Crown in Bavaria: Söder explains the calendar live NOW – “Measurements cannot continue one by one for a year”


On Wednesday (May 6) the federal and state governments will discuss how to proceed in the crown crisis. Markus Söder announced an exit plan for Bavaria on Tuesday.

  • A mask requirement has been in effect in Bavaria since April 27. The reason is the corona virus *.
  • On Wednesday, the next steps will be discussed at a change conference by the federal and state governments.
  • Markus Söder announced an exit plan for Bavaria today.
  • Here you will find our reporting guide and the German Crown News. You can also find the current number of cases in Bavaria as a map. The following recommendations for crown protection measures are currently available.

Update, 7:28 p.m.: Now a viewer question is answered. A couple of Passau pensioners asked when they could visit their children from Upper Austria again. They feel that it is an injustice to have to refrain from visiting the family, while everyone else is allowed to do so.
“I cannot say that, it depends on the federal government. Bavaria is not yet a state, otherwise it could do it.” The Prime Minister cannot help but smile at the latter.

Virus crowns in Bavaria: Söder via Bundesliga: “Basically possible”

Update, 7:22 p.m.: The Bundesliga is also addressed. “Basically, ghost games are possible,” said the prime minister. He rates Hertha BSC player Salomon Kalou’s Facebook live feed as a “target of his own.” Tomorrow, Wednesday 5 May, new decisions on the Bundesliga will be made at the Prime Minister’s Conference.

Update, 7.20 p.m .: Markus Söder classifies the current school year as “not normal”. You should always keep that in mind in parent-child deals. The possibility of families with people at risk of “home schooling” is always possible.

Söder further explains that family reunions should be reduced to the central family. “Parents, siblings and children,” explains Söder.

There will be a clear rejection of outdoor swimming pools in the Free State. “We have clear recommendations there. Even the hotel industry that offers bathrooms will have to wait even longer.”

Update, 7.15 p.m.: “People are not sure how things will go in the future.” Söder explains that it is understandable that buying behavior is beginning to decline. Incentives must be established to change this.

The auto industry will also strengthen again, for example with bonds. Here it is important to focus on sustainability.

Virus corona in Bavaria: Markus Söder explains new measures

Update, 7:08 p.m .: “That could have ended in absolute disaster,” said Söder. Due to the proximity to Austria, Bavaria was particularly affected by the pandemic. He personally would not have thought it would go that way. This is due to the behavior of the citizens of the Free State, who implemented the measures very well.

A second wave of the corona virus is expected, either next fall or even next spring. The crucial question is that the health system will not be affected in the future either. Any emergency plan that was started at the start of the pandemic would have worked very well, the prime minister said. Therefore, however, one should not relax now. Measurements cannot continue 1: 1 for one year.

Update, 7:06 p.m .: “We want to bring joy back to life,” said Prime Minister Markus Söder. But it is clear that the new relaxation always depends on the number of infections. Consequently, the measures could be delayed again as soon as the infection process requires it.
Söder also says that regional differences will also be taken into account. An evaluation from the Robert Koch Institute remains to be seen.

6.30 p.m. update: Bavarian Prime Minister speaks at 7 p.m. Bavarian radio on the relaxation announced today in the Free State. Söder was ahead of tomorrow’s prime ministerial conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel. We report live in 30 minutes.

Corona virus in Bavaria: overview of the Austrian travel law

Update from 5.30 p.m .: Since May 1, there has been a new entry rule for people who live in Germany and want to visit relatives in Austria. But when can I drive? Here is an overview.

Update 2:06 p.m .: Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) today presented the exit strategy for Bavaria. The schedule for schools was also a particular focus. * Söder and Bavarian Minister of Culture Michael Piazolo (free voters) presented a four-stage plan. New details were also presented for the opening of nurseries and nurseries *. For example, preschoolers should be able to return to kindergarten starting May 25.

Gastronomy is also allowed to open again. * The beer gardens can open from May 18, one week later (May 25), but restaurants can only open until 10 p.m. Here you will find an overview of all changes in Bavaria and when they apply.

Markus Söder press conference with Bayern’s new reading plan:

Exit plan for Bavaria in the crown crisis: read the press conference with Markus Söder

Update 1:39 p.m.: The press conference is over.

Update 1:34 p.m.: “Do no harm Armin laschet in the fight for the CDU presidency? Asks a journalist. After all, Söder would have often criticized the actions of other federal states. Laschet had demanded particularly quick relief for North Rhine-Westphalia. “No,” is Soder’s short answer. When asked, he added that he was responsible for Bavaria. “I don’t see any problems there. Everyone Prime Minister He is committed to his country and does a good job, “summarizes Söder.

Update 1:24 p.m.: Söder supports scientists. Criticism and abuse Virologists being inappropriate Of course it would be easier if there was only one number to rely on, but this is not the case.

“In Bavaria You can go on vacation, “Söder said when Merkur from Munich asked him.” You can also camp, because there are excellent options. “However, proper hygiene measures are applied.

Crown crisis in Bavaria: can outdoor pools be reopened? Markus Söder with a clear announcement

Update 1:12 p.m.: Become Outdoor pools open again soon? “Nothing before June,” Söder said shortly after a journalist asked him. The risk of infection is simply too great there. The same applies to gyms.

Update 1:08 p.m.: There are now inquiries from journalists. Söder explains that one should not simply return to the status quo later, but also pay attention to the positive things that have emerged in the crisis. He explains that as an example. Home Office. That is also part of work-life balance, says Söder. This can also facilitate the organization of work and family life.

12.57 p.m. update: Melanie Huml speaks last. The Health Minister Thank you to everyone who has followed the steps so well so far. “This has resulted in us being able to talk about relief today.”

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Piazolo announces school hours in the Free State

12.42 p.m. update: Minister of Education Michael Piazolo He is satisfied with the exit plan for Bavaria, also with the project for the school. “There will be more live classes on the site again.” Schools they open gradually “It is not a return to normality,” says Piazolo. Everyone should have the opportunity to purchase the titles, the high quality standards for Bavaria titles must remain. “There is no fault related to the crown”, it is possible to advance in the judgment.

The school is not only a space for learning and protection, but also a space where social interactions take place. Mutual respect is therefore important. The calendar: four stages are planned. The first was launched, and the final classes were able to return on April 27. Step Two: On May 11, pre-qualifying classes and fourth grade elementary should return. That was decided now. Third: On May 18 and 25, younger students of the respective school type must also return. For example, fifth and sixth grade of middle school or high school – alternating weekly. The fourth step with the remaining stages is June 15, “if the infection allows it,” Piazolo said.

An adequate distance and protective measures remain important. He thinks it’s a must to wear masks, not in the classroom, but in break rooms or hallways.

“We cannot please everyone,” concludes Piazolo. He followed the discussion with enthusiasm, “one says that freedom is particularly important to me, the other says that security is particularly important to me.” However, he hopes that the solutions now on offer will suit many.

Press conference on the exit plan in Bavaria: new details on nurseries and nurseries

Update from 12:34 p.m.: Carolina Trautner speaks next. The Minister of social affairs talks about the Day care centers and thanks to the educators. A panel of experts is helping the government make the decision. It is important: there should be small groups, and as strong as possible, that are supervised by permanent supervisors. She appeals: Sick children should definitely stay home, collection times should be staggered so that as few people as possible are found. There is no obligation to wear a mask in kindergartens. Only when there is close contact with the child, for example when changing diapers or feeding, educators should wear a mask.

“Children need other children too,” private play groups, for example between neighbors, with a maximum of three families, should be allowed. Beginning May 11, additional groups should have access to emergency care: children with imminent disabilities or disabilities, children with educational needs, and children of single parents. The normal nursery should also be opened, with a maximum of five children.

Starting May 25, preschool-age children must be admitted. They are a little older and can better understand hygiene measures. In the same step, the nursery should be able to open again.

Virus crowns in Bavaria: beer gardens open on May 18 – Minister of Economy Aiwanger satisfied

Update from 12.29 p.m.: The topic of the automotive industry is also discussed. Aiwanger advocates support for car buying regardless of technology, which means not only electric cars but also modern technology combustion engines.

Update from 12.25 p.m.: Hubert Aiwanger speaks after Markus Söder. The Bavarian economy minister is satisfied with the measures. “11. May, the right time,” he summarizes. Gastronomy is particularly affected, but it is noisy. Aiwanger systemically important to society. “It is also about the soul of Bavaria.” Opening beer gardens starting May 18 is the right step.

Aiwanger recently mentioned Free State financial aid: € 1.5 billion of emergency aid has been paid so far.

Coronavirus-Pk from Söder: certain sports will soon be allowed again

Update from 12.22 p.m.: In leisure: from next week (May 11) there will be a possibility of contact Individual outdoor sport (eg golf, tennis, athletics), explains Söder. Appropriate hygiene measures also apply there, of course. Currently no decision is made about the theater.

Virus crowns in Bavaria: Söder announces decision for gastronomy

Update from 12.17 p.m.: Now Söder comes to the economy. Trade is going well, that Mask requirement would be well implemented Starting May 11, the 800-square-meter limit will be lifted, he announced. The same requirements apply there, for example the obligation to wear a mask.

Next week, the nail and beauty salons will also open in the same conditions as the hairdressers. The decision is difficult with the catering trade, says Söder. Hygiene measures are among the most difficult to take. “We will allow hotels and tourism on Pentecost on the 30th”, but without sauna and swimming pools and under strict hygiene requirements. Apartments and campsites can also be opened. For normal gastronomy: you do everything in stages. On May 25, “we believe it is justifiable to open restaurants,” with strict requirements. The number of guests should be limited, distances are important, the mask for the kitchen and the waiter. Even as a guest, you must wear a mask when entering the restaurant or going to the bathroom. Bars are open until 10 p.m. The external catering service is open on May 18, but only until 8 p.m.

Corona virus in the Free State: new details on schools, nurseries and nursing homes

12:15 p.m. update: “The school is as sensitive as Kindergarten“Söder said. It should also apply to students that around 50 percent can return until Pentecost. The goal is for all students to be able to return in the current school year.” We don’t make a mandatory mask in class, “but a mask at school eg in the schoolyard. There should be weekly block lessons. For all concerned parents: there is a relaxed attendance requirement until Pentecost. Holidays remain, but childcare, and closure Grading is particularly late this year.

Update from 12.12 p.m.: “Nursing homes and nursing homes have a special priority when it comes to protection,” says Söder. But you can also feel the stress caused by isolation. Protection concepts should be increased, there should be more serial testing. Visits should now be possible again, and not just for end-of-life care. There should be a relief on Saturday. A prerequisite for the visit is a mask, it is important to keep your distance, preferably outdoors. It is better to have fixed times.

Starting tomorrow, all playgrounds in Bavaria will open. There is also a plan for daycare. Expert advice is not uniform, making the decision difficult, Söder says. Currently there is an emergency concept. By Pentecost, about 50 percent of children should be able to visit the facility again, that’s the plan, according to Söder. Then the rest should come.

Update from 12.07 p.m .: Fundamental rights should not be permanently restricted, there should now be more freedoms. “But there are still residual risks,” said Söder. The schedule: starting tomorrow May 6, the exit restriction will become a Contact restriction converted. The distance of 1.5 meters and the distance requirement as well as the contact person remain. But Bavaria wants to strengthen families. You can now visit relatives again.

Virus corona in Bavaria: Söder explains the exit plan for Bavaria

Update from 12.05 p.m .: We must weigh the interferences with the liberties, we must also plan how to get out of this crisis. “Protecting health remains our top priority,” said Söder. The Free State, therefore, offers a model: there must be deadlines, “we are planning for the longer term”, but the final decision will be made based on the numbers. If the numbers deteriorate, the plans are postponed. There are regions in Bavaria that are more or less affected. That should also be considered, he explains.

Update 12:04 p.m.: “All the emergency plans are in place, regardless of whether and when a second wave is coming,” says Söder. Bavaria is prepared for all eventualities. 50 million masks have been delivered in Bavaria in recent weeks.

Update from 12.03 p.m .: What Söder now wants to present is discussed with the Chancellor. “We will open gradually”, but later than others. Now is the time to relax because success is clearly visible. “The Bavarian path was the right one,” summarizes Söder. Figures are the basis for decision-making for current relaxation. Currently there are growth rates of 0.4 percent, which is significantly less than at the beginning. Currently there are around 6,400 people infected in the Free State, which represents around 0.05 percent. These numbers allow careful openings.

Update from 12 p.m. The press conference begins, Prime Minister Markus Söder is the first to speak. “We want to present the Bayern plan to you today,” said Söder. Caution is the highest priority, everything is done step by step, nothing should be rushed. Why is the plan announced today? Söder explains that there are many different approaches, so the government wanted to make an offer today, “not just for Bavaria,” as he explains, but also for tomorrow’s change between the federal and state governments.

Update from 11.30 a.m.: The Bavarian cabinet has been meeting since nine o’clock. It is again the crown crisis. Prime Minister Markus Söder and other ministers will hold a press conference at 12 noon. It was leaked beforehand that an exit plan could be decided today. The press conference is available here on the live stream and ticker.

Virus crowns in Bavaria: does Prime Minister Söder announce an exit plan today?

Update 9.56 a.m.: The Bavarian cabinet probably wants one today Exit plan decide After weeks of closings, restrictions and restrictions, the government today wants a comprehensive roadmap for Relieving Decide Government officials said there should be a long-term concept for this. There should be a schedule for almost every area, from schools and daycares to hotels and restaurants and nursing homes.

The cabinet must also decide whether the exit restrictions will apply or be relaxed. What measures should be provided when? Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder and announce other ministers at noon.

Virus crowns in Bavaria: Interior Minister Herrmann gets an idea of ​​himself

Update from 9:01 a.m.: One has been in force in Bavaria since April 27 “Mask requirement”. Now it was Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann in Munich itself an image of it. He took the subway from Münchner Freiheit to Marienplatz. “I only saw a woman who was not wearing a face mask. But when she came in, she quickly put on one,” he told the Image. And furthermore: “Of course, wearing the masks is unusual. But compared to the massive output restrictions, it is the least interference in that Fundamental rights. It allows us to buy more and enjoy more freedom again. ”

Herrmann was in his home country over the weekend Reach: “I bought muffins and pretzels. Wherever I looked, most of them got attached and wore nose and mouth protection at the store.” Passengers would have to be criticized over and over again, Herrmann still draws a positive conclusion: “If we look at 13 million residents of Bavaria, I respect the overwhelming majority.”

Virus virus crown in Bavaria: the Bavarian cabinet meets for the crisis of the crown

Update May 5, 6:32 a.m.: Tomorrow, Wednesday, there will be another branch of the federal and state governments to relax the crisis in the crown. The Bavarian cabinet also meets today. The Cabinet meeting (9 a.m.) will focus both on the implementation of the decisions made last week and on their own position in the national debate on new exit plans for schools, daycares, shops and catering. Some federal states, including Saxony-Anhalt and Lower Saxony, have already announced their own ideas for relaxation. To do this Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) declares that Bavaria continues to follow its cautious path.

It is eagerly awaited when more school years can return to schools and when operations in kindergartens and kindergartens can begin slowly again. Culture Minister Michael Piazolo (free voters) Last week, he had stated that the cabinet had “considered Pentecost a target.” If possible, all children and young people should, at least to some extent, receive on-site lessons again.

Until now, it is also unclear when and how Hotels and restaurants and when the reopening of large stores with more than 800 square meters of commercial space is allowed. A schedule is also expected to open playgrounds, museums and zoos. The federal states had already agreed on this last week, but this has not yet been specified in Bavaria. In some federal states, playgrounds are open again.

Unsupervised, no playground, no fun with friends – for weeks, boys and girls have not been at daycare or school, but at home. When can changes be expected? *

Crown crisis in Bavaria: Bavarian theaters want to develop a concept

Update from 6.45 p.m.: Bavarian theaters want to develop a concept for rehearsals and performances during the Corona crisis. 25 directors of state theaters, city theaters and private theaters agreed to this at a meeting in Regensburg. A group of theater directors. now you want to create a guidewith what hygiene and operating rules can cultural work be resumed. The first proposals should be available starting next week.

Due to the corona virus, visits to nursing homes are currently not possible. However, a couple could no longer bear the longing and the wife made a decision. *

The Crown’s decisions are imminent: Söder is already clear: the sad sound barrier for Bavaria will soon be reached

Update from 5.25pm: In Bavaria, 43,407 people have tested positive for the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus. 1950 people died who were infected with the pathogen. This was announced by the State Office of Food Safety and Health in Erlangen on Monday (starting at 10:00 a.m.) on its website. In the coming days, the sad sound barrier of 2,000 deaths should be broken by the consequences of the corona virus in the Free State. The estimated number of people recovered was 34,610.

Update 4:03 p.m .: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has announced schedules for further relaxation of anti-crown measures on Tuesday and Wednesday. Now was the time for gradual relief, always in relation to conditions, Söder said Monday in Penzberg in Upper Bavaria. The Bavarian cabinet will decide on Tuesday which proposals to go to the federal-state consultations on Wednesday. However, each country must decide the specific steps for itself: Söder continued to announce a more careful path for Bavaria.

It is eagerly awaited when more school years are allowed to return to schools and when operations in kindergartens and kindergartens can begin slowly again. Until now, it is also unclear when and how the reopening of hotels and restaurants is allowed and when large stores with more than 800 square meters of commercial space.

Corona measures in Germany – Söder: “We cannot force anyone to do something exactly like the other”

Update 2:58 p.m.: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) wants a common framework and common standards from the federal and state governments for relaxation of the future Anti-crown measures. Simultaneous decisions are no longer central.

“We cannot compel anyone to do something exactly like the other,” Söder said Monday in Penzberg in Upper Bavaria. Now it was better to set evaluation standards, numbers with “green to red traffic lights,” and then each country had to decide for itself. “That would be the most efficient procedure now that deciding the smallest questions every week, which were then dealt with two days later.”

Previously had Soder He said he was “a little unhappy” because some countries were already going beyond what was agreed between the federal government and states last week. Saxony-Anhalt in particular had caused a sensation. There, a new ordinance went into effect on Monday, according to which five people can now stay away from home.

“No criticism of Saxony-Anhalt,” Söder later emphasized. But of course that means one has to think again about how to establish “bandwidths” in Germany. “The prime minister’s lectures make little sense if we correct them every hour.” Bavaria will continue to take a more cautious approach.

Crown decisions are imminent: Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder already clear in advance

First report on May 4, 2:33 p.m.

Penzberg – Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has rushed into individual states to loosen the Anti-crown measures criticized He was “a little unhappy” because some countries were already going beyond what was agreed between the federal government and the states last week.

What said CSU Chief Monday at a press conference after a visit to Roche’s development lab in Penzberg, Upper Bavaria. Söder had there together with Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn at a press conference on a new one Antibody test The company reports.

Video: Coronavirus – Roche Antibody Test

Virus Corona in Bavaria: advice on how to proceed after a conference of change with the federal and state governments

The following steps will now be taken on how to proceed in the Corona crisis Conference change advised by the federal and state governments this Wednesday (May 6), as announced by Söder.

I had a stir about everything Saxony-anhalt Concerned There, a new ordinance went into effect on Monday night, with which the country is leading the country in easing strict crown restrictions. Now there may be five of them away from their own home.

Crown crisis in Bavaria – Markus Söder: “We must not stumble on the successes we have”

Söder said it was time for gradual relief. However, caution and prudence remain crucial. “We should not stumble on the successes we have.” He was in favor of long-term planning, after deciding shortly after the infection situation developed and regionally differentiating it.

Last year the students have returned to their schools. However, there are hygiene deficiencies in Augsburg: the students wrote a fire letter. *

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

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