Crown mask requirement in Germany? Decision made: there is an “urgent” recommendation


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Federal and state governments have probably decided not to introduce a mask requirement in public. However, the population is strongly recommended to wear a mask.

  • Federal and state governments continue to take action against the spread of Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus *.
  • One Mask requirement however, there should be none on public transportation.
  • However, the makers still recommend using one Respirator.

Update April 15, 7:55 p.m.: As Chancellor Angela Merkel announced at a press conference on Wednesday night, there will be no obligation to use one in Germany at the moment. Respirator give. However, the federal government recommends that citizens use the so-called “Everyday mask

Merkel doesn’t completely rule out crown mask requirements in Germany

One was categorically excluded Mask requirement Not for the future. “We really have to be able to implement what we ask citizens to do,” the foreign minister said when asked why there was only one. Recommendation and there would be no obligation. Everyday masks are in circulation, the sooner you can talk about “taking more urgent steps,” said the chancellor.

First afternoon report: Berlin – In the fight against the spread of the new Corona virus
Sars-CoV-2 Federal and state governments have probably decided not to comply with the obligation to wear respiratory masks on public transport and in retail. The German press agency reported Wednesday afternoon.

However, a mask is recommended “urgently” on local public transport and retail.

Ministry of Health: masks are used to protect others from infections

Everyday masks serve out loud Ministry of Health to protect others from infection. Special masks that also protect the user should be reserved for medical personnel.

The federal government had already identified the need for billions of protective masks; replenishment, especially of high quality masks, is difficult to obtain due to high global demand. For Germany, the Minister for Economic Affairs said that all kinds of simple daily masks and special masks for medical personnel needed several billion pieces in a matter of months. Peter Altmaier (CDU) Recently said.

Video: Citizens reach for the mask

Corona virus: the government plans new measures

Merkel and the heads of government Federal states have been reporting since the afternoon on the schedule that harsh anti-crown measures, such as school closings and contact restrictions, can be gradually relaxed. A draft federal resolution, for example, provides for the opening of stores up to a commercial area of ​​800 square meters. Then there will be a press conference on the results of the round.

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

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