Crown in Thuringia: regular nursery only with vaccine or at the end of the pandemic


05:05 pm | Eisenach: schools are moving to sports halls

Eisenach sports halls are not initially available for club sports. According to the city, four schools will use the buildings as additional classrooms until the summer holidays. Rooms should be cleaned during the holidays and could probably be available to clubs again. The city expects clubs to use outdoor sports facilities more than before due to the crown pandemic. As soon as everyone has presented their hygiene concepts and wishes, the administration will prepare a new occupancy plan for the sports facilities.

4:55 pm | DFB pushes to play – Holter declines

In Thuringia, the ban on team sports remains for the time being. This was announced by the Minister of Sports, Helmut Holter, after a conversation with DFB President Fritz Keller. The DFB had made it clear that it was interested in resuming play in the 3rd division and in the women’s Bundesliga as quickly as possible. For the moment, Holter refused. The country wants to treat professional and popular sports equally and, according to current regulations, there should be no team training or team sports with great potential for contact, the minister said. From Thuringia, FC Carl Zeiss Jena (3rd division) and FF USV Jena (Women’s Bundesliga) play in the DFB division.

4:30 pm | The Altenburg team is looking for contacts

The Altenburger Land health department is creating its own Corona contact search team. As announced by the district office, 25 employees are being trained from a wide range of specialized areas. They should be on hold to identify contacts of people who tested positive for Corona and identify possible sources of infection. For this, a good knowledge of the cities and municipalities is advantageous. Therefore, the district office decided to trust its own employees and not outside assistants, according to the district office. Additionally, internal employees would only be deployed when necessary and could do their own work when not needed. The Altenburger Landes health department currently has 33 employees.

4:10 pm | Kemmerich is no longer head of the FDP SME Association

After his temporary retirement from the FDP federal executive board, the Thuringian FDP head of state, Thomas Kemmerich, also resigned as chairman of his party’s SME association. The “General of Thuringia” reported in advance on Thursday, citing a spokesman for the Thuringian state association Furing and the deputy head of the party association. Kemmerich wanted to “fully focus on state policy,” state spokesman Thomas Reiter told the newspaper.

3:55 pm | The first circles indicate the date of regular operation of the nursery

In kindergartens in Hildburghausen District it remains for the time being extended emergency care. According to the district office, preschool-age children and their siblings will be seen beginning Monday. Starting June 15, kindergartens should start their regular operations again. The decision was made in conjunction with the mayors, the district office said.

at Saale-Orla District The so-called restricted regular operation should start on May 25. According to the district office, all boys and girls can return to the 59 facilities. Nurseries must be open for a maximum of nine hours. In addition, many individual agreements are required between parents and daycares to be able to agree the procedure with protection against infection, he said.

The situation is similar Sondershausen Regular operation begins May 25. There must be a model of change, according to which children are cared for one week in the nursery and one week at home. The facilities open from 7 a.m. at 3.30 p.m.

3:30 pm. | Hygiene processes in Sonneberg under observation

An expert committee will examine hygiene processes at the Corona access point in Sonneberg. As Regiomed CEO Alexander Schmidtke MDR THÜRINGEN said, the clinical association proposed the test. Internal processes must also be carefully examined. Things had happened at Sonneberg that could have been done better. It’s important to learn from this and see what you can do to correct any mistakes, says Schmidtke.

This week, an interview in the newspaper with the director of the Regiomed Institute of Hygiene, Klaus-Dieter Zastrow, caused a stir. He had described the employees as “stupid”. This led to violent criticism from the ranks of the workforce and politics. The Sonneberg district has been identified as a hot spot in the pandemic with 168 infections to date. At the Sonneberg Clinic, 20 employees also contracted the coronavirus.

3:10 pm | Possible additional sick leave over the phone

Employees don’t have to go to the doctor yet if they have breathing problems. The sick leave exemption over the phone has been extended through May 31. You can read more about this at MDR AKTUELL:
