Crown mask requirement: scandalous “crown party” at AKK rendezvous – world medical chief stunned by German rules


In Germany, a mask requirement applies from Monday in all German federal states, albeit to different degrees. A poll shows how Germans deal with it.

Update, April 28, 6:40 a.m. Two thirds of the Germans I want to be in almost everyone since Monday Federal states applicable Protective mask requirement stop in shops and public transport. This was the result of a survey conducted by the voting institute YouGov. 67 percent of respondents indicated that they want to fully comply with the rules covering the mouth and nose to avoid this. Corona virus to protect

15 percent want to do this only partially, four percent want it Mask requirement Boycott Another 7 percent stated that they had no way to fulfill the obligation, perhaps because they were unable to purchase a mask or make it themselves. However, a simple cloth or scarf is sufficient for protection.

Saxony had it Mask requirement First introduced, almost all countries followed suit on Monday, followed by Schleswig-Holstein on Wednesday. The rules are in the individual Federal states different but it affects almost everywhere public Local transportation cast Purchases in Shops. Violations are punishable by fines in some countries; in others, only social pressure is used.

Mask requirement: scandalous “crown feast” at AKK rendezvous – world medical chief stunned by German rules

Update from 6:28 p.m.: After strong criticism of a press appointment by Federal Minister of Defense Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer The ministry apologized via Twitter: “Unfortunately, not everyone in Leipzig followed the rules today. We are very sorry and we also reviewed our own organization, ”he said Monday afternoon.

In the morning, numerous journalists, Bundeswehr soldiers and employees of the Ministry close together Among other things also AKK self-critical, the none Protective mask he wore though the arrival date motive for a protective mask delivery China It was. The ministry admitted on Twitter that correct behavior must still be practiced correctly for everyone.

Corona: Experts criticize mask requirement for elementary school children: “definitely not feasible”

Update, 4:34 p.m.: “Definitely not feasible” is a mask requirement for kindergarten and younger elementary school children Experts from the German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. On the other hand, it makes sense if younger children wear masks in public spaces and when they are accompanied by their parents.

Coronavirus – boy with mask – experts think about the rules

© dpa / Pavlo Gonchar

Experts consider other points to be important:

  • Babies should not wear masks to avoid sudden baby death.
  • The rules should also be enforceable in summer temperatures.
  • Masks must be made of permeable material; otherwise, “you will inevitably breathe”

10 million protective masks: Bundeswehr brings supplies

Update April 27 at 12.20 p.m.: The Antonov An-225 is the largest cargo aircraft in the world. On behalf of the German Armed Forces, the machine transported 10 million protective masks from China to Germany on Monday. They are part of a delivery of a total of 25 million pieces. The masks are checked for functionality with random samples before departure and later in Germany.

Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU), without a face mask, was waiting for the Antonov 225 to land at Leipzig / Halle airport. Many representatives of the press were also invited to this event.

The minister, employees, members of the German armed forces, reporters and cameramen fought. Hardly anyone had thought about protecting the mouth and nose. The rules of distance were probably completely forgotten when observing the “imposing appearance”. On Twitter, this made a fool of himself:

In Leipzig ne Antonov is unloaded full of masks by people who mostly DO NOT wear masks. #AKK even without a mask. How stupid can you be # Mask requirement “, twitter a user.

Another criticizes AKK’s distance-free appearance as a public relations program. Make rough comparisons of closeness to spouses and your love life. And writes: What a sign for all those to whom contact rules are imposed!.

Scheuer also wants to wear a mask on ICE and IC trains

Update April 27 11:31 a.m.: Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer advocates a protective mask requirement for rail travelers. In his opinion, a mask requirement should apply to both ICE and IC trains. From Scheuer’s point of view, it would be a “system disruption” to do it differently in long-distance transportation, as he said. It is important that the rules on rail traffic in Italy and France are not applied differently than in Germany, Scheuer said.

China, of all people, expects praise in the Corona crisis and is therefore pursuing tangible plans, said Merkur editor-in-chief Georg Anastasiadis.

Mask requirement in Germany: world medical president Montgomery accuses government of failing

Update April 27 at 9.48 a.m.: World Medical President Frank Ulrich Montgomery calls on the government to provide citizens in Germany with FFP2 medical protection masks.

Montgomery accuses the German government of failure in an interview with Deutschlandfunk (Dlf) on Monday. Politics had not come early enough FFP2 masks seek, criticize.

“A rag in front of your face” even keeps Montgomery dangerous. Viruses could accumulate there and cause infection due to improper removal and installation. Refers to information provided by the Robert Koch Institute. Also, a scarf or scarf does not stop viruses.

Frank Ulrich Montgomery harshly criticizes the mask requirement in Germany.

© dpa / Hauke-Christian Dittrich

Montgomery emphasizes that you would generally encounter a mask requirement with a reasonable work mask. “But I think a legal obligation for masks that don’t work is a state poverty certificate,” says the world medical president in the Dlf-Interview.

Meanwhile, an Antonov with millions of Chinese protective masks landed at Leipzig Halle Airport. Around 25 million protective masks will be sent to Germany with the help of the Bundeswehr.

A debate is brewing over the crown mask requirement

Update April 26 at 5.45 p.m.: While all the federal states of Germany are for one Mask requirement decided a new one sprouts Debate in. Do I have to wear nose and mouth protection when I visit a doctor? A first federal state is considering the introduction. This could be a problem especially for people with previous diseases of the respiratory tract.

Update April 25 at 8:28 p.m. Officially, the new mouthguard obligation only in shops and public transport. But basically each employer has its employees When working in closed rooms, stop wearing appropriate masks. This emphasizes Dr. Join Schramm of TÜV Rheinland Online image: “They say that very clearly new BMAS workplace safety regulations. Where the minimum distance of 1.50 meters or no partition is possible, the Mouth-nose covering a must to be “.

According to attorney Dr. Knut Seidel of “Warning until completion” Everything is possible: “Because the employer is obliged to do this solely for his duty of care.”

Daycare or daycare is likely to be a great exception. “The Using the Children’s Mouth Cover It is not feasible like this. Children probably would not use them correctly. The risk could even increase, “says Schramm. For example, when the little ones are constantly pulling the real protection and therefore distribute the drops even more.

Schramm continues: “Educators You could use the mouth and nose cap to protect others. But the decision is ultimately the responsibility of the institution or staff: “When visiting the hairdresser, the calculation is simple:”Protection is mandatory for hairdressers and their clients. The covering of the mouth and nose serves to protect the other. That means it only makes sense if both the customer and the employee use it. “

Coronavirus: mouth protection is mandatory in all federal states

First report on April 25 at 4:09 p.m.

Berlin: some countries have already taken the step, others now want to follow suit: all State in Germany now it has become one Oral protection obligation determined, although to different degrees. It starts in most countries. Mask protection obligation however, from April 27 and with similar regulations.

Corona virus: duty of mouth protection in Germany: eleven million masks ordered from Chinese junk

But the growing global demand for protective masks * due to the corona virus * has made it difficult for Germany to increase the supply of masks in her own country. The Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer personally commissioned the delivery of eight million masks that arrived from China to Germany in early April. Then the CSU politician announced another mask replacement, the purchase of which was commissioned by a Passau company.

As announced by his ministry, Scheuer knew the company from the constituency. About this report Mirror. Even the coveted FFP2 masks This is what the politician expected.

Federal Transport Minister Scheuer visits logistics company Rhenus

© dpa / Soeren Stache

Crown mask: the company in the Scheuer constituency of all countries disappointed him

The company, which actually trades in sportswear, belongs to a Chinese owner. He knows “many medical producers in Asia,” the magazine quotes the company’s managing director. China’s first delivery since early April was still completely in order. However, according to new information, many are also ordered FFP2 masks It hasn’t come like this Mirror I want to have experienced now.

According to the information he was referring to the current Crown crisis* 30 million units planned for Germany. But delivery should not happen.

Corona Virus in Germany: Scheuer instructs company to buy FFP2 masks – “all junk”

“There we saw eleven million masks, they were all garbage,” continued the managing director. The reason: the filters were bad, the tapes were broken. That caused it “a little late for delivery,” he says. After all, he learned mistakes, so he now oversees production in China.

Also, I had already delivered some of the masks *, albeit late. For Scheuer, who had previously commented on his project in the local press, this should still be a bitter setback. Especially since it is not his first …

Bavaria also introduced the obligation to wear a mask: Markus Söder is now commenting on further relaxation. At the same time, the CSU chief gives insight into the business roadmap and the catalog of fines for violations of the oral protection regulation.

To what extent is the crown pandemic reflected in the death toll in Europe? A study of mortality reveals amazing things.


* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

Image of rubric list: © screenshot
