Crown in Germany: federal government wants stricter rules from November – politics


Starting November 4, additional measures could take effect in Germany to curb the spread of the coronavirus. This arises from a draft resolution for the conference call between the Chancellor and the heads of state governments. Currently, the proposal is being coordinated between the SPD and the countries governed by the Union.

The measures will be limited until the end of November and will be reviewed and discussed again after two weeks. The goal is to reduce the number of new infections so that families can reunite at Christmas.

As in the spring, “a joint effort” is required for this, according to the draft resolution. The situation is once again very serious. “We have four difficult winter months ahead of us,” they say. But the federal and state governments would look to the future with confidence, advances in vaccine development and easier infection control in the summer would give hope that Germany, if it does well this winter, will gradually overcome the pandemic in the coming year and it will also recover economically. might.

The following measures are planned:

  • Schools, kindergartens: Schools and kindergartens remain open, federal states should adopt more protective measures.
  • Meetings in private and public: Contact should be kept to a minimum. From now on, you should only be allowed to stay in public with members of your own household and those of another household. This is binding, violations of these contact restrictions would be sanctioned by the regulatory authorities.
  • Visits and trips: In general, citizens should refrain from private trips and visits, even from family members. This also applies in Germany and for national day trips. Accommodation offers should only be available for necessary purposes and no longer for tourist trips.
  • Leisure: All institutions and facilities that have to do with leisure must be closed. These include nightclubs, theaters, opera and concert halls and similar establishments. Fairs, cinemas, amusement parks, arcades, casinos and betting offices will also be closed. This also applies to brothels.
  • Gastronomy: Clubs, bars and restaurants also have to close, except for delivery and collection outside the home, as was the case in spring.
  • Health, personal care: Physiotherapy practices can remain open. Hair salons may also open under certain conditions. On the other hand, fitness studios, massage practices, cosmetic studios, tattoo studios and similar businesses have to close.
  • Retail trade: Retail can remain open, the number of customers is limited to one customer for every 25 square meters of sales area.
  • Business: Businesses should make it possible to work from home whenever possible. All businesses affected by the closure must receive emergency assistance to offset economic losses.
  • Hospitals, nursing homes, certain risk groups: Groups in certain facilities must be particularly protected. These include hospitals, nursing homes, senior facilities, and homes for the disabled. Separate protective measures must be taken for this. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that these people are not completely isolated. There should be rapid tests for regular check-ups of residents and patients.

The federal government bears the costs of the measures.
