Crown Measurements: Requests for Adjustment Are Getting Stronger


New corona cases are stagnant at a high level. Now some country leaders want to pull the tightrope and discuss more measures before Christmas. The federal government considers the situation to be equally dramatic.

CSU chief Markus Söder sees sloppy handling of corona requirements as a reason for the consistently high number of infections. “There has been a meander in some places,” said the Bavarian prime minister before a videoconference of the CSU board in Munich. For this reason, the second wave of infections is also the most insidious.

“The current system is not enough,” Söder said in ARD morning magazine. “The numbers are stable, there are new infections every day, the number of deaths is increasing.” He made it clear that he was assuming another meeting of the federal and state governments before Christmas to discuss how to proceed in the pandemic. “We have to act, better as soon as possible.”

More recently, the crown measures were extended until January 10. The next prime minister’s conference is scheduled for January 4. Chancellor Angela Merkel had indicated that she would be available at any time for any prior consultation that might be necessary. The Bavarian head of government considers that the citizens of Germany are obliged to comply with the guidelines more consistently. To bring infection numbers back down, a “mindset change” is needed, Söder said. Everyone must be aware of the seriousness of the situation.

NRW and Saarland claims

The state governments of North Rhine-Westphalia and Saarland are pushing for a uniform approach and a new swift federal-state summit. “If the overall situation does not improve rapidly, an even more restrictive approach across the country appears necessary to reduce the number of new infections more clearly everywhere,” said NRW Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU ).

“The fact that countries with an additionally challenging infection process at the national level take additional measures corresponds to the logic of the joint decision of the Prime Minister and the Federal Chancellor,” he explained. North Rhine-Westphalia continues to depend on close collaboration between the federal and state governments.

Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) called for the exceptions applicable to New Year’s Eve to be withdrawn. “We must not take risks now,” he told “Spiegel”. The time between Christmas and New Year’s Eve should not be the driving force behind the infection process. It must be acted on in a uniform manner.

After Christmas, “everywhere in Germany the old and stricter rules of the Crown should be returned,” Hans added. Therefore, if possible, a new high-level discussion between the federal and state governments should take place in the next week.

“They are far from the reversal of the crown trend”

In view of the consistently high number of infections, the federal government estimates the situation to be as dramatic as Söder’s. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert said the current figures are cause for concern. “That is far from the trend reversal we expected.” Therefore, it is correct and necessary for some countries to plan new containment measures as planned as a common line, especially if there are more than 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days.

For the Federal Minister of Economy, Peter Altmaier, the figures are “far behind” expectations. “One can and should say that our previous measures are not enough to really break the second wave of infections.” The head of the chancellery, Helge Braun, calls for a renewed meeting of Merkel and the 16 prime ministers before Christmas. “If we can unanimously decide the adjustment before Christmas, we will be there,” said the CDU politician of “Bild”.

Jung for regional adjustment

The Chairman of the City Council, Burkhard Jung (SPD), speaks in favor of regional tightening. “If the incidence has reached more than 200 or now in Saxony a total of more than 300, then it is imperative to make a stronger lockdown for a few more weeks,” Jung said in the morning magazine ARD. Otherwise, the infection situation cannot be controlled. He questioned the relaxation announced during the holidays. “We will have to speak in Germany as a whole about whether the easing planned for Christmas and New Year’s Eve is really correct.”

Seven-day incidence peaks

On Monday night, the Robert Koch Institute reported 12,332 new corona infections in 24 hours. A week ago, more than 1,000 fewer new infections were found. The numbers tend to be lower on Monday because there is less testing and less data is transmitted on the weekend. The so-called seven-day incidence rises to a maximum of 145.9.

The value indicates how many people are infected in seven days for every 100,000 inhabitants. In this way, the value moves away again from the threshold of 50 set by the federal and state governments. The value in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein, which recently had declining numbers, has now risen above the value of 50.

The Tagesschau reported on this issue on December 7, 2020 at 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm
