Crown in children: doctors discover strange symptoms, now the first cases in Germany


Coronavirus Dilemma Around Children: Experts warn of the unpredictable consequences of the blockage on the psyche and health, but now alarming reports of new symptoms.

Update from May 1: This news hit the headlines a few days ago: Several European countries reported Diseases at Childrenthat in the “Kawasaki syndrome” remember: fever, digestive discomfort and inflammation of the vessels. Although a coronavirus test was not positive in all affected children, many doctors suspected a connection between the two diseases.

Now there are corresponding reports in Germany: according to Reinhard Berner, the university hospital in Germany Dresden at least two reported cases. However, it is still unclear if there is a connection to a coronavirus infection, he told the German Press Agency. “It is quite conceivable,” he added.

At the Geneva University Clinic, three children have been treated with such severe inflammation since the start of the crown epidemic. Also from Italy and Spain Cases have been reported. In Britain The National Health Service (NHS) has alerted hospitals to approximately two dozen seriously ill children. Many, but not all, had tested positive for the new Sars-CoV-2 virus.

The World Health Organization (WHO) It has already addressed the issue, as Covid 19 Commissioner Maria van Kerkhove said Wednesday night. “We know that children tend to have less serious illnesses, but some develop serious illnesses and others have died,” he said. “We have asked our global medical network to be vigilant.”

WHO emergency coordinator Michael Ryan added: “This shows that the virus attacks not only the lungs, but other tissues as well.” However, Ryan calmed concerned parents: “The vast majority of children who get the virus are mild.” Infection and fully recover. “

Corona virus in Germany: children at risk now too?

Update from
April 30th Can corona virus also be dangerous for children? Until now, experts have assumed that the virus is less dangerous in children than in adults. But now researchers seem to be close to virologist Drosten. have acquired new knowledge.

As the team now explains, children in the current situation are as contagious as adults. The amount of virus that can be detected in the respiratory tract does not differ between different age groups, according to researchers led by virologist Christian Drosten von der Berliner Charité in a previously published study that has not yet been reviewed by independent experts.

For this reason, the researchers warn based on their results against the unrestricted opening of schools and Kindergartens in Germany. Measures to contain the pandemic have had an effect in many countries, writes Investigator. With Relief Contact restrictions are also increasingly discussing to what extent the closure of schools and kindergartens has contributed to this success, and how the reopening could affect the spread of the virus.

Until now it is unclear to what extent children transmit the virus to others. It is difficult to investigate this question precisely because the Schools they were closed early and because the virus was transmitted mainly by adult travelers, especially in the initial phase of the epidemic.

Drosten’s team had determined the amount of the Sars-CoV-2 virus in samples from 3,712 infected people, who were examined at a Berlin testing center between April and April 26. They found no difference in viral load between different age groups. When evaluating the risk of infection in schools and kindergartens, the same assumptions that apply to adults should be used, the researchers write.

Doctors discover mysterious symptoms in children, related to coronavirus?

First report of April 29: Munich: their daily lives turned upside down and the question of “why” is often difficult for them to answer: children are not only the most vulnerable group of people in times of pandemic, the questions about their health they have no answer either.

But at a time when slowly the Open schools and nurseries it is believed that more and more parents allow their children to meet friends at least occasionally, messages suddenly spring up G
Great Britain, Spain, France and Switzerland.: You see more and more diseases in children who remember “Kawasaki syndrome”: fever, complaints in the digestive tract and inflammation of the vessels. According to AFP, French and British health ministers, for example, were alarmed.

But a lot is open: the reports come from several countries in parallel, but the scope (in Paris, around 15 children in clinics have become notorious) cannot be said as much as on the Corona virus connection. Because not all affected children have a positive coronavirus test.

Coronavirus: no findings on Kawasaki syndrome in children in Germany

Thomas Fischbach, President of the Federal Association of Pediatricians in Germany, talks to about the fact that in Germany I have not noticed an increase in Kawasaki syndrome – Not even in a clinic at LMU Munich, where the children would be treated with Covid-19.

The good news: There are treatment options for Kawasaki syndrome. Early detection is therefore crucial. However, since there is still very little overall experience, this phenomenon needs to be closely monitored. “But there is no need to panic,” said Fischbach.

Coronavirus and children: Drosten – nurseries open under certain conditions

“We have few studies from China, but children rarely have Symptoms *“On this scientific basis, the pandemic situation had started in Germany,” said Christian Drosten on the NDR podcast.

“Studies have already shown that the rate at which children become infected is exactly the same as for all age groups.” But one question has yet to be answered: how infectious are children, that is, transmit the virus?

A paper from the Netherlands would suggest that children rarely transmit an infection. But as with other questions, there is a lack of data. This could change due to ongoing studies, increased capacities in laboratories, and last but not least, the opening of nurseries.

The corona virus also affects children. Puzzling symptoms have now been discovered. (Icon Image)

© dpa / Ariana Cubillos

You can imagine opening nurseries and schools under different conditions: for example, that adults with children in nursery would immediately go to the doctor for symptoms and Contacts with other older people they would strictly avoid it.

Corona virus and children: concerns about the situation of children

The vice president of the Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ)Sigrid Peter warns: “We have to fear that children and adolescents are now alone with their concerns and needs.” After the loss of strong structures and significantly more difficult or nearly impossible work for social workers, about which SZ reported, It is obvious that violence against children is currently increasing unhindered, and that the long-term consequences on families of all social classes are unpredictable.

“We are currently deeply involved in the fundamental rights of children: we isolate them from their playmates.” We limit your legal right to education. And we keep them from getting enough exercise, ”says Heinz Hilgers, president of the German Association for Child Protection (DKSB). And he makes it clear: “These are also Forms of violence.

* is part of the network of Ippen-Digital publishers from all over Germany.

Every day, the coronavirus brings tears to the face of a triple Ebersberg mother. Here she writes her despair from the soul.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Marta Fernández Jara
