Crown in Bavaria: beer garden plans leaked – dispute between CSU and Aiwanger


Virus corona in Bavaria: the opening hours of the beer garden could soon be extended again. However, there is discussion between the CSU and Hubert Aiwanger.

  • the Emergency shutdown in the course of Crown pandemic gradually loosens
  • Also in Bavaria there will be more in the coming weeks Relief
  • These mainly affect gastronomy and so also the Beer gardens
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Munich – Bavaria Beer gardens Hope to be able to open more again soon! According to the tz is planned when the restaurants start 25. May It is also allowed to open again inside, to adjust the opening times for the exterior and interior. Specifically, this means: While the beer gardens are only open until 8 p.m. from May 18, after May 25 they could open like the restaurants inside. 22 o’clock Serve the guests.

Head of State Chancellor Florian Herrmann and minister of economy Hubert aiwanger explained details of what was planned for Tuesday Opening of the restoration.: “Ultimately, the essence always means: maintaining a distance of 1.50 meters,” said Herrmann (CSU) after a cabinet meeting in Munich. Members of a family or household, as well as another household, can sit together at a table. That means: a family can meet a family of friends in the beer garden.

Corona in Bavaria: beer gardens open longer – restaurants lack “clear rules”

Additionally, Herrmann confirmed that guests, staff, and also in the kitchen had to wear a mouth and nose cap, unless they could Minimum distance of 1.50 meters Be guaranteed. At the table, however, guests can remove their masks.

However, the hosts still have many questions: “The only thing we still need is a clear rules“Says Manfred Valentin, who runs the Mariabrunn castle in the Dachau district.” A banal example: I suppose the cutlery must be in a sterile bag. We made provisions and bought them yesterday. But of course that needs it all up front. There’s not much time left. “

Corona Virus in Bavaria: Will you be able to shop on Sundays in the future?

Adult education centers and youth centers.: Culture Minister Michael Piazolo (FW) calls for the reopening of adult education starting May 18 and youth centers “later this month”. But there was resistance in the cabinet on Tuesday: the MVHS start date remains uncertain.

quarantine: The Lower Administrative Court of Lower Saxony annulled the general quarantine requirement for persons returning to Lower Saxony from abroad. Bavarian Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) said that “currently” applies Quarantine regulation in Bavaria even more. The judges of Lower Saxony had granted the urgent request of an owner of a holiday home in Sweden. Huml is not aware of any legal dispute in Bavaria.

Crown in Bavaria: dispute over Sunday between CSU and Aiwanger

Business: Aiwanger made a positive assessment of the reopening of the stores. Bavaria After all, the trade had reached 50 percent of regular sales. There is a dispute between the Leader of Free Voters and the CSU over the openings on Sunday. While Aiwanger is open about it, Herrmann said to the CSU: “There will certainly be no shaking of protection on Sunday.”

Stefan Sessler, K. Rimpel

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Matthias Balk
