Crown: lock before extension – relaxation required


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Corona: Bavaria could close borders due to mutation

WHO: Do not rule out the Astrazeneca vaccine

Despite several setbacks for the British-Swedish company Astrazeneca’s corona vaccine, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Covax initiative are warning against premature cancellation of the vaccine. of a virtual WHO press conference

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Due to the spread of crown mutations, Bavaria is considering closing the border with Austria. All the news on the blog.

  • Due to crown mutations it should only be possible to leave Tyrol with a negative test
  • In Britain, massive snowfalls hamper corona vaccination campaign
  • In view of the relaxation of the crown in Austria, despite the spread of mutations, Bavaria is considering closing the border.
  • The coronavirus likely did not come from a laboratory in China, according to a WHO expert
  • On Wednesday, the federal and state governments will discuss how to proceed with the pandemic at the Corona summit.

Sedan. The deliberations of the federal and state governments at the Corona summit on Wednesday will certainly not be easy. Based on information from our editorial team, the federal and state governments should already agree to an extension. However, it is not yet clear for how long. The main reason is the great concern about the spread of crown mutations in Germany.

According to the first mayor of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher, the initial steps can only take place “if the influence of mutations on the infection process can be assessed. That is not the case currently,” the SPD politician told the editorial network. Germany (RND).

The Corona Summit will take place on Wednesday

But the “decisive issue” in the federal-state consultations will likely be kindergartens and schools, at least if it depends on the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (CDU). The debate on kindergartens and schools was “sloppy” in the fight against the corona pandemic, the CDU federal chairman told a special session of the state parliament in Düsseldorf on Tuesday.

Corona news of the day: RKI reports 3,379 new infections

For the first time in more than three months, the so-called seven-day incidence, according to figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), is below the threshold of 75. In one day, the German health authorities reported 3,379 new corona infections to the RKI. In addition, 481 new deaths were recorded in 24 hours.

However, as the RKI noted, around 600 cases from North Rhine-Westphalia were not processed in time on Monday and will therefore only be included in the statistics tomorrow. Read about it: RKI reports corona case numbers and current incidence value

Crown – More information on the topic

Corona-News February 9: Departure from Tyrol due to mutations initially only with proof

2.35 pm: In the fight against the spread of corona mutations, Austria is imposing stricter measures in Tyrol. With the exception of East Tyrol, it will only be possible to leave the state for ten days with a negative corona test starting next Friday, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said in Vienna on Tuesday.

Heavy snow in Britain slows vaccination campaign

2:19 pm: In Britain, massive snowfalls hamper the coronavirus vaccination campaign. Several vaccination centers had to remain closed due to weather conditions, for example in the cities of Ipswich and Colchester in eastern England. Several schools that were still open for emergency care during the pandemic also remained closed.

According to WHO experts, the coronavirus probably did not come from a laboratory in China

1:29 pm: An expert from the World Health Organization has Accusations against China the origin of the coronavirus weakened. The virus is unlikely to have escaped from a Chinese laboratory, Peter Ben Embarek, an expert on food safety and animal diseases, said Tuesday at the end of a visit to the Chinese city of Wuhan. The coronavirus is more likely to have passed from animals to humans.

A team of scientists from Wuhan arrived at the possible origins of the virus determined. The first cases with the coronavirus were detected in Wuhan in December 2019. Because the Wuhan Institute of Virology was collecting virus samples, there have been allegations that the facility may have caused the original coronavirus outbreak. China has denied it. The People’s Republic, in turn, suggests that the virus may have entered China from elsewhere.

“Our initial findings suggest that introduction by an intermediate host species is the most likely route and that it will require more studies and more specific investigations,” said Embarek. The coronavirus may have been transmitted through trade in frozen products.

CSU brings to discussion the closure of the border with Austria

12:57 pm: In view of the relaxation of crown measures in Austria with a high number of infections at the same time, Bavaria is thinking of closing the border. “What Austria is doing is irresponsible from our point of view,” CSU Secretary General Markus Blume said on RTL and n-tv’s “Frühstart” on Tuesday. In the neighboring country it spread Virus mutants from Great Britain and South Africa, especially in Tyrol.

“We will not allow this wave to spread across the border to us in Germany,” Blume said. “That is why it is good and important that border controls are intensified again now.” Furthermore, “the closing of borders should also be a possibility”, if only as a “last ratio”.

Previously, the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder (CSU), had already discussed the closure of the border between his state and Tyrol. He also referred in Tuesday’s “Münchner Merkur” to the tightening of border controls and veiled searches that had already taken place. “If the danger increases, closing the border with Tyrol should not be taboo,” Söder said.

Corona Vaccine – More about vaccines:

The economy is pushing to ease before the Corona summit

12.41 pm: One day before the next federal-state summit, retailers, restaurateurs and hairdressers are increasing the pressure on politicians. In view of a week-long closure, they are calling for a transparent timetable to open their shops, bars and hotels, and warning of a wave of bankruptcies.

For example, the mood in the catering and retail sectors is getting worse. “We urgently need clear criteria on when and under what conditions our establishments will reopen,” said Ingrid Hartges, general manager of the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (Dehoga).

All previous corona news

12.35 pm: Corona’s new news blog starts here. You can read all the previous news here on our previous Corona news ticker.

(fmg / dpa / afp)

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