Crown leader: Belgium shuns blockade


IIn the country with the highest infection rate in Europe, the lives of its citizens are even more restricted. However, after hours of consultation, the federal and regional governments were unable to agree to a closure with permanent exit restrictions on Friday. For millions of Belgians, this means that, despite the new measures, they will be able to travel in the autumn holidays that are now beginning. Holiday parks and zoos will be closed, but hotels will not. Second homes can also continue to be controlled. Borders remain open, even if traveling abroad is “strongly discouraged”. The virologists, however, had demanded a closure as in France; the Wallonian government had also campaigned for him.

Thomas gutschker

Thomas gutschker

Political correspondent for the European Union, NATO and Benelux countries based in Brussels.

All “non-material” businesses must close by December 13th. Each person in a household can only have close contact with one other person, until now there have been three. Two contacts are allowed for people living alone. A maximum of four people can be together in public spaces. Hairdressers and other professions with direct physical contact have to stop working. A maximum of 15 people is allowed at funerals. Teleworking becomes mandatory whenever possible.

School holidays will last one week until November 15. At the secondary level, half of the lessons should take place practically until the Christmas holidays, with the exception of the Abitur class. The measures apply from Monday, must be reviewed on December 1.

“Last Chance Measures”

“Our country is in a state of health emergency,” Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said. All physical contacts should be limited as much as possible so as not to overload hospitals. The Flemish liberal said it was “a last chance measure.” But there is no reason to buy hamsters, the grocery stores remain open.
