Crown Measures: Foreign Ministry proposes restriction of the radius of movement of citizens


Germany Crown measurements

The Foreign Ministry proposes to restrict the range of movement of citizens

| Reading time: 4 minutes

Is there now a movement restriction around the residence?

Even before the videoconference between the chancellor and the prime ministers, Germany is almost certain to remain on lockdown, but further tightening of contact restrictions is also under discussion.

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A proposal from the Chancellery ensures discussions between the Prime Minister even before the closing consultations begin. This could limit the scope of action for citizens in the affected regions. This regulation already applies in Saxony.

VGiven the deliberations of the prime ministers of the federal states with Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on an extension of the lockdown measures in the Corona crisis, the heads of government are also specifically discussing, according to information from WELT, a restriction the radius of action of citizens. Consequently, in regions particularly affected by the pandemic, it could be decreed that people can only move out of their own homes within a certain radius.

According to “Business Insider”, such a proposal came from the Foreign Ministry. Experts such as doctors and epidemiologists recently asked him to contain the virus. However, it was still open whether the point would actually be included in the decision document. The decision should only be made in the afternoon round. The start, originally planned for 11 am, was delayed by two hours.

This regulation is already being applied in Saxony, where a radius of 15 kilometers applies. Thuringia also wants to take that step. Both federal states are currently particularly affected by the pandemic. It is not yet clear whether the measure will actually be used throughout the country and from what incidence values ​​it should take effect: the Foreign Ministry had apparently requested guidance on a value of 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days.

The 100 indices would mean that almost the entire republic would have to face new restrictions. Travel within Germany would be completely paralyzed. Discussions with the Chancellor begin at 1 pm They were originally supposed to begin at 11 am, but were pushed forward due to the need for advice from prime ministers.

Ramelow: “We will have to take it a lot harder”

Previously had Thuringia Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) spoke out not only for the extended crown restrictions, but also more stringent ones. “I am going to argue today at the Prime Minister’s Conference on the side of those who say: We will have to tackle it much sharper and much harsher,” Ramelow said on Deutschlandfunk on Tuesday.

“For a long time I thought that we would better overcome the crisis.” But they were wrong, said Ramelow, who was an advocate for a relaxation course in the summer.

He also spoke out against the opening of schools and kindergartens. Instead of debating vacancies, everyone had better retire. This would give him the opportunity to protect the health system, said the Prime Minister.

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as well Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) considers an extension of the measures sensible. The restrictions are massive, “but the figures also show that nothing is clear and that we have to continue with the shutdown,” “Morgenmagazin” told the ARD. Schwesig was also concerned about the mutation of the virus in Britain. If the mutation also reaches Germany, then “we have to talk about whether it is necessary to tighten the contact restrictions.”

Sedan Government Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) expects restrictions to contain the corona pandemic to last until the end of January. Although there is a positive evolution in the incidence figures, unfortunately there is still no relief in the clinical area, Müller told the Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB) broadcasting company on Tuesday.

Hans: The lock can only be ended when the incidence is 50

In view of the continuing high number of corona infections Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has already spoken in favor of an extension until at least the end of January. He too burlap According to the State Chancellery, Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) expects Corona restrictions on public life beyond January 10 over the weekend.

In the discussion of extending the confinement, the Saar You cannot always think of Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) with a certain date in mind. “The blockade can only be ended when we have an incidence of 50 new infections per 100,000 people in seven days. Because only then will we get the virus back under control, “Hans told the” Radiowelt “editorial team at Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bayern 2) on Tuesday. For Tuesday’s deliberations, he assumed an extension of the shutdown decided in mid-December.

Hans was confident that a uniform regulation would be found: “I think it is really necessary to have this uniform line. Our federalism is under pressure in this pandemic crisis and that is why Prime Ministers are well advised to guarantee this uniformity, this solidarity. “

Currently, no one can assess how the holidays would have actually affected the development of the crown numbers. “We have a variant of the virus that threatens to enter the country from Great Britain and South Africa. And it’s about preventing a third wave, ”Hans said in the interview.

Assistance: Thomas Vitzthum
