Crown in Lower Saxony: Strict lockdown applied during Easter | – news


Status: 23.03.2021 09:05 am

From Maundy Thursday to Easter Monday, public life in Lower Saxony should also be completely inactive. After the holidays, a consistent testing strategy should allow for specific freedom.

According to the Lower Saxony State Chancellery, the aim of the strict lockdown is to limit the level of infection until the testing strategy takes effect. One is demanding a lot from the people of Lower Saxony and the whole of Germany, said Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) after the Bund-Länder consultations, which this time went on until late at night. “But this gives us the opportunity to overcome the dynamic increase in the number of cases, buy time and gradually return to normality through intensive testing offerings.”

Only work that is absolutely relevant to the system is allowed.

In the five days starting on Holy Thursday, only the store will open on Easter Sunday. Companies should not produce and only those who are absolutely relevant to the system should be allowed to go to work, according to a statement from the Lower Saxony State Chancellery. Public life and direct interpersonal contacts must be kept to an absolute minimum. He sees the harsh lockdown over Easter as “a break in the exhausting spiral of new closings and a tentative relaxation,” Weil said. He appealed to citizens: “Please let us take this approach together.”

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Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (center, CDU), Berlin Mayor Michael Müller (left, SPD) and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) take part in a press conference at the Chancellery after deliberations of the federal and state governments.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Michael Kappeler

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Significantly more corona tests after the holidays

After the holidays, 40 percent of people in Lower Saxony have to be tested systematically twice a week, Weil says. In this way, infections could be detected at an early stage and the chains of infection could be broken. A consistent testing regimen will gradually reduce the number of infections significantly, according to the State Chancellery. In addition, there will be enough vaccines available from mid-April to vaccinate 3.5 million people across the country each week. According to the State Chancellery, all people who want to be vaccinated must be vaccinated before summer. “Now we ask you to make a big effort at Easter and then use the trial offers in Lower Saxony intensively and thus regain more and more freedom,” said the Prime Minister. According to the State Chancellery, the federal and state governments trust that the concept of vaccination, testing and reduction of contacts can end the crisis of the crown.

Municipalities with an incidence greater than 100 must apply the emergency brake

Many districts and urban districts in Lower Saxony are currently exceeding the limit of 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. According to the State Chancellery, these regions must pull the emergency brake and recover the openings that have already been made if they have not already done so. According to Weil, all had hoped “that our joint efforts could finally contain the spread of the virus and make possible again more movements and encounters”. However, that did not happen. However, Lower Saxony wants to stick to the idea of ​​model projects with safe zones: in individual areas, people with a negative corona test should have access to retail and gastronomy, to cultural and sporting events.

Tests in school and business

“We will use the rest period over Easter to establish an ambitious and sustainable testing regimen,” Weil promised. After Easter, according to the Prime Minister, all students should be able to be tested twice a week. Testing capabilities would also be expanded in enterprises. “I am confident that the Lower Saxony economy will take up this task responsibly and will do its best to test employees who work on site twice a week,” said Weil.

But there is no Easter holiday in your own state

With their idea of ​​vacation home vacations in their own country, the Northerners could not prevail in the federal-state consultations. Hubert Meyer, managing director of the Lower Saxony district assembly, finds this regrettable, but the resolutions showed how dire the situation is at the moment.

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 03/23/2021 | 8:00 am

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