Crown in the world: Switzerland decides the curfew – politics


Due to the persistently high number of corona infections, the government is cracking down on Switzerland. The measures decided on Friday remain weak compared to Germany and other neighboring countries. There are no curfews, shops and restaurants are not closed, and the ski areas remain open during Christmas and New Years. Meetings in private rooms are no longer restricted. Ten people can also meet, including children and without domestic restrictions. At the national level, restaurants, bars, shops, museums, libraries, as well as sports and leisure facilities should now close between 7 pm and 6 am That should apply until January 22. Apart from bars and restaurants, they must be closed on Sundays and holidays. On December 24 and for New Year’s Eve, the curfew does not apply until 1 am There should be exceptions for cantons where crown numbers are low.

On Friday, the number of new infections in Switzerland in 14 days was almost 622 per 100,000 inhabitants. In Germany, the value per 100,000 inhabitants was 156 in seven days.In addition to the measures adopted, only recommendations are applied to work at home if possible and to meet as few people as possible. If all this does not help, stricter measures would be taken, said Federal President Simonetta Sommaruga. “Participate, otherwise the blockade will get closer and closer,” warned Health Minister Alain Berset.

Like the federal states in Germany, the cantons are actually responsible for the measures in Switzerland. However, the government was frustrated that some were too hesitant. In western Switzerland, some restaurants and shops have been closed since November, in other cantons there were hardly any requirements beyond wearing a mask and keeping your distance.

France imposes curfew on New Year’s Eve

France is slowing down its crown-related restrictions. Museums, cinemas and theaters must now be closed until January, three weeks longer than promised. Prime Minister Jean Castex justified it on Thursday night in Paris with the words: “We have not yet reached the end of the second wave.” France has been particularly affected by the pandemic in the European Union.

After weeks of lockdown, the government is holding on to the fact that as of Tuesday, permits that were previously required for citizens will no longer be needed. Then there’s a nightly curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. The regulation also applies to New Year’s Eve, Castex said. “We have to be sensible,” warned the head of government. There will only be one exception for Christmas Eve.

France, with its around 67 million inhabitants, is still a long way from the target of less than 5,000 new infections per day. This mark was established by President Emmanuel Macron in November for further relaxation of restrictions. According to figures from Wednesday, more than 56,000 people have died so far. There were around 14,600 new infections in 24 hours.

New maximum death toll in the US

In the US, the number of corona deaths recorded in 24 hours has reached a peak. There were 3,124 deaths on Wednesday with a confirmed coronavirus infection, according to data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU) in Baltimore on Thursday morning (CET). The highest figure so far with 2,879 deaths was recorded a week ago on December 3.

The number of new infections in one day again passed the 200,000 mark and was 221,267 on Wednesday. The highest value so far was recorded last week with 227,828. In total, around 15.39 million people have been infected by the coronavirus in the country with around 330 million inhabitants. Since the start of the pandemic, around 289,400 people have died from the Sars-CoV-2 pathogen. In absolute terms, that is more than in any other country in the world.

The Johns Hopkins website is regularly updated and therefore shows a level higher than the official figures from the World Health Organization (WHO). In some cases, the numbers, including new infections in 24 hours, but also deaths, are updated retrospectively.

Guterres warns of “vaccine nationalism”

The UN Secretary General, António Guterres, has warned about the disadvantage of the poorest countries in relation to the distribution of corona vaccines. “Vaccine nationalism” has accelerated, the 71-year-old said. People in emerging and developing countries looked at vaccination programs, mostly still planned, in some wealthy countries and wondered if and when they would also receive vaccination protection.

On Friday, Guterres said that reactions to the new virus were chaotic and uncoordinated in the first few months. Countries, regions, and even cities would have competed for basic supplies. This should not be repeated with vaccines. “We cannot allow the same to happen with access to the new Covid-19 vaccines. They have to be a global public good.”

Guterres has repeatedly advocated treating vaccines as a public good that should be available to everyone in the world. On Wednesday, he advocated spending $ 4.2 billion over the next two months on a WHO program to purchase and distribute virus vaccines to the world’s most vulnerable people. They are affected by poverty.

Vaccine data harnessed in a hacker attack

In a hacker attack on the European Medicines Agency (EMA), according to Biontech and Pfizer, documents about the coronavirus vaccine from pharmaceutical companies were accessed. “Certain documents related to the submission of approvals for Pfizer and Biontech’s Covid-19 candidate vaccine BNT162b2 are affected,” Biontech announced Wednesday night. There is no evidence that patient data is affected.

According to the EMA, the incident will have no impact on the vaccine examination timelines. Pfizer confirmed the information. The EMA had previously announced the hacking attack without giving any details. Now the background will be investigated. The authority is responsible for evaluating and controlling drugs.

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Canada approves the vaccine

Canada issues preliminary approval for corona vaccine from Biontech and Pfizer. It is the first vaccine approved in the country. Over the course of the next year, at least 20 million doses of vaccines will be delivered to Canada, the two companies said. With the decision of the Canadian authorities, the country will be number three in the world after Great Britain and Bahrain for having approved the active ingredient in the fight against the pandemic.

Canada is expected to receive up to 249,000 doses of vaccines this month and four million in March. The government has signed a contract to buy 20 million cans and an option to receive 56 million more. For complete vaccination protection, a patient needs two doses. The country has about 38 million inhabitants. Regulatory authority Health Canada posted on its website that it had approved the product from US manufacturer Pfizer and its German partner Biontech after a thorough and independent review. The vaccine meets strict safety, efficacy and quality standards.

Note D. Red .: In an earlier version of this announcement, it was wrongly stated that Canada was the second country to grant a permit. Excuse the mistake.

Israel begins corona vaccination campaign on December 27

Israel will begin its corona vaccination campaign on December 27, according to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The 71-year-old man announced Wednesday night in Tel Aviv that he would be the first to be vaccinated. At the same time, Netanyahu appealed to his nine million compatriots to follow his example. “I ask all citizens to get vaccinated.” 60,000 doses of vaccine could be administered per day. Those who are vaccinated must receive a “green passport”. “That will quickly return us to normal,” Netanyahu said.

Slovakia decides to blockade step by step despite massive tests

Slovakia has decided on a step-by-step lockdown to combat the corona pandemic. Prime Minister Igor Matovič presented a plan on Wednesday night that provides different dates for the start of restrictions for the country of 5.5 million people, depending on the industry. This includes that three days before Christmas, most stores are closed for at least three weeks. There are exceptions for the sale of food and other products that cover basic needs.

Starting this Friday, restaurants and cafes in the EU country will have to lock their outdoor terraces in addition to the previously closed indoor spaces. The sale of food and drink to go is still allowed. As of December 14, hotels and ski lifts will only be able to accept guests who present a current negative corona test. After Christmas, no one can work in companies with more than 500 employees without a negative Corona test.

The measures are controversial because Slovakia had subjected almost the entire population to rapid corona tests. Matovič had touted these massive tests as an alternative to the blockade.
