Status: October 27, 2020 7:52 am

A large majority in Germany still consider the current crown measures to be sufficient. But approval is falling, it shows ARD Germany Trend Extra. Almost a third are in favor of stricter rules.

Although the number of new infections in Germany is increasing, the majority are satisfied with the measures taken against the spread of the coronavirus, as can be seen in the Morning magazine official ARD Germany Trend Extra emerges. But the criticism is increasing. Last week, more than 1,000 citizens took part in the representative survey of the opinion research institute Infratest dimap.

51 percent rated the applicable requirements to contain the pandemic as sufficient: eight percentage points less than at the beginning of the month. For 32 percent, the currently applicable restrictions do not go far enough in view of the sharp increase in the number of new infections. 15 percent consider it too long.

Too strict? Too lax? Criticism grows on both sides

Compared to early October 2020, both the number of people for whom the current restrictions go too far (+ four percentage points) and the group of people for whom the measures do not go far enough (+ five percentage points) have increased. ).

Controls are not enough for many

There is great dissatisfaction with the way in which it is controlled whether the crown requirements are being met. 50 percent of the respondents described the controls as insufficient. 34 percent consider them sufficient, ten percent go too far with existing controls.

The responsibility of the individual

In order to contain the pandemic effectively, politicians repeatedly point to the individual responsibility of citizens. At 74 percent, the vast majority of German citizens believe that their daily behavior can make a very strong (29 percent) or strong (45 percent) contribution to containing the pandemic. 19 percent perceive their contribution as less strong. 6 percent, on the other hand, think that their daily behavior cannot help contain the pandemic.

Women and the youngest and middle-aged age groups under 65 value their contribution through their behavior in everyday life more strongly than men and German citizens aged 65 and over.

Research facility

Population: Eligible voters in Germany
Sample: Representative random selection / dual frame (fixed and mobile network sample)
Collection procedure: Telephone interviews (CATI)
Number of cases: 1,036 eligible voters
Survey period: October 22-24, 2020
Weighing: according to sociodemographic characteristics
Sunday question with separate weighting
Fault tolerance: 1.4 * to 3.1 ** percentage points
Execution Institute: infratest dimap

* with a 5 percent share value ** with a 50 percent share value

Das Erste reported on this topic on October 16, 2020 at 8:09 am in the ARD morning magazine.

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