance. Various Politician I have already commented on the Let’s give anti-measures.

Video: easing and emergency braking: Angela Merkel recently announced these measures


These questions are interesting to many people in Germany right now: Is it possible for Pentecost to go away during the pandemic * or the summer holidays in the time of Corona *? And if so, which countries open their borders to tourists?

* * it is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

It is the first government survey in 2020 for Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU); the topic, of course, is the crown crisis.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Oliver Dietze
