Crown in Italy: role model for South Tyrol – politics


The Italian government transfers responsibility for managing the coronavirus to the regions, a concession to the different threats. The country is already discussing how beaches, hotels and restaurants can be opened.

Italy is about to change course, it could also be called a paradigm shift. And South Tyrol probably served as a pioneer. The central government in Rome hands over responsibility for opening the shutdown to the governors of the regions that have so far complained about the line in the capital. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte never went far enough for one sovereign, for others he went too far with the restrictions of public life, depending on the political orientation.

Until now, it has always been the case that the measures applied to everyone, in the severely affected areas of the north, as well as in the south of the country, almost totally preserved. This decisively helped slow the spread of the virus. Now only Lombardy and Piedmont are in a critical situation. All other regions of Italy have Corona under control for now. An indicator of this is the number of intensive care beds occupied, the biggest concern for Italians since the beginning of the crisis: it has dropped to less than a thousand. It has never been so profound since the hard close on March 10.

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However, the number of new infections in Lombardy soared on Tuesday. 1,033 new cases were registered in 24 hours, the health ministry announced Tuesday.

Autonomous South Tyrol did not want to wait any longer despite the fluctuating numbers and therefore caused the government to act. Last week, the Bolzano provincial parliament decided on a special route and opened almost everything: restaurants, bars, shops, museums, libraries, companies. As of May 18, all the other Italian regions can now do so, they must decide for themselves on measures and measures. “A new phase is beginning for the governors,” said the responsible minister, Francesco Boccia. “You are now responsible for your regions.”

The controversial tone that resonated there was wanted. In the event that the curve of new infections increases again, Rome reserves the right to intervene immediately. Also with the establishment of “Zone rosse”, with total closings of individual areas.

Just put a towel on the sand and put it on? You won’t be allowed

The change of course is a clear sign that it has become safer over the summer. Conte recently said: “We will not spend on our balconies this summer, the beauty of Italy will not be caught in quarantine. We will go to the sea, in the mountains, we will be able to enjoy our cities.” He did not speak of foreign tourists. But whether the country’s borders will open does not only depend on Italy. At the moment, there will still be no traffic between the regions, except in emergencies. This limitation is likely to ease in late May. Many Italians have second homes in their home region or by the sea, so they should be allowed to drive home. However, it is up to the regions to determine the conditions for this. Sardinia, for example, plans to screen each Corona visitor first after the ferry and plane arrive. How it should work in practice is still unclear.

Expert groups have developed guidelines and manuals for “phase two”, and those related to beaches and restaurants are also of particular interest. In state-licensed beach pools, around 30,000 in the country, each umbrella should be at least four and a half meters away from the one next to it, and the distance between the rows of beds should be five meters. Beach bars and restaurants can only serve takeout food and drinks, toilets and showers must be constantly disinfected. Before visiting, you must reserve your place online. On free beaches, police and butlers look to the right and channel visitors. If it becomes too dense, it closes quickly. Bath towel in the sand and put it on? You can not

Visiting the restaurant will also be much less fun. The scientists’ proposal: four meters between the tables, with plexiglass partitions in the middle. The innkeepers association complains that they lose up to sixty percent of their commercial space and income. In Italy 1.2 million people work in the hotel industry. Now there is a discussion on how outdoor space could be better used. If a guest needs to use the bathroom, they put on a protective mask. And then there is a whole series of hygiene rules for the kitchen.

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