Crown measures: careful loosening in the UK


The crown pandemic has hit Britain hard, with more than 31,000 infected people already dead. Prime Minister Johnson has now announced the first easing of the measures. Resentment is stirring in other parts of the country.

The stringent crown measures that have been in place in the UK for seven weeks are being carefully relaxed. “The number of deaths is tragic, the suffering is immense,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a television address. However, the virus had slowed down. Therefore, loosening can now be started in slow steps.

Starting June 1, classes at the elementary schools could gradually resume and some stores would reopen. Starting July 1, other public places, such as bars and restaurants, will be allowed to reopen. To protect against the new corona virus, passengers arriving from abroad must be quarantined.

Johnson has already announced the first relaxation of contact restrictions for next week. Starting Monday, those who couldn’t work from home should go back to work. Starting Wednesday, people with family members in their home are allowed to be outdoors as often as they like if they follow distance rules. Until now, they have only been allowed out of their homes once a day to play sports.

Criticism of the course of government

However, the guidelines on social distance would still apply, Johnson cautioned. However, the government is now replacing the motto “stay home” – “stay home” – the British government in “stay alert” – “stay alert”. According to ARD Correspondent Annette Dittert won’t change much for the British in the coming weeks, as the numbers currently don’t allow for powerful relaxation. According to Johns Hopkins University, over 220,000 crown infections have been detected in the UK. According to authorities, nearly 32,000 infected people died, the second highest number in the world. Jonson had also been infected with the new pathogen and therefore had to be treated in the intensive care unit for several days.

Scotland criticizes Johnson’s course

Johnson also introduced a five-tier warning system to assess the situation in the UK in the future. The classification will depend on the level of transmission of the virus, which is now slightly below one. He will present more details of his schedule in parliament on Monday, the conservative politician said.

The easing does not apply to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon asked the Scots to stay home. The government message in London to be vigilant criticized him as vague. Opposition leader Keir Starmer of the Labor party also criticized the changes as unclear.

The tagesschau reported on this issue on May 10, 2020 at 8:00 p.m.
