Crown lock: Bavaria is moving forward – what the other countries are planning now


Germany Crown-Lockdown

Bavaria rushes forward: what other countries plan to toughen up

| Reading time: 4 minutes

Corona hotspots – Bavaria operates the emergency brake

Germany has been in partial lockdown for five weeks, but the number of infections remains high. The first federal states are now tightening and tightening the contact rules.

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Bavaria has declared a disaster, in other federal states tougher corona measures are pending, in December. Another prime minister conference is also under discussion.

PPoliticians at the federal and state levels are calling for stricter restrictions on access points with a very high number of corona infections. The Bavarian cabinet had already decided on new measures on Sunday. Another meeting of the federal and state governments is also scheduled before Christmas. So far, a new prime minister conference is scheduled for January 4.

Chancery Chief Helge Braun reiterated the goal Sunday night of being below the mark of 50 new infections per 100,000 residents per week. On Sunday, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein also passed the threshold as the two countries with the fewest infections. But there are always counties that exceed the value of 200 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. Saxony is currently particularly affected.

In the “Bild” talk, Braun said “The right questions”, “at least at critical points we will have to make the fit very clear.

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Every region, every federal state, and every district must have a dynamic that rapidly falls below 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week. If there is a willingness on the part of the federal states to do something together against the hotspots, then the federal government will be there immediately, Braun said.

Federal Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) is also indirectly in favor of stricter crown restrictions. Current infection figures are well below the government’s expectations. “It will have to be said that our previous measures are not enough to really break the second wave of infections.”

Lauterbach: from Christmas dinner straight to lockdown

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) had previously discussed another prime minister’s conference before Christmas. One will “probably” need another conference before Christmas, Söder said Sunday after a special meeting of his cabinet in Munich. We have to talk again about what happens at Christmas and especially on New Year’s Eve.

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach also called for a new federal-state round this week. From his point of view, stores should close “at least two weeks” after Christmas, he told the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. He had made a similar statement on Twitter.

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By the end of November, the federal and state governments had only generally agreed that even stricter measures would be taken in the event of particularly high infection levels with an incidence of more than 200 new infections per 100,000 residents per week.

Crown rules – that’s what countries plan

The federal and state governments agreed to allow ten more children to attend family gatherings from December 23 to January 1. In Bayern The cabinet has now decided to maintain the planned easing from December 23-26 only. Now, in Bavaria, gatherings in two households with up to ten people are only allowed from the day before Christmas Eve until Christmas day. Otherwise, a maximum of five people from two households can be together.

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In Sedan A maximum of five people is allowed during the entire vacation. A similar regulation has already Baden-Wuerttemberg. Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann defended the decision to relax the wreath measures at Christmas, but not on New Year’s Eve. “Christmas is a fairly quiet family celebration. New Year’s Eve is out, ”Kretschmann told the“ Südkurier ”. The December 23-27 easing was “no longer low-risk.”

Other federal states are also considering moving away from relaxation during the holidays. SaxonyPrime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) said on Sunday night on ZDF’s “Berlin direkt” show that it had to be “readjusted” at critical points. “We speak in government about the options that exist. We will certainly make more decisions in the course of this week. “There will be other necessary measures.”

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Deutsche Bahn employees, together with federal police officers, verify compliance with the mask requirement at Munich Central Station

HessenPrime Minister Volker Bouffier said Sunday night in the ARD “Berlin Report” that he believed a curfew was necessary for incidence values ​​above 200. Thuringias Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) was quoted by the Funke media group with the words: “There will be no relief for Christmas and New Year’s Eve.” The cabinet should discuss this on Tuesday.

the Saar Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) had warned in the “Augsburger Allgemeine”: “One thing is clear: we must not take any risks, not even on New Year’s Eve.”

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However, there are no stricter rules Hamburg planned. “We have seen a decrease in the number of infections in Hamburg over the last two weeks. But not in the last few days. In this sense, I hope that we can continue with our strategy and not have to resort to further measures, “Hamburg Mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) told the ZDF” Heute Journal “on Sunday evening.

On the other hand, it is initially based on common sense and not on stricter rules. “If there is no other way, we have to take drastic measures,” he also said. Such rules for the event of a disaster, as they have now come into force in Bavaria, also exist in Hamburg.
