Crown in the White House: Trump is not afraid of infections


There are already two crown infections in the immediate vicinity of the President of the United States: Chief Immunologist Fauci is also quarantined as a precaution. Trump played down the White House cases.

By Claudia Sarre, ARD Studio Washington

It’s all under control. As always, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, calmed the temperament excitedly. Only one person in the White House was infected with the corona virus. In truth, two people in the immediate vicinity of the Trump administration have already hired Covid-19, this has been known since late last week. She is the press officer for Vice President Mike Pence, Katie Miller, and a personal assistant to President Trump.

Three people who were in contact with the infected government worker must be quarantined. But they were all proven “totally negative,” literally Trump.

Domestic quarantine declaration

It is these three people who will testify today at a hearing on the President’s crisis management in the United States Senate, most notably the United States’ leading immunologist, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Because he was in contact with Katie Miller, the 79-year-old man is currently in domestic isolation and is being added via video. The same goes for Robert Redfield, head of the CDC, and Stephan Hahn, head of the FDA. All three are supposed to answer video questions from the US senators.

A week ago, Trump blocked a Fauci appearance. The infection expert was supposed to testify in front of the Democratic-controlled United States House of Representatives. Democrats accuse the president of incapacity and serious omissions in the Corona crisis.

Daily crown tests for Trump and Pence

Trump tried to minimize the Covid 19 cases in the White House in the usual way: “We have a surprisingly large number of people in the White House and only one case of the crown. A large number of people come here every day. Because we have to govern a country, we want to keep our country running. ” He and Mike Pence are screened every day to make sure they are in good health, the president added. Anyone who came to the Oval Office would be evaluated at Corona.

According to newspaper reports, the White House had greatly tightened security measures and introduced a mask requirement after the two cases were known. At the press conference in the rose garden, everyone present, with the exception of Trump, wore a mask. He doesn’t get that close to anyone, Trump said. Therefore, it was not necessary for him to wear a mask. “We learned that, by the way, the advantages and disadvantages of masks. But our country has learned something new, our country was incredible. And you can see the numbers. The infection numbers have decreased substantially,” said the president.

In many parts of the country, especially around the capital Washington, the corona virus is far from under control. There is still a curfew in Washington and the neighboring states of Virginia and Maryland. Here there is still no flattening of the curve.
