Crown in Bavaria: Söder calls for more drastic measures: surprising trend in Munich


Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, Bavaria has been one of the hardest-hit countries in Germany. The state capital, Munich, has also recently become a “hotspot”. But you notice a trend.

  • Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder (CSU) calls for a crown traffic light nationwide
  • In Munich, the 7-day incidence falls below the critical mark
  • Here you can find the Corona news from Germany. We also offer you the current number of cases in Bavaria on a map. *

Update September 29 at 1 pm.: Am Lower Bavarian Mallersdorf Monastery Last Friday (September 25) around 600 nuns and monastery employees participated in a test of the crown series. Now they are Test scores Earlier: Two sisters and one employee were found to be infected with the coronavirus *.

the two infected sisters be isolated in one Monastery wing announced the Straubing-Bogen district office. the colleague I’m in home quarantine. The contact persons of the three infected people, between 30 and 40 people, would be examined again, a spokesman for the authorities said.

Corona in Bavaria: Due to the increasing number of infections, the Ministry of Health is reviewing an important measure

Update September 29 at 8:31 am: Markus Söder spoke again in favor of a union at the national level Traffic light rule By measures of Corona, this time to the Bayern 2 radio station. He had already made this request in recent days.

Söder also held private parties several times for the uprising. Infection process responsable. This should apply to new corona cases over the weekend in Munich. Consequently, the cases are due to a wedding, a funeral and a birthday.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: Expansion of test stations on highways near the border?

Updated September 28 at 8:23 pm.: Given the high Crown new infection numbers In parts of Austria, among others, Bavaria is considering a renewal For him Test stations on the highways near the border.

One is currently checking the short term. renewal of the trial offer for Return travelsaid a spokesman for the Health Ministry on Monday night. “This also occurs with a view to the current Infection process in regions near the border in Austria Y Czech Republicthat in the last days too Risk areas were explained. ”

Corona in Bavaria: expansion of test stations for returning travelers

Actually, the cabinet had Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) decided on September 8, the CrownTest stations on motorways, at the main train stations in Munich and Nuremberg and at the Munich central bus station at the end of the main summer travel season, until September 30, which would be this
Wednesday. the Highway test stations are at rest stops Donautal-Ost (A3), Hochfelln-Nord (A8) and Heuberg (A93). Now this could change again and the date could be postponed.

With a total of 360 Cases gave Bayern Monday of all German federal states higher Number Just infected in – but had state No current figures were released on Sunday either. In general they reported Health authorities of the 16 federal states on Monday 1684 new known infections with Coronavirus

Corona in the Free State: Bavaria reports the highest number of new infections

Update September 28 at 7:12 pm: In the county Dingolfing-Landau lie the Crown numbers still well above the critical level of 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. As reported by the State Health Office (LGL) on Monday, this value was included 63.4 similar to the previous week.

Corona in the Free State: several cities and counties on the warning mark

The second highest value in the Free State was 38.9 in the district Rhön-Grabfeld registered. As there was also in the State capitalthat a few days ago he Limit value 50 It had also been exceeded, again a decline was noted. With a The seven-day value of 37.6 was Munich but still a little above the warning level of 35. Then came the district Wunsiedel in the Fichtelgebirge (32.8) and the City of Fürth (30.5).

In the entire Free State they are so far 67375 people positive to that Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus tested (as of Monday, 8am). So far, 2,657 people infected with the pathogen have died in the Free State. Around 59,240 people were considered recovered.

Coronavirus in Bavaria: is there a trend in Munich?

First report on September 28 at 2:55 pm.: Munich – Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder (CSU) regularly has to ask the same critical question. Although her Crown-Politics one of the most prudent and cautious in the republic, numbers in the Free State have been high since the virus broke out * higher. For the head of CSU, this was always due to the proximity to Austria and Italy; even now, travelers returning from the Balkans were considered a great risk. New infections. Just last week had to State capital react to the rapid increase in numbers and responded with drastic measures. But now there may be signs of a new trend.

Crown in Bavaria: drastic measures in Munich: a new trend is emerging

As the City of munich the reports were for Sunday, September 27, 42 new corona cases reported. So far, a total of 11,287 infections have been confirmed in the state capital. That number includes 9,671 people who have already recovered and 223 deaths. So they are as few new infections have been confirmed since August 30. At that time there were 26. The low number is also noticeable in the decisive incidence number. If it is higher than 50, like last week in the state capital, drastic countermeasures will be initiated. However, this is currently available 37.58 – and therefore it is comparatively clear from the 50 mark far.

Corona virus in Bavaria: Söder calls for national regulation, with consequences for students and the Bundesliga

CSU chief Söder commented on a nationwide Corona traffic light the day before the Prime Minister’s Conference. According to Söder’s suggestion, the jump Corona traffic light in yellowif it is in a county or a municipality 35 or more people infected per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days gives. Then, tests could be organized for risk groups, spectators excluded from Bundesliga games and a Mask requirement for students from 5th grade onwards. If the number increases to 50 infected, Söders suggests that the The number of participants in private parties dropped even more will be, Curfew extended and a mask requirement was introduced in public places. * is part of the national network of Ippen-Digital publishers.

List of rubrics lists: © Sven Hoppe / dpa
