Crown in Cologne: Cologne incidence value incorrectly indicated due to a fault in the Ministry of State


Suburb –

Due to a collapse in the State Health Ministry, a lower incidence number than the previous one was incorrectly reported on Monday despite the significant increase in corona infections in Cologne. The State Health Center (LZG), which is subordinate to the ministry, gave the incidence value, that is, the number of people per 100,000 inhabitants who were infected with the coronavirus, for Cologne at 75.4, but the total number reported cases remained unchanged.

Compared to Sunday, the incidence reported by the LZG fell by 8.3, while the city reported a “continuous increase.” This was not more precisely defined, a relaxation of the infection process as suggested by the LZG, but could not be observed.

New infections were also reported in other cities with zero

When asked, the state ministry emphasized that the figures correspond to reports from health authorities to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). They “reflect the status of the data in the LZG at the specified time and are updated daily overnight.”

The LZG forwards the data to the (RKI) every day throughout the night, both reported an updated status once a day at the end of the day. Therefore, the reporting system is “dynamic”, subsequent changes are common. However, on Monday it was noted that new infections in other major cities in North Rhine-Westphalia, such as Düsseldorf, Wuppertal and Aachen, were also zero.

200 new officially reported infections only occurred once

On Monday, the city of Cologne reported “around 200 new infections” compared to Sunday, which means that “around 7,100” people in Cologne have been infected with the corona virus so far. 200 new infections have been officially reported just once since the start of the pandemic: from Thursday to Friday there were 204. On all other days, including spring, the number was sometimes significantly lower.

However, a year ago significantly fewer tests were conducted than these days, so the numbers are hardly comparable. In any case, this Monday the usual and minor “dent” at the beginning of the week did not materialize. Generally, fewer tests are done on the weekends than during the week, so fewer positive results are reported to the health department the next day.

The number of acutely and confirmed infected people is unknown

The city did not announce the number of people acutely and confirmed infected Monday. According to the LZG, that depends on the LZG. The correct ticket number itself will probably only be released after a 24 hour delay. If you add the approximately 200 new infections announced by the city on Monday to the new infections of the last six days, the result would be, in any case, an incidence number that would be remarkably above 90, a big difference from the number communicated by the state center. New infections from the last two days will only be officially included in the statistics on Tuesday morning. Therefore, a high incidence value can be expected.

The currently dynamically worsening infection situation also led to an 11 pm curfew in restaurants and a ban on the sale of alcohol on weekends. This weekend, the municipal law enforcement office verified compliance with the partially new regulations with a highly visible presence (we reported). Employees of the public order office made 70 speeches about the non-observance of the curfew schedule from Friday night to Monday morning, with both hosts and guests.

Compliance with the nightly prohibition of alcohol consumption and sale was also verified. Law enforcement officers made a total of 44 speeches, but did not record any infractions after repeated scorn. People also largely complied with the ban on meeting and contacting, which was tightened compared to the summer. Proceedings are now being initiated against 27 people.
