Crown in Bavaria: Söder promotes vaccines – Bavaria


Going for cigarettes at night is a violation of curfew

Monday, December 21, 1:25 pm: The overnight trip to the cigarette machine could cost 500 euros each to a man and a woman from Amberg in Upper Palatinate. Over the weekend, police officers found the couple on the street after 9 p.m., police announced Monday. According to their own statements, they wanted to get cigarettes. But this is not a good reason to leave your apartment for the night, he said. Therefore, the two have violated the curfew and must expect a hefty fine.

By chance, Amberg police also encountered a man on Saturday who violated current contact restrictions. An officer called the 42-year-old to schedule an appointment for a police questioning. The police officer listened to several people in the background who were apparently in a celebratory mood.

A patrol stopped by the man and found him in his apartment with three friends who belong to different households. Currently a maximum of five people from two households is allowed to meet. The four celebrants will now receive fines of up to 250 euros each.

Prime Minister Söder defends himself against vaccine skeptics

Monday December 21, 12:48 pm: In view of the imminent launch of corona vaccines, Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) is fighting to ensure that as many people as possible notice them. “Skepticism about vaccination is really difficult,” he said on Monday when visiting the Munich vaccination center, which worries him very much. “Vaccination is the best security there is.” It is “incomprehensible to him how one can defend oneself.” Last week, Söder had complained to the state parliament that the numerous false claims about vaccination “made him desperate.” He announced that he would be immunized “under notarial supervision”, “to show that this is really a vaccine.” Because on social media there are all kinds of different statements about it. “I would ask you once again not to come up with all sorts of conspiracy theories when vaccinating.”

In Bavaria, vaccinations will begin after the Christmas holidays, in 99 local centers currently and with mobile teams that will come to nursing homes, for example. The Free State hopes to be able to give an injection to some 33,000 people every day, but that depends on how many doses are allocated to Bavaria, which in turn is mainly a matter of production capacity. There would be no compulsory vaccination, Söder stressed again, “it will continue like this.”

50 passengers from Great Britain spend the night at Munich airport

Monday, December 21, 11:51 am: According to the Federal Police, around 50 passengers from Great Britain spent Monday night in the transit area of ​​Munich airport. The reason for this was the aircraft landing bans from Britain that came into effect on Monday due to a particularly contagious variant of the corona virus that has occurred there. As a federal police spokesman said, the affected passengers had to wait for their test results before they were allowed to enter Germany. “Most” of the 50 passengers received the result on Monday morning and were able to leave the transit area, the spokesperson stressed.

Hof and Coburg incidence values ​​are increasing rapidly

Monday, December 21, 7:35 am: The two Upper Franconian cities, Hof and Coburg, are increasingly becoming the worst hot spots in the Bavarian crown. In Hof, the incidence value rose to 410.3, as reported in the morning by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). The day before it was still at 319.6. For Coburg, the RKI calculated an incidence value of 392, a good 70 points more than Sunday. This value quantifies the number of new corona infections that have occurred in the last seven days, converted to 100,000 inhabitants.

Coburg has already tightened local crown rules. From Friday it is no longer allowed to play sports or go out for a walk with another person (unless they live together in an apartment). Visits to the authorities are no longer an exception to break the exit restriction. Furthermore, outsiders can only stay in Coburg for “valid reasons”. Hof also tightened exit restrictions in the city late last week.

The Regen district still has the highest incidence value in Bavaria with 547.7, followed by Hof and Coburg. The three largest Bavarian cities also remain Corona’s problem areas, notably Nuremberg. According to the RKI, the incidence value was 389.5 on Monday morning. For Munich he calculated a value of 294.4, for Augsburg 251.2. In these three major cities, the seven-day incidence was roughly the same as the day before. The national incidence value for Bavaria also remained roughly the same at 216.8.

Mebis test result before Christmas

Sunday, December 20, 4:45 pm: During the weekend, extensive tests were carried out with the digital learning platform of the Mebis school network. The Ministry of Culture awaits the result on Tuesday or Wednesday. Outside IT companies had “extensively” examined the system to find the error that had repeatedly caused problems in the past few days. Sometimes students and teachers could not work with the learning platform for a long time because many had signed up at the same time. But one does not assume a problem with the server, said a ministry spokesman. More recently there was talk of a caching error. The house of the Minister of Education, Michael Piazolo (FW), awaits the final answers of the stress test during the weekend. The test is the first step towards new measures to improve the accessibility of the platform for distance or alternation classes planned as of January 11. It can be assumed that the majority of the 1.7 million students in Bavaria will learn alternate or distance lessons.

Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) had issued an ultimatum that distance learning had to work after the holidays. Teachers are also running out of patience: the Bavarian Philologists Association (BPV) demanded this Sunday that “the technical requirements be met to be able to carry out alternate and distance lessons without interference.” Teachers were prepared, received additional training, and purchased equipment on their own, BPV chief Michael Schwägerl said. Now technology and health protection should work. Schwägerl called for “sufficient FFP2 masks, air purification devices and a testing strategy.”

Senior Home Workgroup comprises 200 employees

Sunday December 20, 2:15 pm: Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has specified his plans for a “special unit” to fight the crown in nursing homes. Starting Monday, the task force should better protect residents in the around 1,500 stationary nursing homes and nursing homes and around 800 facilities for the disabled against infection, Söder said. Photo on Sunday. In accordance with this, the unit must be made up of more than 200 employees who come from the state nursing and health offices, as well as from home supervision on site. They must support and advise the facilities in the prevention of diseases of the residents and monitor the implementation of the measures. Secretary of State for Health Klaus Holetschek (CSU) said that the flexible unit would be activated in the event of a first case of positive corona to avoid a major outbreak at the respective facility.

Curfew violations are limited

Sunday December 20, 12.20 pm: On the first weekend after the introduction of a night curfew, most Bavarians adhered to the stricter regulations, according to police. However, on Sunday night the police detained several people who had left their homes without one of the few permitted reasons. A passenger was reported in a taxi in Straubing who could not give a valid reason for his trip. In Straubing, the police also had to dissolve two parties. In one of them, six young people had celebrated in a private home. The police also put an end to a party for four young people in the Lower Franconian district of Bad Kissingen. In the Miltenberg district, a couple returned home around 8 p.m. But because the man was too drunk, the couple couldn’t find their way to the train station and wandered aimlessly through Elsenfeld for two hours. Eventually, they ended up in the front yard of a property, where they were both picked up by a patrol. In the rain in Lower Bavaria, police caught a couple arguing loudly in the street on Saturday night. The 41-year-old woman and her 37-year-old boyfriend could not conclusively explain why they were outside. The woman was detained due to her physical condition and low temperatures. He was allowed to sleep in a police holding cell. At Marktredwitz in Upper Franconia, two people were on the school grounds for no good reason. In the Free State, there has been a nightly curfew between 9 pm and 5 am since Wednesday. During this time, staying in public space is only allowed for very few valid reasons.

The incidence value in Bavaria is 217.8

Sunday, December 20, 7:12 am: In Bavaria, the number of new corona infections is steadily increasing, and particularly in the state capital. Munich’s incidence value has passed the 300 mark, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) calculated it on Sunday morning at 300.7. However, this has no legal effects at the moment, such as stricter crown rules. The seven-day incidence has also risen nationwide for days to 217.8. A week ago there were 200. This number describes the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days. In Bavaria, according to the RKI, 89 other women and men died from the pathogen in one day, 14 of them in Munich.
