Crown in Germany: Merkel under pressure – Merz calls for clearer course


Chancellor Angela Merkel announced Thursday a further easing of the crown measures. Now the pressure continues to grow, especially from the economy.

  • Chancellor Merkel and the heads of the countries discussed on Thursday, April 30, in a video change about how to proceed in the Corona crisis.
  • Among other things, the rules for playgrounds, zoos and weddings should be relaxed.
  • Here is our guide to the coronavirus.
    Reports *, the current one Case numbers in Germany as a card *

Update 7:33 p.m.: The federal system strengthens Germany from the perspective of the CDU presidential candidate Friedrich Merz in the crown crisis. In democracy, there are political authorities and decision-making mechanisms that have now proven effective, Merz Zeit said online Saturday. “Federalism also makes us stronger because it requires a constant process of weighing the actors, something that does not happen this way in France or the United States, for example. That makes it more complex for us, but better in the end. “

Politicians must Population but better communicated the norms on which it makes decisions, criticizes Merz. “There has to be some predictability of decision-making processes and additional steps for the coming months. It would be in ours Federalism It is also not bad if greater uniformity of decisions between federal states became recognizable and different decisions were confirmed. “

Merz He emphasized: “The state simply has to admit and also say: we cannot help everyone in this crisis. The State with the best will in the world, for example, it cannot repay lost sales. ” Politicians must manage expectations: what works and what doesn’t? “Because everything that is now issued by the public coffers must be paid by future generations.”

Crown in Germany: Merkel is under increasing pressure, the industry is even giving her an ultimatum

Update 1.40 p.m .:Chancellor Angela Merkel has an international collaboration in the search for medicines and Vaccines for him Control of crown infections. called. “Today, it is estimated that eight billion euros are still missing for the development of a vaccine,” the foreign minister said Saturday in her weekly video (podcast). He watched the donor conference on May 4, to which he invited the EU Commission. Germany will make a “significant financial contribution”, which it does not yet want to name.

The Green has asked the federal government to make further arrangements for development and acquisition Corona vaccine to make the failures, such as those that occurred in the area of ​​the production or acquisition of masks and protective clothing, should not be repeated, says in a letter addressed to the Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn and the Minister of Education Anja Karliczek (both CDU) , also signed by the leader of the parliamentary group Katrin Göring-Eckardt. The AFP news agency was available on Saturday.

Dieter Nuhr (ARD): Viewers on Twitter are upset by the comedian. It is based on Angela Merkel and Christian Drosten with bland comparisons.

German crown: Merkel under increasing pressure: industry is even giving her an ultimatum

9.58 a.m. update: pressure on the chancellor
Angela Merkel and the heads of the countries are increasing every day, especially by the economy.

Now him Industrial chair Dieter Kempf (67) Merkel is a kind of ultimatum. Because German industry is paying billions in losses in the crown crisis, Kempf calls for a political plan to gradual loosening – no later than May 6th.

On this day, the chancellor wants to discuss and present concrete decisions for tourism, gastronomy, schools and kindergartens.

Kempf also demands a “binding planning horizon” for companies. The Funke Media Group He said: “Every week of a shutdown, the German economy costs an average of two billion dollars of value added.”

Such a cut could not be endured for months and would cause massive losses in prosperity and permanent damage to the economy and society, the industrial president said.

BDI – Dieter Kempf

© dpa / Jörg Carstensen

Politicians must now work to ensure they can get back to work as quickly and reliably as possible, said the president of the BDI industry association.

The BDI chief lowered hopes of a rapid recovery in economic activity, as he had before the crisis: “This will probably only be feasible in the year following the next year.”

Update May 2, 8:44 a.m.: President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble has warned again about overestimating state aid options in the crown-induced economic crisis. He was “concerned that people had the impression that the state could now pay for everything,” the CDU politician told the “Mittelbadische Presse / Offenburger Tageblatt” (Saturday). “In the end, however, we can only spend as much on aid and social benefits as is generated.” That is why one has to decide together how an intensive recovery of the economy can be achieved in Germany and Europe.

“I suppose there will be a strong push towards digitization. This will help the Germans to overcome our previous awkwardness in this area,” said Schäuble. He was convinced: “The social market economy will also demonstrate its worth in this crisis.” However , not everything will be as it was before the crisis.

Loosening of the crown: bandage with a bitter letter to Merkel – “unilateral fixation”

Update 1.00 p.m .: Massive comes from the economy too Criticism of the course of the federal and state governments in the crisis of the crown. In a letter from the Federal Association of Small and Medium Enterprises Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the countries declare: “We appeal to politicians with great concern for the future of this country and for the prosperity of its citizens: stop unilateral fixation from a purely virological perspective and, therefore, the game dangerous with the future prospects of this country. ” “

In the letter to Merkel and the heads of the country, the head of the association criticized that it was not yet concrete. Roadmap for a gradual start-up of the economy has been sent “We think that is irresponsible”. It was also said: “The development of a vaccine will contain the corona virus for the foreseeable future, and changes in our country’s economic livelihoods could be irreversible by then.”

Saxony-Anhalt Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff
(CDU) Meanwhile, he defended the course of the heads of government, including the change of opinion on the subject of the duty of mask and the close coordination with virologists. There are “new, hourly, new ideas about the spread of the virus,” he told Cicero magazine.

However, the only way to control the spread of the virus is to “significantly reduce contacts and break the chain of infection.”

Haseloff also responded to the impression. Virologists ruled the country. Scientists themselves “often” made it clear that subsequent decisions and considerations depend on policy. In the past, it was advised to understand the councils as “legitimate policy councils, but not to let virologists take away the political decision,” emphasized the CDU politician.

After the Corona Summit: FDP and AfD criticize Merkel’s relaxation plans

Update 12.30 p.m.: The Federal government flexibility plans parts of the opposition do not go far enough. FDP chief Christian Lindner For example, the decisions made by the federal and state governments to proceed in the Corona crisis have been criticized as insufficient. The results of the consultations “unfortunately do not give a clear perspective, as expected,” he told dpa. “Education, gastronomy and the Bundesliga are only being postponed.” Other countries in Europe, like Austria, are now much faster than Germany. “The costs of stability in our country are politically underestimated,” warned the liberal leader.

AfD said similarly. The shutdown decided by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the heads of state governments must now end “as soon as the infection numbers have developed very well,” party spokesman Jörg Meuthen wrote Friday in a Facebook post.

Germany had to return to its “economic normality” while respecting all hygiene requirements. Otherwise, there would be “an unprecedented wave of layoffs,” Meuthen continued. The AfD chief painted a grim scenario: “Countless self-used and loan-financed properties are at stake. Family tragedies threaten. ”

Sweden, on the other hand, follows its own path in the Corona crisis. After much criticism, it is now surprising that Sweden received praise for the Corona course from the WHO leadership. *

Crown in Germany: Laschet warns Merkel and company of “growing anger”

Update May 1, 10.55 a.m.: Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin laschet (CDU) has spoken once again in favor of rapid loosening in the crown lock, and indirectly also claims against Chancellor Angela Merkel (also CDU) and the Prime Minister of Bavaria, who criticizes relaxation Markus Söder (CSU) collected.

In a guest post in the news magazine Focus Laschet warns of the “exponential damage that awaits us”, but it does not only mean the infection process: said damage could not be “measured in daily R factors”, explained the father of the country. Specifically, he mentioned, among other things, the dangers of a “deep recession“Which could cost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Armin Laschet at a session of the state parliament in Düsseldorf.

© dpa / Federico Gambarini

“Given the constantly changing indicators and target descriptions, if you pretend that everything is completely clear, it is too easy for you,” Laschet emphasized. There are “growing doubts” and “growing anger in many people” whose lives, family and work are affected.

This does not automatically generate a new opening. However, none is allowed Contrast between life and the economy. being built It is not about “life against money”, but “life opportunities against life opportunities”. That doesn’t just apply to Entrepreneurs, but also for Old woman, Patient, whose operations are postponed and Children and adolescentswho can not go to school

Laschet called for “less and less regulation” and “more and more personal responsibility.”

Report on the dispute at the Corona summit: Merkel is said to have criticized Drosten, at one point she remained stubborn

Update 9:50 p.m.: At the summit of the chancellor Merkel cast Prime Minister no major changes were made to the CrownMeasurements decided Only on May 6, after another meeting, there could be a more extensive relaxation. It is increasingly difficult to find a consensus between the federal and state governments on how to proceed. According to Image there was at the summit thick air

According to the newspaper, it was on for 30 minutes Opening of the disputed playground. The changing and sometimes contradictory evaluations of virologists were also controversially discussed.

According to Image namely the virologist Christian Drosten criticized for his conflicting statements about the risk of infection of children in the pandemic. At the subsequent press conference, however, he praised the scientists and emphasized that it was normal for the unknown virus to change its mind.

According to the newspaper, Zoff was published in which some federal states brought into play. Reopening of restaurants May 10. Merkel is said to have been strictly against it.“I couldn’t carry that with me”quote

In addition, according to the image information, there is a risk of fractures between the south, which is significantly more affected by the virus, and the less affected federal states in the north. There must also be friction between the parties and even within the party.

You can find an overview of the new Corona loosening here.

Merkel announces further relaxation for Germany, and speaks furious

Update 6.09 p.m .: “Then I wish you a good May day,” says the chancellor. Angela Merkel At the end of the press conference. “Labor Day,” he adds later, and gets up to leave the federal press conference with Söder and Tschetschner.

Update 6.07 p.m.: “One thing is clear: there will be no normal school year this year,” says Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU).

Consequently, appropriate concepts have been put forward on how to gradually open them, says Hamburg’s first mayor, Peter Tschentscher. Now you have to think about how you can implement this accordingly in the younger children’s area.

Crown Germany: No special incentives for the auto industry at the moment

Update 6:04 p.m .:According to Chancellor Angela Merkel at a conference with the federal government on Tuesday, the auto industry cannot yet wait for a decision on special incentives for the industry. Now it’s about the prospect of how the economy should start again after the Corona crisis, Merkel said Thursday after a video conference with the countries’ prime ministers. Even before the pandemic, the auto industry was a major central industry that many jobs depend on.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) reiterated his call for one “Innovation bonus”create incentives to buy, increase demand, and at the same time advance climate protection. Next Monday he would speak to colleagues in Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony about whether and how this could be implemented.

Corona Summit: Criticizing the change in factors for the blockade, Merkel speaks of anger

Update 17:59: “I warn against blaming the person who brought the message for making sure the wish is not fulfilled.” It would be bad if scientists no longer dared to comply with theirs. Perceptions to communicate, then the Chancellor further Science is a very beautiful and exciting field of work in which you have to do something new every day: “That is not the case in politics. Sometimes you have to repeat things, “he adds. But politics is also there to provide a framework for changing scientific knowledge.

Update 17:53: Current criticism of adjustments to Loosening factors the chancellor does not want to bear it. In response to a corresponding question, Merkel is really speaking angry. Den R factor I have had before, “it was not invented in the Corona crisis.” She was also pleased that “Germany has outstanding scientists in the field of virology and epidemiology.” And it’s a hallmark of science to make the new findings transparent over and over again.

At first she had about Duplication rate It argues to bring the risk of exponential growth closer to the citizen. But the fact that new knowledge about this new virus was known and influenced policy was not a disadvantage. Even if that means that there has been no reliable knowledge for a long time. “We have to live with it, it is part of our enlightened society. And it would be no worse if scientists do not share their latest findings with us. “

Pk to the Crown Summit: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) with Markus Söder (CSU) and Peter Tschentscher (SPD)


Corona Germany: summer vacation? Joke of Merkel and Söder

Update 5.41 p.m .: “Travel is not on the agenda at the moment,” says Chancellor Angela Merkel when asked by a journalist. If, despite the infection in summer, vacation travel within Germany is really possible again, he recommends a vacation in Bavaria when traveling south, CSU chief Söder said. So Merkel joked, whose constituency is located in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which can also have a lot of fun in the north. Söder summed it up as follows: “South and north: the west is not there.” Perhaps a small council against the head of government of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (CDU), who did not attend the press conference after the change of the federal and state governments to the crown. The crisis participated.

Update 5:36 p.m.: Playgrounds are not the highest priority, says Söder. The opening of Schools and kindergartens. The decisions are steps in the direction of “normality, but: normality with Corona”. It also urges citizens to “be patient”. Patience and consistency together are the right advisers. “

So far, the crisis has been well managed, Söder said and thanked the Chancellor. Angela Merkelwho is “an international voice of reason” in these times of crisis.

Video: Look at the whole PK again

Merkel on the changes for Germany NOW live: Big steps announced for May 6

Update 17:27: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder sees past successes in the crown crisis as “luck”. The debate on the consequences of the measures should not lose sight of the danger of the pandemic. “The most important tip is caution,” said Söder.

Corona is a marathon, at the end of which we don’t know where the target is, “said Söder, criticizing discussions about which lives should or should not be saved.

What is particularly important to me: the economy is a part. You think about it a lot. ” Söder sees the biggest challenge in the Gastronomy. Especially when it comes to alcohol, hygiene measures and distance regulations are at risk. Family reunions and family vacations like Mother’s Day also worried the Prime Minister. There was a lot of discussion about how the necessary crown supplies could be made.

Update 5.25 p.m .: It attempts to cushion the massive effects of the crown crisis on the economy.

Update 5.22 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel appeals to the perseverance of the population. He thanked the citizens for taking good care of them. Crown restrictions He stopped

Necessary effects of relaxation on the Chains of infection it must be considered. “We will also evaluate all the next measures,” said the chancellor. Infections, but also the economic consequences played a role here.

Federal and state governments have also agreed Warning system they agreed to new outbreaks of infection chains. These would have to be recognized early.

Update 17.17 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and the first mayor of the free and Hanseatic city of Hamburg, Peter Tschentscher (SPD) open the press conference.

Corona Summit: Chancellor’s press conference delayed

Update 17.13 p.m .: In the last conference call, he was mainly the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Soder been in different directions Measurements and flexibility. moved However, many of the restrictions that have been resolved cannot be easily maintained due to massive restrictions on fundamental rights. It was not yet known what issues the federal and state governments would debate on Thursday.

Update 5:03 p.m .: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) takes a long time to arrive. However, this is nothing new in negotiations between the federal and state governments in times of the Corona crisis. With the past The chancellor changed the phone to the prime minister details were often discussed far beyond the specified target date.

Update 4.43 p.m .: The debate on School openings It will be postponed until May 6, as expected. This was agreed in the deliberations of the federal and state governments. Also to expand the Childcare must submit a resolution only for the next chancellor placement Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the federal states next Wednesday. The German Press Agency learned this on Thursday from participants in today’s change conference.

Merkel’s Corona Summit: playgrounds, zoos and lakes: grand openings decided

Update 16:29: Prime ministers were able to join the conference call Angela Merkel apparently also at the opening of Museums, zoos and exhibitions. some dpa reports, citing groups of participants.

Update 4:01 p.m.: In the deliberations of Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers, the federal and state governments have already agreed on some points of the Federal cabinet resolution Agree. For example, the number of intensive care beds reserved for prospective crown patients should be reduced. Under certain distance and hygiene rules, religious services should also be allowed again.

Those who have been locked for weeks should also be subject to hygiene requirements. Children’s parks reopen The German press agency learned this from the participants. The round did not initially establish a uniform point in time for the opening of the playgrounds.

Individual Federal states He had recently relaxed the regulations. In most Berlin districts, children were allowed to play on playgrounds on Thursday. In the last weeks Swings, slides and even ping pong tables. laced with a red and white ribbon. Parents should now make sure to avoid crowded facilities and that their children comply with hygiene standards.

I like with Schools, nurseries and sports clubs. According to the will of the federal government, it should not be decided until May 6. North Rhine-Westphalia already decided on Thursday to bring all primary school children to schools starting May 11. A daily lamination system was planned.

Coronavirus · playgrounds

© dpa / Julian Stratenschulte

In addition to the Corona summit: Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer wants to maintain border controls.

Update 3:41 pm: As Chancellor Angela Merkel advises Prime Minister on further steps in the coronavirus pandemic, it beats Federal Minister for the Interior, Horst Seehofer plans to maintain current border controls for now. But there is resistance in the Union faction. In principle, Seehofer can simply organize the controls. But he gives importance to coordination with countries.

Earlier, nine members of the Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate Bundestag had stated Thursday that Limits France, Luxembourg and Switzerland should be reopened. The “Spiegel” reported on this first.

Crown Summit: Chancellor Merkel debates with Prime Minister about further relaxation

Update 2.35 p.m .: The federal resolution * proposes far-reaching relief from the Crown restrictions before The Chancellor’s deliberations Angela Merkel (CDU) with the Prime Minister has now started. There are likely to be regional differences in federal states when it comes to decision making and implementation. For this, the presentation of the Crown Cabinet from Thursday there is also room for maneuver.

Update 2.30 p.m .: Despite the wide openings of Zoos, playgrounds and important family gatherings., the federal government apparently adheres to the decision to also facilitate larger commercial areas Restaurants and hotels decide on May 6. At the national level Contact blocking was before Crown summit Extended by Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Prime Ministers at 2 p.m. to May 10. In this regard too, obviously, you can only expect new developments next week.

Ronda Bund-Länder: further relaxation is still open

© dpa / Bernd von Jutrczenka

Merkel’s Crown Cabinet: Hospitals should be able to perform operations that can be re-planned from now on

Update 13:57: In the future, a large part of the Hospital capacities can be used for predictable operations. Currently, about 40 percent of intensive care beds would be kept free for crown patients with financial compensation. The current developments of Infection numbers as well as the precise description through the intensive care bed register now apparently allow relaxation. This stems from the federal government’s draft resolution for discussions between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the heads of government of the federal states, which are available for dpa.

Consequently, states must assume regional control from now on, taking into account regional peculiarities, based on a concept presented by the federal government for this purpose. A permanent exclusive Prioritization of a specific group of patients. it cannot be justified, he continues. At the same time, the sufficient capacity of treatment with Covid 19 must be kept free and adapted to the development of the pandemic.

Merkel’s Crown Cabinet: the federal government wants to write a concept for greater school openness

Update 1:43 p.m.: Apparently it should work intensively in others Relaxation in the school area. be worked on the federal government draft resolution on counseling Chancellor Angela Merkel The Prime Minister has until May 6 to develop a concept for the gradual opening of schools, kindergartens and the resumption of sports.

Chancellor Helge Braun’s office he is said to be with the heads of state chancelleries in the Basis of recommendations. of the respective ministerial conferences.

Corona Summit: weddings and visits to the playground are allowed again; important events are still prohibited

Update 1.35 p.m .: Despite the first extensive landslide of playgrounds, zoos, museums, and major family events like weddings or funerals, the federal government wants to do that. Prohibition of major events. such as folk festivals, large sporting events with spectators, concerts, as well as street, wine and shooters festivals. That will remain the case until August 31, he said in the draft resolution to advise Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) with the prime minister today.

When and under what conditions could smaller public and private events or celebrations be held due to the particularly high risk of infection Not yet predictable.

Corona-Gifpel Today: Extensive Openings – Possible Weddings with the Family

Update 1:25 p.m.: The federal government also wants to allow religious celebrations such as baptisms, circumcisions, and weddings, as well as small group funeral services, even in the Corona crisis. However, the number of participants must be based on family membership. Furthermore, “only indispensable persons” must be admitted, according to the draft decision of the Federal Government, which was presented to the German Press Agency in Berlin, for discussions between Chancellor Angela Merkel and the heads of state governments on Thursday afternoon.

Corona Cabinet today: wide openings of playgrounds and museums.

Update 1:26 p.m.: In addition to playgrounds and museums, the federal government now wants bans due to the Corona crisisPrayer services and meetings. allow again. This loosening is also subject to compliance with appropriate hygiene measures.

Update 1:10 p.m.: In addition to the playground, museums, exhibitions, memorials, zoos and botanical gardens are said to be able to reopen under certain conditions, according to the federal government. The prerequisite for small and historic buildings in particular is that the requirements for Hygiene and the observance of the necessary distance could be implemented in terms of space and personnel, the federal government’s draft resolution for the deliberations of Chancellor Angela Merkel with the heads of government of the countries that are available to the dpa. To this end, a financing program of initially € 10 million will be launched in the short term for crown-related conversion measures.

Update 1:05 p.m.: The federal government wants them for Crown pandemic Playgrounds that have been closed for weeks. Parents should make sure to avoid crowded facilities basic hygiene rules Comply, it says in the draft federal government decision available to the German Press Agency in Berlin for consultations with Chancellor Angela Merkel with the prime ministers of the federal states on Thursday afternoon.

Crown Cabinet: Merkel extends contact blocks – virologist warns: “I don’t know why so many dead …”

Update 12.44 p.m .: The virologist Alexander Kekulé chose drastic words about ARD at Maischberger on Wednesday night. The night before Corona’s cabinet, he said about the economic impact of the Running of the bulls: “It is very short for me to say ‘money or life’. We just need a concept of how we can protect ourselves and start our social life again.”

And obviously you already have an idea. Refers to the call Smart distancing. First, it is about protecting the elderly. Second, about the masks, “that finally ended,” says Kekulé. Third, you should be able to create new ones Chains of infection understand “And we have to test. Test, test, test.” But stupid things are “causing big shoots again”, like opening everything again.

Blockade in Germany: Will the Merkel Crown Summit decide on far-reaching relaxation today?

The Blocking it didn’t work perfectly, Kekulé said. Because you still have more than 1000 cases a day and you don’t know exactly why or how your infection chains proceed. This could be due to the fact that people do not stick to the contact blocks, or one has to Closing measures adjust “- or was it because of the missing masks?” Before he can assess this clearly, the virologist warns of hasty openings.

And with his warning from the night before, Kekulé could be in the course of the Corona cabinet. Because with wide openings Not expected this Thursday.

However, some things could change. Loosening representative Armin Laschet (CDU) warns against the postponement of important medical and hospital appointments due to the crown crisis and therefore endangers one’s health. Of the today’s federal-state contact with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) müsse ein Signal an Menschen mit anderen Krankheiten ausgehen, „die sich nicht ins Krankenhaus trauen, weil sie Corona-Patienten den Vorzug geben wollen“, sagte der nordrhein-westfälische Ministerpräsident noch vor der Telefonschalte mit seinen Amtskollegen und der Kanzlerin, die um 10 Uhr begann.

Merkels Corona-Gipfel: Welche Entscheidungen fallen heute?

Update 11.32 Uhr: Die Bürger müssen sich bezüglich weiterer Öffnungen in der Coronavirus-Pandemie wohl noch gedulden. Nach den ersten Ladenöffnungen sind bei den heutigen Beratungen von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel mit den Ministerpräsidenten offenbar keine weiteren großen Lockerungsschritte geplant. That informs the ARD unter Berufung auf Koalitionskreise.

Eine möglicherweise schrittweise Öffnung des Gastgewerbes soll frühestens im nächsten Corona-Kabinett am 6. Mai entschieden werden.

Update 10.26 Uhr: Die Beratungen von Merkels sogenanntem Corona-Kabinett haben begonnen. Eine Beschlussvorlage wird gegen 14 Uhr erwartet. Über die Volage des Bundes soll dann bei den Beratungen der Kanzlerin mit den Ministerpräsidenten ab 14 Uhr entschieden werden. Mit weitreichenden Öffnungsbeschlüssen wurde vorerst noch nicht gerechnet. Die bundesweite Kontaktsperre wurde bereits im Vorfeld bis zum 10. Mai verlängert. Darüber und über den Umgang mit der Gastronomie und dem Tourismus sollte demnach frühestens bei der nächsten Bund-Länder-Schalte am 6. Mai entschieden werden. Es zeichnen sich jedoch bereits stärkere regionale Unterschiede ab.

Kurz vor Merkels Corona-Gipfel heute: Ministerpräsidenten setzen auf regionale Unterschiede

Update 9.23 Uhr: Kurz vor den Beratungen von Bund und Ländern über die Lockerungen der Coronavirus-Maßnahmen, zeichnet sich deutlich ab, dass es starke regionale Unterschiede geben wird. So warnte der bayerische Ministerpräsident Markus Söder (CSU) vor übereilten Öffnungen. Ohne Impfstoff drohe „eine zweite Welle“, so Söder im Bavarian radio.

„Wir haben einige Länder gesehen, die haben sehr schnell gelockert und mussten dann das Gegenteil tun“, sagte Soder mit Blick auf Singapur. Auch wenn andere Bundesländer nun schneller voranschreiten wollten, so Söder, er selbst werde zurückhaltend bleiben. Dennoch sei er „keinem Kollegen böse“, der die Lage jetzt anders sehe.

Niedersachsens Regierungschef Stephan Weil (SPD) für regionale Abstufungen bei der Lockerung der Corona-Auflagen ausgesprochen. Er halte dies für „vertretbar“, sagte er im ARD-Morgenmagazin. Ähnlich äußerte sich Brandenburgs Ministerpräsident Dietmar Woidke (SPD) – mit einer wichtigen Einschränkung. Er sehe zwar auch regionale Unterschiede. „Aber bei den ganz großen Fragen wie Bundesliga, Kitas, Schulen müssen wir uns dringend miteinander abstimmen“, sagte Woidke im Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg.

Kurz vor Merkels Corona-Gipfel: Erste Entscheidung gefallen – Kontaktsperren verlängert

Update, 8.58 Uhr: Nun verkündete Kanzleramtschef Helge Braun die Entscheidung. Die in der Corona-Krise bis zum 3. Mai geltenden Contact restrictions sollen nach den Worten von Braun „sicherlich“ erst einmal bis 10. Mai verlängert werden. Das kündigte der CDU-Politiker am Donnerstagmorgen (30. April) bei n-tv vor Beratungen von Bund und Ländern über das weitere Vorgehen an.

Kurz vor Merkels Corona-Gipfel: Erste Entscheidung bereits durchgesickert

Update, 8.48 Uhr: Erste Neuigkeiten sind bereits durchgesickert: Die Kontaktbeschränkung soll bis zum 10. Mai verlängert werden, heißt es aus Regierungskreisen. Das berichtete zuerst RTL. Bund und Länder hatten sich nach Ostern zunächst auf eine Verlängerung der Kontaktsperre bis zum 4. Mai geeinigt.

Coronavirus: Bundeskanzlerin (CDU) berät mit den Regierungschefs der Länder

Update, 30. April, 8.38 Uhr: Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) berät am heutigen Donnerstag (30. April) mit den Regierungschefs der Länder über das weitere Vorgehen in der Corona-Krise. Weitreichende Entscheidungen – etwa über weitere Relieving der Measurements, sind von den Beratungen per Videoschalte aber nicht zu erwarten. Unter anderem soll es um die Frage gehen, inwiefern bundesweit wieder Gottesdienste oder andere religiöse Veranstaltungen stattfinden können. Mit einem Ergebnis, das Sie hier im Live-Ticker verfolgen können, wird gegen 16.30 Uhr gerechnet.

Weiterreichende Entscheidung über neue Lockerungen und Öffnungen werden erst von der kommenden Bund-Länder-Beratung am 6. Mai erwartet.

Vor Merkels Corona-Gipfel: RKI korrigiert Reproduktionszahl deutlich – folgen nun weitere Lockerungen?

Update, 29. April 20.48 Uhr: Than Robert Koch-Institut vermeldet kurz vor dem Spitzentreffen von Angela Merkel mit Bund und Ländern am Donnerstag eine deutliche Verschiebung der Reproduktionszahl*. Nach den RKI-Schätzungen vom Mittwoch liegt die Ansteckungsrate mit dem Coronavirus in Deutschland demnach nun bei 0,75 (Datenstand 29. April, 0.00 Uhr).

Das bedeutet, 10 Infizierte stecken im Schnitt 7,5 Menschen an. Die Zahl der Neuinfektionen sinkt damit leicht. Seit Mittwoch nutzt das RKI ein sogenanntes Vier-Tage-Mittel für seine Schätzung der aktuellen Neuinfektionen und damit auch der Reproduktionszahl. Zuvor wurde ein Drei-Tage-Mittel genutzt.

Anfang März lag die wichtige Kennziffer noch bei drei, am 8. April bei 1,3, in den vergangenen Tagen bei 0,9 bis 1 – jeweils mit einer gewissen Schwankungsbreite. Das RKI hat immer wieder betont, um die Epidemie abflauen zu lassen, müsse diese Reproduktionszahl unter 1 liegen. Daneben ist unter anderem die Zahl der Neuinfizierten pro Tag wichtig.

Nach Angaben von RKI-Präsident Lothar Wieler vom Dienstag wurden in der vergangenen Woche rund 2000 erfasste Neuinfektionen pro Tag übermittelt, deutlich weniger als in den Vorwochen. Seit Wochenbeginn einschließlich Mittwoch lagen die Zahlen bei etwas über 1000 pro Tag. Zu Wochenbeginn ist jeweils noch ein Meldeverzug zu berücksichtigen. Es gibt laut Wieler weiter viele Ausbrüche in Krankenhäusern und Pflegeheimen.

Vor Merkel-Gipfel: Lindner fordert weitere Corona-Lockerungen bei Lokalen, Läden, Schulen – „Wenn …“

Update, 29. April 20.17 Uhr: Vor den Beratungen zwischen Bund und Ländern zur Corona-Krise am Donnerstag hat FDP-Chef Christian Lindner weitere Relieving gefordert. „Das ist auch die wesentlichste Frage der Sicherung von Arbeitsplätzen und von Betrieben“, sagte Lindner am Mittwochabend in einem ZDF-„spezial“.

„Wenn Hygienekonzepte vorliegen – Schutzmasken, Desinfektion, hinreichend Abstand zwischen den Menschen – dann müssen Lokale, Läden, Schulen – dann muss das gesellschaftliche Leben insgesamt wieder geöffnet werden können“, sagte der Politiker weiter. Die Sorge, dass das Virus bei zu schnellen Lockerungen mit voller Wucht zurückkommen könnte, teilte Lindner nicht. Man könne den Gesundheitsschutz intelligenter organisieren, so dass das gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Leben möglich sei.

Update, 29. April 19.40 Uhr: Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) berät am Donnerstag mit den Regierungschefs der Länder über das weitere Vorgehen in der Corona-Krise. Weitreichende Entscheidungen – etwa über weitere Lockerungen der Maßnahmen, sind von den Beratungen per Videoschalte aber nicht zu erwarten. Unter anderem soll es um die Frage gehen, inwiefern bundesweit wieder Gottesdienste oder andere religiöse Veranstaltungen stattfinden können. Mit einem Ergebnis wird gegen 16.30 Uhr gerechnet.

Corona-Lockerungen: Drei Länder preschen mit Drei-Stufen-Plan für Freizeit, Tourismus und Gastro vor

Update, 29. April 17.10 Uhr: Mit einem Drei-Stufen-Plan wollen Nordrhein-Westfalen, Baden-Württemberg und Niedersachsen schrittweise die coronabedingten Einschränkungen for him Tourismus, die Gastronomie und die Hotellerie
zurückfahren. Demnach sollen die ersten Einschränkungen ab Anfang Mai gelockert werden.

Eingeleitet werden soll die Öffnung mit touristischen Outdoor-Angeboten wie Zoos, Freizeitparks und Klettergärten, wie die Wirtschafts- und Tourismusminister der drei Länder am Mittwoch mitteilten. In der zweiten Phase sollen Restaurants und mit eingeschränkter Nutzung Ferienwohnungen und Hotels folgen. Später solle dann der Übernachtungstourismus ohne Restriktionen wieder möglich sein.

Dieses Konzept wollen die Länder in die Wirtschaftsministerkonferenz einbringen. „Zu welchem Datum die einzelnen Phasen beginnen, werden die Länder in Abstimmung mit dem Bund in Eigenverantwortung bestimmen“, heißt es in einer gemeinsamen Mitteilung.

Wie die „Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung“ berichtete, ist die erste Lockerungsstufe für den 7. May ins Auge gefasst, in der zweite Phase folgten am 11. Mai Restaurants und mit eingeschränkter Nutzung Ferienwohnungen und Hotels und am 25. Mai dann Übernachtungstourismus ohne Restriktionen. In Hannover hieß es, der tatsächliche Zeitplan stehe unter dem Vorbehalt des Infektionsgeschehens.

Bei allen Maßnahmen sei zu beachten, „dass der Gesundheitsschutz der Bürgerinnen und Bürger Vorrang hat“. Deshalb sehe das Konzept die Einhaltung strikter Abstandsregelungen, Hygienevorgaben und Registrierungspflichten vor. Voraussetzung sei auch immer, dass die epidemiologische Lage sich weiter stabilisiere.

Menschenleer ist ein Biergarten mit gestapelten Bänken und Tischen in München.

© dpa / Sven Hoppe

Corona-Krise: Laschet dämpft Erwartungen an Bund-Länder-Beratungen

Erstmeldung vom 29. April 2020: Berlin – Wird es bei den nächsten Bund-Länder-Beratungen zur Corona-Krise Lockerungen der Beschränkungen* geben? Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) wird sich am Donnerstag (30. April) erneut mit den Ministerpräsidenten der Länder zusammenschalten.

Es deuten sich neue Reglementierungen an: So hält Bundesverkehrsminister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) auch im Fernverkehr der Deutschen Bahn eine Maskenpflicht* für angeraten – im Nahverkehr gilt sie seit dem Montag in fast allen Bundesländern. Auch für Urlaubsreisen* in diesen Sommer gibt es noch kein grünes Licht. Neben der Maskenpflicht gibt es ab Mai 2020 auch weitere Änderungen. Alle neuen Regelungen im Überblick.

Laschet zu baldigen Corona-Lockerungen: „Erst, wenn wir valide Zahlen haben“

Doch ebenso wie Merkel und andere Länderchefs dämpft auch Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerpräsident Armin Laschet (CDU) die Erwartungen an das bevorstehende Bund-Länder-Gespräch zur weiteren Corona-Strategie* gedämpft.

„Wir haben uns gemeinsam darauf verständigt, über weitere Maßnahmen erst zu entscheiden, wenn wir valide Zahlen dazu haben, wie sich die ersten Öffnungen ausgewirkt haben“, sagte Laschet den Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe. „Da diese Zahlen am Donnerstag noch nicht vorliegen, werden wir über mögliche größere gemeinsame Öffnungsschritte frühestens am 6. Mai sprechen können.“

Sitzung des Landtags NRW

© dpa / Federico Gambarini

Corona-Lockerungen in den Bundesländern – Laschet (CDU) für Geschlossenheit

Wichtig bleibe aber die regelmäßige Abstimmung und Abwägung. „Die Bundesregierung hat ja gerade erst darauf hingewiesen, dass es aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Betroffenheit auch durchaus ein regional unterschiedliches Vorgehen geben kann“, erläuterte Laschet.

Er werbe aber auch weiter für Geschlossenheit: „Bei den zentralen Fragen im Umgang mit der Pandemie brauchen wir Geschlossenheit im Länderkreis. Ein gemeinsames Vorgehen sorgt für Verbindlichkeit und Verlässlichkeit“, betonte der Regierungschef von NRW*.

Bund-Länder-Beratungen: Merkel rechnet nicht mit Corona-Lockerungen

Zuvor hatte die Bundesregierung wiederholt deutlich gemacht, dass bei dem Gespräch noch nicht mit weiteren Lockerungen der Corona-Auflagen* zu rechnen ist. Merkel* wird sich am Donnerstag erneut mit den Ministerpräsidenten der Länder zusammenschalten.

„An diesem 30. April wird es wichtige vorbereitende Beratungen und sehr begrenzte Beschlüsse geben“, hatte Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert am Montag nach einer Sitzung des Corona-Kabinetts in Berlin erklärt.

Dietürkische Lira fällt zum Euro auf tiefsten Stand seit 2018. Aufgrund der Corona-Krise haben die Notenbanken immer wieder den Leitzins angepasst. Erdogan’s government is reaching its limits. Weitere Lockerungen in der Corona-Krise sind im Gespräch. Nun wurde ein Plan für die Kita-Öffnung in Deutschland erarbeitet.*


* ist Teil des bundesweiten Ippen-Digital-Redaktionsnetzwerks.

Rubriklistenbild: © dpa / Kay Nietfeld
