Crown mask deals: did the Bavarian Ministry of Health mislead the public?


It was a time for gold diggers: Anyone who wore protective masks, and preferably still had access to politics, could become a billionaire in a few weeks during the pandemic weeks of the pandemic, in the spring of 2020. By the thousands Out of millions of euros, the federal and state governments ordered masks, gloves, protective gowns and, as often happens when money and greed come together, some of them lack conscience. Last week it emerged that CSU deputy Georg Nüßlein, who allegedly had his job well paid for a supplier, was under investigation, Nüßlein denied. Another case of masks now occupies the Munich prosecutors.

Bavarian SPD politician Florian von Brunn has filed a criminal complaint in the Emix case. The Swiss company had sold masks to the state of Bavaria at such high prices that Brunn could not have done anything right. The spicy: CSU celebrities Monika Hohlmeier, daughter of Franz Josef Strauss, and Stephan Mayer, parliamentary secretary of state in the Federal Interior Ministry, let a daughter of CSU veteran Gerold Tandler open the door for Emix. Here too, the dividing line between representatives of the people and vacuum cleaners has evidently blurred; At least in the Federal Ministry of Health and the Bavarian Ministry of Health, Emix obtained gold titles. Other providers, on the other hand, never heard from decision makers; your rotten offers in the office. What is the suspicion now that it grows even more: According to previously unknown documents, the information from the Bavarian Ministry of Health about the controversial Emix agreements is doubtful. A security risk apparently also remained hidden.
