Crown in Baden-Württemberg: what is allowed and what is prohibited? Kretschmann relies on a traffic light system


Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: Cabinet has amended regulations; the first steps should be closing. However, Winfried Kretschmann continues to warn. The news ticker.

  • The Crown crisis worries in Baden-Württemberg continue for significant exit restrictions, but the first easing takes effect.
  • At Coronavirus pandemic * is Baden-Württemberg In addition to Bavaria and NRW, the state with the highest number Sars-Cov-2 infections and Covid-19 dead.
  • Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann endlessly warns, but more and more politicians Stuttgart calls for an end to the running of the bulls in the southwest.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the crown virus * and the news from the German crown *. You can also find the current case numbers in Germany here as a map *. The following recommendations for crown protection measures * are currently available. The most important thing on this subject is on our Facebook page Corona News. Become a fan now.

Update May 5, 6.43 p.m .: Germany is in business Loosening of the crown increasingly to mosaic. This could cause many people to lose track at this time. Baden-Württemberg now counteract this and create with a special one Traffic light system Orientation.

Starting next week I should be in the Winfried Kretschmann (Green) ruled the federal state Traffic light system giving what is allowed and what is prohibited. The prime minister said Tuesday.

Important events stayed awake until further notice Red level, the Gastronomy control against one yellow state closed, so a timely opening is at least in sight.

Corona virus in Baden-Württemberg: Kretschmann allows “contactless” sports

Update May 5, 4:16 p.m.: More and more federal states are making progress in terms of loosening the crown. Tuesday also gave Baden-Württemberg Small known innovations. So now “contactless outdoor sport” is allowed again (see update at 12.45 p.m.), how Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Green) declared in the morning. The emphasis here is clearly on “no contact”.

Baden-Württemberg wants to comply with the contact restrictions, which Kretschmann emphasized again on Tuesday. That countries like Saxony-anhalt around Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) Even before the joint meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), she saw critical decisions.

Rather, Kretschmann advocates a national approach to fundamental decisions.

Coronavirus pandemic in Baden-Württemberg: “On average 196 cases per day”

Update May 5, 12:45 p.m.: Tuesday at noon he has a civilian father Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) about Corona’s location in Baden-Württemberg and more Relieving informed.

“Currently we have an average of 196 cases per day. There are currently less than 6,000 people attending COVID-19 they are sick. On April 6, there were three times as many cases, “said the Prime Minister:” The R value is below 7, and therefore below the national average. “So far, such good news.

Starting next week, “outdoor non-contact outdoor sports” will again be allowed, “where rules of distance, such as golf, athletics and tennis, can be maintained,” said Swabian of 71 years.

Above all, he wants to coordinate with Markus Söder of Bavaria (CSU, left): Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann.

© dpa / Stefan Puchner

But one can “go just one step at a time. Success in fighting the virus remains fragile. Nothing has changed in the virus itself. If we act without thinking, we can put everything at risk,” said the green politician: “So we would have to take even stricter measures. “

Above all, he will be with Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) of Bavaria and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) votes, she said Kretschmann and announced financial aid especially for the auto industry.

This is “part of the backbone of the German economy,” he said, “it is a key industry with a large number of suppliers.” We want to support them now. “

Baden-Württemberg: Winfried Kretschmann sees greater danger than coronavirus

Update May 5, 11:15 a.m.:
Winfried Kretschmann sees a much greater danger to humanity than the insidious corona virus
* *.

“I am still very concerned about climate change, even if it is not currently in the headlines,” he said. Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg the dpa: “Climate change can shake the whole world and we cannot vaccinate it at some point.”

He had “much more respect for climate change than for Crown crisis“Said the 71-year-old Swabian. The consequences would be natural disasters, poor harvests, starvation and heat deaths, refugee flows and entire regions that are uninhabitable due to drought or floods, he explained. “It almost has an apocalyptic appearance. If that comes to us, then God have mercy on us. “

Crown crisis in Baden-Württemberg: no childcare costs in Stuttgart

Update May 5, 10.50 a.m.: According to a joint request from Vegetablesthe CDU, the left faction, the SPD, the FDP and the pulse in Stuttgart town hall parents should not have to pay childcare fees in May and June. That informs the Stuttgart newspaper.

In addition, independent daycare providers are encouraged due to the effects of Crown crisis also not to charge fees. Municipalities must reimburse losses of child care contributions to independent providers.

Corona in Baden-Wuerttemberg: Are there spectacular relaxations for the gastro?

Update May 5, 10:40 a.m. In discussions about Relief of exit restrictions at Crown crisis it also moves in Baden-Württemberg Gastronomy is increasingly in focus.

The Veronika Kienzle, candidate for the OB in Stuttgart (Greens) and Martin Körer (SPD) They have made (not only) suggestions for the state capital. And they have it all.

Stuttgart: Passers-by walk in front of empty tables and chairs in a street cafe.

© dpa / Sebastian Gol lnow

So Stuttgart newspaper Kienzle reportedly calls for more space for the foreign catering trade, that is, the garden inns and beer gardens of pubs and restaurants. In this way, distance rules could be better enforced, argues the green politician.

The model currently goes to school, in other countries it is also considered to allow gardening and outdoor areas of taverns in previously closed public areas such as sidewalks.

Körner goes further: the Social Democrat, for example, proposes to extend the curfew and reimburse food establishments for the advance payment of VAT.

Crown in Baden-Württemberg: polarizing decision of the state government

Update May 4, 10.15 p. M .: This decision in the Corona virus crisis could polarize

In Baden-Württemberg As of Tuesday, a regulation applies according to which the police use the data of the health authorities. crown infected citizens

This was explained by the Deputy Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg and Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) This Monday in Stuttgart.

Baden-Württemberg Minister of the Interior: Thomas Strobl of the CDU.

© dpa / Sebastian Gollnow

“This allows the police to identify people who do not meet the requirements and put others at risk,” said State Health Minister Manfred Lucha (Verdes).

Crown crisis in Baden-Württemberg: Stuttgart pressure on federal policy

Update May 4, 8:30 p.m.: To print Baden-Württemberg in the Crown crisis in federal politics.

Sports minister Susanne Eisenmann has noisy Stuttgart newspaper urgently asked for the resumption of popular sport.

“Basically, it makes sense that prime ministers want to coordinate and assess which easing in amateur and grassroots sports fits into the overall social context. However, this must also happen, “said the 55-year-old man. CDU-Political: “It makes no sense to me and it cannot be passed on to people why contactless training and exercise offers from outdoor sports clubs cannot continue to be exercised in accordance with strict infection and distance protection rules “

Crown in Baden-Württemberg: Winfried Kretschmann’s hair is beautiful again

Update May 4, 6:25 p.m.: From this Monday in the course of Relieving at Coronavirus pandemic The hairdressers reopened, under strict hygiene rules.

For example, shaving the bar, coloring lashes, and plucking eyebrows are not allowed. Also, the hairdresser and the guest must wear a face mask at all times. Also, hairdressers must wash the client’s hair before cutting it.

Stuttgart: Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen) cuts his hair with barber Giovanni Dell Aquila.

© dpa / Ministry of State

One used the Relaxation in Baden-Württemberg immediately: Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens). The father of the country entered with his usual hairdresser. StuttgartGiovanni Dell Aquila shapes the gray hair on his head.

Crown crisis in Baden-Württemberg: Greens drop Boris Palmer

Update May 4, 3:18 p.m.: After the Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer (Greens) With controversial statements about elderly Corona patients that caused horror, the Green Party leadership withdraws the politician’s support.

In the event of a new candidacy in Tübingen and in other political activities, the party Palmero I no longer support said The head of the greens, Annalena Baerbock Monday in Berlin after a video conference of the party executive. Therefore, other internal sanctions would be examined.

Mayor of Tübingen: Boris Palmer (Los Verdes).

© dpa / Christoph Schmidt

A few days ago, Palmer had to deal with the very old. Sick crown He said: “We can save people in Germany who would be dead in six months anyway.” The 47-year-old man received massive criticism. Many members of the Greens also campaigned for an exclusion from the party.

Update May 4, 12.35 p.m .: In Baden-Württemberg were until Monday morning according to a current assessment by the German Press Agency more than 32,300 coronavirus infections registered. They are also at least 1,422 people died after becoming infected with the virus. These are confirmed cases that have been reported to the Robert Koch Institute. After Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia, Baden-Württemberg is the most affected by the crown epidemic in Germany.

Corona virus in Baden-Württemberg: first schools open again – GEW takes more time

in the meantime open now also in Baden-Württemberg first schools again this monday gradually – initially for final grade students. At Resumption of school operations. but you will “Slow down”Education Minister Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) said according to a report by the SWR. Consequently, schools in Baden-Württemberg should only organize more lessons on site after the Pentecost break, on fewer school days than usual, with strict hygiene rules and in small learning groups instead of large classes.

The State President of the GEW Education Union, Doro Moritz, Has required more time to implement the crown rules. The students would be left alone when the first students returned for their exams, Moritz said, according to the report by SWR last week. Many teachers would belong to the risk group and would have to stay home. However, lessons at school and at home must be organized at the same time in the future. The Politics has to take pressure off and proceed in dosed fashion, Moritz demanded. And GEW Managing Director Matthias Schneider also criticized developments in the school area on Twitter: “Die The promises of the Conference of Ministers of Education are not realistic“It says in his post.

In contrast, the state government in North Rhine-Westphalia is pushing for a faster opening. The state’s family minister, Joachim Stamp, has now threatened to go alone at daycare openings.

Update May 3, 9:35 p.m.: The Sc Freiburg and 1899 Hoffenheim in the Bundesliga; the VfB Stuttgartthe Karlsruher SC, 1. FC Heidenheim and SV Sandhausen in the second division: Six clubs in Baden-Württemberg look forward to when and how professional football will develop.

The German Football League (DFL) had an early start in the crown crisis.
* * He presented a detailed plan, but continues to face strong headwinds.

Play in front of empty rows? The Mercedes-Benz Arena in Stuttgart.

© dpa / Marijan Murat

“I think this idea is irresponsible from a medical and epidemiological point of view, both for the teams and for the thousands of fan meetings that are expected,” said theologian and former president of the German Ethics Council, Peter Dabrock. Nürnberger Nachrichten – and warned of “noisy mini-Ischgls”.

Has to VfB Stuttgart and other clubs in the Coronavirus pandemic be patient?

Crown crisis in Baden-Württemberg: the mayor sounds the alarm

Update, 9:15 p.m.: Enormous concerns among the municipalities of the Coronavirus pandemic: As the Swabian newspaper The mayor of Neckargemünd reportedly addressed the community day in a fire letter.

“Meanwhile, it is not only difficult for me to fall asleep at night due to concern about municipal finances,” Frank Volk wrote in an open letter. Accordingly, his community would receive aid from Baden-Württemberg in the Crown crisis – for example for the acquisition of Facial masks on a large scale: only 86,650 euros. Which is probably not enough on the back and front.

Volk continues: “If nothing changes in the financial resources of the municipalities, we can only fight the decline with difficulty.”

Crown crisis in Baden-Württemberg: Winfried Kretschmann continues to warn

Update, 5.45 p.m .: Warn and warn, and warn and warn: Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) in the crown crisis.

In his view, successes in containing the coronavirus also harbor the risk of a new wave of infection. Supposes fatigue effects occur, said the 71-year-old father of the dpa: “It’s only human.”

Face mask: Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann.

© dpa / Sebastian Gollnow

As in many places in Germany, there were protests in the Southwest for more over the weekend. Relief of exit restrictions dice.

Update, 5.20 p.m.: The number of Corona infected people in Baden-Württemberg continues to sink. That informs the Stuttgart newspaper with reference to the State Health Office.

Accordingly, there were 6,579 as of Saturday night Coronavirus cases. To date, 32,272 Covid-19 disorders officially registered Meanwhile, with 1,413 deaths, many victims had already recovered.

It was said that the number of people recovered is estimated to exceed the number of people infected many times over.

Crown crisis in Baden-Württemberg: great enthusiasm around Boris Palmer

Update, 4 p.m.: Huge problems for him Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer due to their polarizing expressions Coronavirus deaths.

Dozens of Greens are now calling for the municipal council leader to be excluded from the student city south of Stuttgart. The executive boards, as responsible bodies, would have to exhaust all possibilities “to stop this political phantom driver soon,” says an open letter.

Palmero He had said of the Corona crisis: “We can save people in Germany who would be dead in six months anyway.”

Crown in Baden-Württemberg: more relaxation is applied

Update May 3, 10:30 a.m.:
Baden-Württemberg dares after a few weeks Emergency shutdown now back to normal. Among other things, playgrounds, museums and zoos should be able to reopen next week, as the State Ministry said.

The green-black cabinet has it Crown regulation adjusted accordingly on Saturday (May 2). Starting Monday (May 4) services can take place again. From Wednesday (May 6) children’s parks, Museums, Exhibitions, memorials and also zoos and animal parks.

Retail stores you can reopen from Monday even if your sales area It is larger than 800 square meters. dentists they can offer all services again, hairdressing salons and pedicure studios can reopen. The Curfew for Residents It is canceled.

Crown in Baden-Württemberg: Member of parliament is expelled from the state parliament – large-scale demonstration in Stuttgart

Update May 2, 6:18 p.m.: According to the organizers, several thousand people have in Stuttgart demonstrated against measures in the fight against the coronavirus. In the so-called “non-partisan” demonstration in the Cannstatter Wasen Initiator Michael Ballweg called for the fulfillment of fundamental rights, such as freedom of assembly and freedom of belief.

IT businessman talked about round 5000 participants on Saturday. The Stuttgart police declined to give an estimate of the number of participants. She spoke of a peaceful course. The protesters were speaking widely adhered to the distance rules.

Update May 1, 12:34 p.m.: The number of in Baden-Württemberg Evidence shows that people infected with the coronavirus continue to increase even after further loosening has been announced. As the Robert Koch Institute Declared on Friday, the federal state now registers about 31,919 positives COVID-19 People Tested The number of people infected increased by another 310 people compared to the previous day.

Baden-Württemberg is particularly affected RKI Hohenlohe District. So far, there have been around 744 cases for every 112,010 inhabitants. This corresponds to 664.2 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants.

Unlike Baden-Württemberg and other federal states, particularly harsh crown measures still apply in Bavaria: the owner of a golf course is now taking a risky step *.

Coronavirus in Germany: more relaxation is now decided

Update April 30, 5:33 p. M .: According to the main councils of the federal and state governments Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) announced new opening steps. Subject to conditions Reopen playgrounds, cultural institutions and places of worship.Merkel said Thursday in Berlin. The danger of Crown pandemic But he is far from being haunted: “Therefore, caution remains the order of the day,” the CDU politician in Berlin emphasized on Thursday after a conversation with the 16 prime ministers about the Corona crisis.

For the containment of Crown crisis A common strategy is still necessary. Merkel spoke of a tremendous challenge for citizens and all levels of the country, for which “there is no template.” It is particularly important to understand the chains of infection.

Crown in Baden-Württemberg: scandal in the state parliament – former AfD politician rebels and is expelled from the hall

Update April 30, 4:14 p.m.: Scandal in the Baden-Württemberg state parliament. The independent parliamentarian Heinrich Fiechtner He was excluded from Wednesday’s meeting. Accompanied by the police Fiechtner was kicked out of the hall. The reason was persistent Interjections and provocations..

The Former AfD politician was with before State President Muhterem Aras (Green) come together. The 59-year-old man had accused Aras of undermining parliamentarism in times of crisis. Parliament is currently “a chat room”.

Aras made several calls to Fiechtner, interrupted him, and finally excluded him from the session. Fiechtner continued speaking for several minutes at the desk. Then he sat demonstratively in his chair and refused to go.

Named officers accompany Fiechtner from the state parliament hall in Stuttgart.

© dpa / Sebastian Gollnow

Fiechtner excluded for three sessionsAras announced later.

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: French students can cross the border again

Update April 30, 3:23 p.m.: Student of the Alsace They are allowed to cross the border again from Monday to go to school in Germany. Alsatian authorities gave the green light to this plan, they said. Freiburg District Office Thursday with

Schoolchildren and school buses could exit and enter the German-French border crossings. This is important because in May Baden-Württemberg The first schools will start operating again. According to this, students from France who mainly attend the German-French grammar school (DFG) in Freiburg and who at the end of May benefit from the regulation Abitur’s written exam to have.

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: relaxation for playgrounds, zoos and more – extended contact blocking

Update April 30, 1:38 p.m.: Contact blocks are extended, but museums, exhibitions, monuments, zoos and botanical gardens can be reopened under certain conditions, according to the federal government. Of course, subject to conditions. The distance rule should be observed especially in small, historic buildings. This is what the federal government’s draft resolution says for the consultations of Chancellor Angela Merkel with the heads of government of the federal states.

Chancellor Merkel and the heads of government of the federal states advise on the relaxation of Corona’s rules. The chancellor wants to go to the press on Thursday afternoon. Details are filtered in advance. Consequently, worship services and prayer meetings must be allowed again under certain conditions.

Coroano virus in Baden-Württemberg: What will change on May 1?

Update April 30, 9:20 a.m.: Baden-Württemberg wants a three-step plan tourism and Hospitality drive again. According to a recent poll from the YouGov opinion research institute, this is happening too fast for many citizens, that is, 51 percent of respondents. That is in line with the federal government’s plans. Chancellor Angela Merkel will discuss measures taken in the Corona crisis with state ministers on Thursday afternoon. It was leaked beforehand that there will probably be no more loosening and openings. But those Contact restrictions until May 10 to be extended Anyone who wants to loosen the ban on contacts in Baden-Württemberg will probably have to wait longer, reports*.

  • Covid 19 cases in Baden-Württemberg 31,609 – an increase of 273 compared to the previous day
  • New coronavirus-related deaths: 1,353

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: Cannstatter Wasen has been officially canceled

Update April 29, 2:08 p.m.: As the CDU parliamentary group at the Stuttgart city hall announced on Wednesday, Cannstatt Volksfest will not take place this year due to crown crisis. Germany’s second largest festival was originally planned from September 25 to October 11. According to organizers, around 3.5 million people attended the event in Cannstatter Wasen last year.

Baden-Württemberg Minister for Social Affairs Manne Lucha (Greens) previously expected a cancellation. At present take on the greatest danger of major eventsthe green politician had said a week ago. “And so it’s just the case that there is an obligation to protect health in the hierarchy of needs right now.” But especially for showmen, canceling a big party is another bad news: the industry had already been under three week spring festival crown related cancellation suffered a lot in the Wasen. The traditional event should have taken place these days.

Update April 29, 10:48 a.m. Mayor of Tübingen Boris Palmer (Greens) had called for further relaxation of the crown requirements on Saturday, March 1, and in this context stated that it could People saved “who would be dead in six months anyway”. Although he apologized for this drastic statement on Tuesday night, he is still cheering review.

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: Palmer receives harsh criticism for his testimony

Palmer turned out to be “Inhuman” unmasked, the judges Jan Korte, the first parliamentary director of the Left Group in the Bundestag. There was also criticism from within the party. Mayor of Stuttgart Fritz kuhn he referred to Palmer’s statement on Twitter as “Social Darwinist”.

While Palmer’s testimony in Baden-Württemberg continues to provoke outrage, a violent act occurred in the federal state on Tuesday night, which is now being treated by police in Zell im Wiesental, near the Black Forest. A man was killed there. Police are searching for the suspect.

In Saxony, Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer has called for further relaxation of the crown requirements.

Update April 28 at 9:30 p.m.: Judging by the registered Crown cases are, as of Tuesday night, currently only two federal states Baden-Württemberg (31,400): Bavaria (41,800) and North Rhine-Westphalia (32,100).

Surveys of the deceased only in Bavaria dpa according to more victims with Corona virus – At least 1708 people. In Baden-Württemberg so far there are at least 1307 Dead crown, at NRW 1171.

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer apologizes

Update from April 28 at 8.30 p.m.: the mayor of Tübingen, Boris Palmer It has been polarized once again with sharp statements. This time it was about Pandmia coronavirusand his thesis that most Dead crown he would have died soon anyway due to his previous illnesses.

The Green Party politician apologized for this on Tuesday night. “I would never deny elderly or sick people the right to live,” said the 47-year-old man. dpa. If it has been “misleadingly or forcefully expressed,” you regret it.

Update April 28, 7.30 p.m.: Antibody tests hold great hope in the fight against the coronavirus, but now American researchers are warning about false results.

BaWü corona virus: Boris Palmer polarized with statements about corona deaths

Update April 28, 6.30 p.m.: Drastic words in the coronavirus crisis Baden-Württemberg.

Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer has vehemently demanded that the crown measures be relaxed and polarized in the process.

“I will tell you very brutally: we can save people in Germany who would be dead in six months anyway,” said the green politician in the Sat 1-TV breakfast.

Tübingen Mayor: Boris Palmer.

© dpa / Sebastian Gollnow

Aloud Palmero would primarily target people with pre-existing conditions COVID-19 die anyway, it wouldn’t have had much longer to live. The economic consequences of the blockade, according to Palmer, would be much more serious.

Update April 28, 4:15 p.m.: Positive update also from the region. Rin Neckar.

Like the news portal heidelberg24 Reported this Tuesday, there were only two new infections registered with the insidious in 24 hours Corona virus.

The number of with COVID-19 Infected people increased to 875, but 735 of them are considered recovered. The report says there have been 29 across the region. crown-Dead.

Crown in Baden-Württemberg: Stuttgart health chief praises and admonishes

Update April 28 at 4 p.m. A report from the head of the municipal health department has an idea of ​​the Location Corona granted in the state capital of Baden-Württemberg.

Stefan Ehehalt announced good news. He was acted on at the “absolutely right time,” the head of the health office said aloud. Stuttgart Newswhen he only registered 75 in the city Infected coronavirus it gave.

The number of tested COVID-19 sick people entered Stuttgart thereafter it never exceeded 463 people, he continued, with 47 deaths crown the mortality rate is 3.6 percent, and therefore significantly lower than the European comparison (sometimes ten percent). In Stuttgart, at least 1,000 people who have become ill since then have recovered.

But there was also criticism: He was very concerned because “more and more people are pretending that there is nothing,” he said, according to the report.

BaWü corona virus: Kretschmann gives little hope of relief

Update April 28, 12:05 p.m.: Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann comments on the situation at a press conference on Tuesday Baden-Württemberg.

“We exchanged ideas with virologists and experts yesterday,” says Kretschmann. “Yes there is one second wave of infection would come, the measures would be even more drastic than they are now, “Prime Minister Kretschmann warned at the start of the state government press conference.

Before May 6th in your opinion would no more relaxation, except perhaps in religious services. Today’s numbers would reflect the state ten days ago and not current history. The view of the number of reproductions * is still important. This number fluctuates and must remain below 1.0.

Corona en BaWü: “Mi corazón está sangrando” – la cervecería familiar tiene que destruir 1.500 litros de cerveza

Actualización del 28 de abril, 11:31 a.m.: Una cervecería Wiernsheimer tiene que Crown crisis Destruye la cerveza. El jardín de la cerveza y los festivales se cancelan. No hay compradores La transferencia a botellas tampoco funciona, informa el SWR. 1.500 litros de cerveza de barril aterrizan el martes en una planta de biogás. “Mi corazón está sangrando, pero a través de este tipo de reciclaje todo tiene al menos un pequeño valor para el público en general”, dijo el maestro cervecero Robert Volk a la emisora.

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: 20 weitere Todesfälle – mehr als 31.100

Update vom 27. April, 21.24 Uhr: Bis Montagabend sind im Bundesland Baden-Württemberg mehr als 31.100 bestätigte Coronavirus-Infektionen und mindestens 1269 Todesfälle im Zusammenhang mit einer Covid-19-Erkrankung bestätigt worden. Das ergibt eine Auswertung der Deutschen Presse-Agentur, die die neuesten Zahlen der Bundesländer berücksichtigt.

Baden-Württemberg ist damit nach wie vor eine der am stärksten von Covid-19 betroffenen Regionen in Deutschland. Mehr Infektionen und Todesfälle verzeichnete nur Bayern. In Nordrhein-Westfalen gibt es ebenfalls mehr Infizierte, jedoch 138 Todesfälle weniger als in Baden-Württemberg.

Erstmeldung vom 27. April:

Stuttgart – Besonders hohe Zahlen registrierterCoronavirus-Infektionen* haben den Statistiken der Bundesländer zufolge Bayern, Nordrhein-Westfalen und Baden-Württemberg. Dabei sind es in Baden-Württemberg nach aktuellen Stand (27. April) 31.043 bestätigte Infektionen und davon 1.249 Tote. Dies geht aus den Zahlen hervor, die das Robert-Koch-Institut am 27.04.2020 um 8:30 Uhr veröffentlichte.

Corona-Krise: Baden-Württemberg fährt Sonderweg – Kretschmann will alle testen

Das Robert-Koch-Institut empfiehlt zwar keine Menschen auf das Coronavirus * zu testen, welche keine entsprechenden Symptome haben, aber Baden-Württemberg entscheidet sich künftig „auch Menschen ohne Symptome, die aber in engem Kontakt zu Infizierten* stehen oder zuletzt gestanden sind“ zu testen, erklärte Landesgesundheitsminister Manne Lucha (Grüne) am Sonntag. Demasiado Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann (Grüne) sagte, dass „eine deutliche Ausweitung der Corona-Test
                s*“ eine „sehr wirksame Methode“ sei, um die Pandemie unter Kontrolle zu halte. „Deshalb haben wir uns entschieden, künftig noch mal deutlich mehr Bürgerinnen und Bürger als bisher auf das neuartige Virus testen zu lassen.“  „Bis der Bund die Finanzierung geregelt hat“ wird das Land selbst für diese „bundesweit einmaligen Strategie“ finanziell aufkommen.

Ab Montag, den 27. April gilt in Baden-Württemberg die Maskenpflicht* in allen öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und Geschäften, ab 6 Jahren. Dabei muss es sich um keine sogenannte OP-Maske* handeln, sondern akzeptiert werden auch selbst genähte Masken*, Schals oder Tücher. Außerdem weitet Baden-Württemberg die Cuidado de emergencia in der Corona-Krise* aus. So sollen ab Montag, dem 27. April grundsätzlich Kinder Anspruch auf Cuidado de emergencia haben, „bei denen beide Erziehungsberechtigte beziehungsweise die oder der Alleinerziehende einen außerhalb der Wohnung präsenzpflichtigen Arbeitsplatz wahrnehmen und von ihrem Arbeitgeber als unabkömmlich gelten“, heißt es aus dem Kultusministerium. Künftig sollen zudem auch Kinder bis zur siebten Klasse betreut werden. Bislang gilt die Cuidado de emergencia für Kinder bis zur sechsten Klasse, deren Eltern in der kritischen Infrastruktur arbeiten. Es sind nicht die einzigen Änderungen, die auf die Bevölkerung zukommen. Alle neuen, ab Mai 2020 geltenden Regelungen im Überblick.

In Berlin musste nun wegen des Coronavirus ein Seniorenwohnheim geräumt werden.*

Markus Söder schwärmt von Bayern, wird aber von Angela Merkel unterbrochen – das gefällt der Reise-Chefin gar nicht. Donald Trumps neue Pressesprecherin bricht schon auf ihrer ersten Konferenz ein Versprechen. Der Thai-König residiert während der Corona-Krise in einem Luxushotel in Garmisch, was als „Desaster für das Ansehen der Monarchie“ bezeichnet wird.

agf/pm mit Material der dpa

*,,, und sind Teil des bundesweitem Ippen-Digital-Redaktionsnetzwerkes.

Rubriklistenbild: © dpa / Carsten Rehder
