Crown measures: more masks, less party


WThese days he dreamed of an autumn vacation on the Baltic Sea in a German crown risk zone and even got a negative test to enter Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, but is still doomed to spend the first five days of vacation in isolation in the vacation neighborhood and then organize a second negative test on the spot. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has by far the strictest regulation for travelers from within Germany, which is so dissuasive that it amounts to a travel ban. At least that’s the opinion of the president of the state hotel and restaurant association, Lars Schwarz, who reminded the state government that even more than five million vacationers did not bring any infections to the Northeast.

Thyme Frasch

Eckart Lohse

Heike schmoll

Heike schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for “Bildungswelten”.

Matthias Wyssuwa

Matthias Wyssuwa

Political Correspondent for Northern Germany and Scandinavia based in Hamburg.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) gives the same numbers as Schwarz to emphasize the quality of the concept of tourism in her country, but strongly opposes the lifting of the state’s own rules or the accommodation ban. for travelers from risk areas with 50 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants and more. “This is not about excluding people,” he told Deutschlandfunk on Tuesday morning, but it was important to make greater demands on people in risk areas. In principle, however, it was open to national regulations. However, in your opinion, the main focus should be on requirements for risk areas that have not yet been implemented, including travel restrictions. Because that is lacking so far, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania sticks to its strict entry restrictions. “We have to take steps together to ensure we have fewer risk areas in Germany,” he said in Schwerin.

Söder’s new triad

But the front of the accommodation ban advocates appeared to crumble Tuesday. Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) was open to discussing the old regulation and possibly withdrawing it. Ahead of the prime minister’s meeting with the federal chancellor on Wednesday, Söder said the accommodation ban for travelers from a Corona hotspot “is not the deciding factor” but is “a subordinate point.” In the matter, “it is not fixed in any way”.

A few days ago, Söder had sounded different. Since Thursday, a statement was made that the ban would help “to give our tourism, restaurants and hotels a measure of stability.” “Now everyone can go on vacation without any problem, you just need to bring a proof and do a proof accordingly.” So it works. However, recently, more and more criticism has erupted. Bavarian Deputy Prime Minister Hubert Aiwanger of Free Voters described the benefits of the containment measure as “very manageable.” Many restaurateurs had complained about business losses and the recent bureaucratic effort.

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The president of the Leopoldina National Academy of Sciences, Gerald Haug, who had attended the Bavarian Council of Ministers meeting on Tuesday, expressed skepticism about the accommodation ban; you have to “rethink” it. The side effects of the measure are “very strong” and should not extend beyond the fall holidays. Söder said that was not planned anyway. He also noted that the problems with the accommodation ban are mainly in those federal states where it is more difficult to take a test than in Bavaria, with which you can “test freely” for a trip. In any case, it is far more important than the accommodation ban to create a “uniform and understandable set of crown rules” for the whole of Germany in order to contain the pandemic.
