Crown in Bavaria: Söder Announces Powerful Mask Decision for Students, With One Exception


The new school year will start soon in Bavaria. Therefore, Markus Söder met with parents, teachers and students and announced a powerful decision.

  • The Corona * figures in Bavaria continue to increase steadily.
  • On Monday (August 31) Markus Söder met with parents, teachers and students (see update of August 31 at 9:10 am).
  • At a press conference, he later announced a powerful decision.
  • Here you can find the Corona news from Germany. We also offer you the current number of cases in Bavaria on a map. *

1:53 pm update: The press conference is over.

1:26 pm update: “We are particularly pleased that the mask requirement does not apply in elementary school,” says Walburg Krefting. Speak for the faculty. One wishes that the measure of Mask requirement “It is put to the test permanently.” The measure must be limited in time and locally. The mask requirement is just a half. It also requires more investment.

Mask requirement in Bavarian schools: “It’s a sour apple for everyone”

1:13 pm update: “It is one for all Acid applePiazolo says about the mask requirement. But you don’t want one at school risk get in. “School is not just a lesson”, it is also a space for social interaction. Therefore, she is pleased that regular classes are being held.

The mask requirement was not “the highest priority” of the students, according to their spokesman Joshua Grasmüller. But they want to keep educational injustice small. “We have to orient ourselves towards the weakest students.” You want to show consideration for students who belong to the risk group. The same applies to those with learning difficulties. Student.

Crown in Bavaria: Piazolo and Söder report on mask requirements at press conference

Update as of 1:07 pm: “Unfortunately it will be a school year, which is still marked by the situation of the pandemic ”, added the Minister of Education, Michael Piazolo. “Corona does not take into account the plans of the Bavarian schools”, that is why planning continues with Corona. “We want to start with regular lessons” – special bass Hygiene conditions. “Providing education is the main task of all of us,” he explains. “Schools are systemically relevant.” That’s why there will be a mask requirement in the first nine school days, Piazolo explains.

There are additional School buses, staggered Breaks, also should Classroom be ventilated regularly. by Teachers Serial testing started. “We have also developed more precise standards for distance learning”, if this were necessary in some places.

Corona in Bavaria: mask requirement in schools? Söder explains the measurements

Update as of 1:01 pm: Also the theme digitization was the focus. 250,000 devices for schoolchildren have already been launched. Teachers also receive laptops and notebooks. “Not everything will go away overnight,” Söder clarifies.

“Thanks to everyone who worked during the holidays,” Söder said. “We want to maintain confidence in the school”, schools should not be a place of uncertainty. “I don’t think it’s going to go perfectly,” continues the CSU chief. “Then let’s hope it works as well as possible.”

Crown in Bavaria: “General mask requirement” in schools, for a certain period of time

Update from 12.55 pm: The press conference begins. Markus Söder explains that expert advice was sought. “The priority is complete instruction,” clarifies the Prime Minister of Bavaria. This is before the distance lessons.

“The mask is better than School dropoutSöder continues. In general, a mask is required on the way to school, on public transportation, in the schoolyard, or in the hallways. “What’s in class now?” Asks Söder. Masks and ventilation are the only options. The masks in class would become 90 percent. Risk reduction lead, said by experts. “There will be no general mask requirement for elementary schools,” Söder said. The following applies to secondary schools: a general one applies to the first nine school days Mask requirement at school, only when the infection rate is above 35. “We just want to go back to school in Bavaria,” said the head of CSU. “Safety first” applies at the beginning of school.

Corona in Bavaria: Söder press conference on schools: is the mandatory mask coming?

Update from 12.25 pm: One starts at 1 pm Press conference with Markus Söder. The Prime Minister of Bavaria meets beforehand with teachers, students and associations. The theme is the beginning of the school in the Free State. The focus is on the question of how teaching can be guaranteed in the Corona crisis. You can watch the press conference here at Live broadcast and ticker follow.

Crown in Bavaria: Herrmann criticizes the rules: Söder faces a revolutionary decision

Update on August 31 at 9:10 am: In the image they talked about “The right questions” Joachim herrmann about Crown-Demo of Berlin. He spoke out against the measures. Bavaria Minister of interior In the course of the discussion, he also asked whether it was possible to renew the bans: “We had to learn in the spring, at least that’s how I feel from many personal acquaintances – some of us have them. Isolation exaggerated. We must not go so far that ultimately, people are robbed of all social contact because they are in the same place. Nursing home practically be brought into total isolation. We have to maintain a minimum of human contact, even in such situations. “

Corona in Bavaria: Markus Söder meets with parents, teachers and students

Meanwhile meets Markus Söder Monday (10 am) with parents, teachers, students and associations. The upcoming end of the holidays will be discussed *. The focus is on the question of how teaching can be guaranteed in the Corona crisis. Also participate in the conversation Minister of Culture Michael Piazolo (FW) part. The question is where masks should be used in schools and what other hygiene requirements should ensure regular operation with face-to-face teaching. The holidays in Bavaria end a week later, on September 7. After the meeting there will be a press conference with Piazolo and Söder. This is expected to take place at 12.30pm

About 200 people held an “Instagram party” in Passau and did not adhere to Corona’s rules. The police had to intervene. *

Corona in Bavaria: 54 new corona cases in Munich

Update of August 30, 7:57 pm: In Munich 54 new arrived on Saturday Corona cases He added, on Friday there were 67. The total number of infected people is 8,697. The independent city Munich it is one of twelve districts in Germany where the seven-day incidence is greater than 25. In the State capital there were 35.13 new cases of corona per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days. This value has increased in the recent past and is already having its first effects on the population of Munich.

The seven-day incidence is intended to contain local outbreaks in a timely manner. A signal value of 35 is considered an “early warning”. As a result, the city ordered a nightly ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol in public spaces. This regulation is valid as of Friday, August 28, for at least seven days.

Crown in Bavaria: Free State does not want to allow state warning app in schools – youth advisory board is furious

First report on August 30 at 10.17 am.: Munich / Regensburg – in many parts Bavaria the number of in that Coronavirus Sick constantly. Especially Return travel outside Risk areas bring that Virus on vacation with. The holidays will soon be over and many children will have to return to school. In order to prevent the spread of the disease there too, or at least to be able to trace the chains of infection, the Corona-Warn application help. However, this is not allowed while the school is in operation.

Corona in Bavaria: youth advisory board fails with Corona app initiative

Of the Regensburg Youth Council in an initiative that called for the smartphone to be able to operate the Crown-App may be on. But that Minister of Culture in Munich contradicts. The application can only be used in individual cases. And only if it makes students feel more secure. Because in general, the use of a cell phone on school grounds is for children and young people throughout the year. Free State prohibited. Unless it is used for educational purposes as part of a school lesson. This attitude in the context of a looming second wave * meets misunderstanding among the youth council.

A supporter of Initiative of the youth council is Mayor Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer (SPD). Think that in the face of the corona pandemic *, you have to turn on your cell phone schools Should be allowed. The ministerial representative of the grammar schools of Upper Palatinate, Franz X. Huber, contradicted him. Use of Warning app a schools It is not necessary. Compared to public space, infection chains can also be found there without Application quickly identify and trace, says Huber.

Corona warning app: Meanwhile, the federal government continues to advertise the use of the app (video)

Coronavirus in Bavaria: youth council sees decision as fatal sign

the Minister of Culture but he still tries Application how to announce sensitive Corona * control agents. A spokesperson said: “On the way to school there is a voluntary use of the Application Anyway, without restrictions ”. Only during the school days the cell phone must remain switched off. For the chair Youth Advisory Board, Leyla Stanojevic, the decision is a sham. “If the State developed Application cannot be used in state institutions, the State You can hardly expect this from private companies, ”he said. (tel / dpa) * / are part of the Ippen digital network.

You can find more information about all of Bavaria here.

Rubric List List: © Peter Kneffel / dpa / dpa-Bildfunk
