Crown: lock extension probably fixed! Söder with bad news about the vaccination disaster


Even before Merkel’s next summit, it seems clear: the crown lockdown will be extended. Current news about the Munich pandemic.

  • The crown lockdown that has been decided throughout Germany will officially expire on January 10.
  • Other measures will be discussed at Merkel’s summit on Tuesday (January 5).
  • The crown situation also remains tense in the state capital, Munich.

Update January 4, 9:08 am: “Source of Vaccine dose has to be retained because he does not know if the Vaccine dose for the booster dosethose already vaccinated, d. Red.) are enough, “said the CSU-Politics on Sunday night (January 3) Live image. Previously, there had been some violent criticism of the supposedly fucking Start of vaccination versus Crown given in the Federal Republic.

“The fact is that very little was ordered, even the wrong ones ManufacturersSöder said in an interview with the image also: “It is in the health and economic interest to vaccinate as soon as possible.”

But obviously the Bavarian head of state doesn’t know how fast it is going either. On the contrary: the Franconian had the next bad news ready.

Coronavirus vaccines in Germany: the next bad news from Markus Söder from Bavaria

South explained about delivery difficulties Vaccine for COVID-19: “Half the doses should not be vaccinated at all, but should be withheld for the booster shot, because it is not known exactly if enough vaccine will be given in two weeks.”

Update January 3, 9:21 pm.: Shortly before the next summit with Chancellor Angela Merkel, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) again for a renewal since Closures appeal. “The numbers are still too high. We do not have an overview of what is really happening Christmas and New Year Eve it happened “, the prime minister of Bavaria told the television station RTL.

Corona: Söder again promotes the extension of the confinement “because there is not enough vaccine”

Further away Relaxations the head of CSU initially excluded. “We must be consistent and not do things by halves. That means we have to extend the lockdown to further reduce the numbers. ”

Söder justified his point of view in the RTL conversation with what he thought was slow Vaccination: “Unfortunately now we have to extend the blockade because there is not enough vaccine.” And also: “Fortunately there is one, but unfortunately not enough.”

Update January 3, 2:55 pm.: Bavaria Minister of Culture Michael Piazolo (Free voters) has opposed the opening of Bavarian schools then End of vacations Delivered on January 10. “When I look at current infection figures, I am not assuming general classroom teaching for everyone,” Piazolo said. Augsburger Allgemeine (Monday).

If he Queries and resolutions of the Conference of Ministers of Education Let’s go Federal states This Monday and the Prime Minister’s Conference on Tuesday do not meet Bavarian expectations, Piazolo can get a Bavarian Special way for schools. “Education is a matter of the state, it is possible that Bavaria will finally implement its own ideas of school policy.”

Corona blockade will be extended: Söder-Minister already suggests a special Bavarian route

Alternate lessons it would be an opportunity for the youngest to stay, at least partially, in personal contact with the teachers, ”the Bavarian Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs told the newspaper. With regard to all types of schools, Piazolo advocates a differentiated alternative and distance education system, graduated according to the age of the students and the type of school.

Blockade extension looming: Söder buttoned EU for vaccine order

Update January 3, 7:20 pm.: Vaccination in Germany is progressing more slowly than expected. In an interview with the Bildzeitung (Article behind the payment barrier) declared Prime Minister Markus Söder: “Obviously, the European buying process was inadequate. It is difficult to explain a very good one. Vaccine in Germany developed, but it is inoculated more quickly elsewhere. “In an interview, Söder voiced a clear criticism:” The EU ordered too little and trusted the wrong manufacturers. ”

Jens Spahn placed a large last minute order for Germany in December. Söder called for all procedures to be expedited, both when ordering and producing the vaccine. Planning security is necessary. However, as a critic of the Minister of Health Spahn, he does not want his statements to be understood, the problems would obviously be elsewhere: “With the EU Commission Probably too bureaucratic planned: too few of the correct sorted and too long price discussions, ”he explained in image-Interview.

Crown in Bavaria: Söder calls for the blockade to be extended until the end of January

The CSU chief also demanded that the lockdown be extended until the end of January, a premature relaxation “would set us back a lot.” Using the example of Austria The “open-close-open-close” model has been shown not to work. “We need one in Germany clear lineHe explained. The numbers are still too high and “the effects of Christmas Eve and New Years Eve It is not yet predictable ”. Tourists from risky areas and repatriated relatives are causing concern in Söder. “That’s why we have one in Bavaria Mandatory test inserted. Anyone entering the country must present a negative test immediately or within 72 hours at the latest and be quarantined for at least five days, “Söder said in an interview with the Image. The rules do not need to be tightened: “We must continue consistently with the current concept,” he said.

Crown: lock extension apparently fixed – there is still a dispute over one point

Update January 2, 7:54 pm.: As the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung wants to know from the participants, the countries agreed today on a telephone switch in the Emergency shutdown to extend. disagreement He would insist among the heads of the state chancellery whether the decision should be applied for two or three weeks.

Therefore, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia, countries that are particularly affected by the Crown, have a longer period. The federal government seems to be on their side. About the topic school It is conceivable that individual countries will decide for themselves how to proceed after January 10.

Corona lockdown is seemingly spreading: new details ahead of Merkel summit

Update January 2, 7:45 pm.: The Munich Virologist Ulrike Protzer has been fighting him Corona-Pandemie made strong for this, the existing vaccine better explode. “What else could you do? You can turn one blister this vaccine earned not just five but six doses. That would be 20 percent more, ”said the professor of Technical University of Munich Saturday the Bavarian broadcasting.

The manufacturer’s vaccine Biontech supplied as a concentrate. It should be possible to get five doses of vaccine from one vial of concentrate, but based on initial experience, they contain slightly more, allowing for a sixth dose.

Munich: Virologist presents proposal that could relax the situation of the crown

One Resignation On the other hand, the virologist does not consider the second vaccination practical about three weeks after the first. This approach would first have to be supported by new studies and then go through an approval process. Recently, Great Britain released the corresponding considerations.

Source message:

Munich – In Bavaria they were on Saturday (January 2) according to information from Minister of Health Melanie Huml (CSU) around 43,000 people with a first Dose against that Coronavirus vaccinated. Now it is important to get new ones on time and regularly. vaccine will be handed over, the minister told the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation (Bayern 2).

Most of those vaccinated arrived in the first days after Start of vaccination on December 27 from the group of servants in Health and Nursing. The second largest group were residents of nursing homes and for the elderly. Over 80 years old.

Corona: start of vaccination in Bavaria – “many have very, very high hopes”

Huml described the start of vaccination in Bavaria as a success despite some bumps in the early days. He spoke of a great logistical challenge, 99 Vaccination centers provide vaccine in 96 counties and urban districts.

Currently, the willingness to vaccinate in Bavaria is very high. “Many have a very, very great hope in this vaccine and that is also good and correct,” Huml said. Some vaccination centers have already started vaccinating older people who do not live at home. Some district administrators have already written to those 80 and older in their districts, others still would.

List of rubrics lists: © Sven Hoppe / dpa
