Crown in Baden-Württemberg: Government prepares citizens for long-term restrictions


Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: Cases in the meat industry have recently been reported to increase. Meanwhile, a demonstration with thousands of people is coming.

  • In Baden-Württemberg occur in the Crown crisis first relaxation in force.
  • Fast forward to measurements Prime Minister
    Winfried Kretschmann however critical towards.
  • All further developments in Baden-Württemberg Read here on the ticker.
  • Here you will find the basic facts about the coronavirus *. You can also find the current case numbers in Germany here as a map *. The following recommendations for crown protection measures * are currently available. The most important thing on this subject is on our Facebook page Corona News. Become a fan now.

Update May 9, 3:29 p.m.: Almost in one Relaxation run Many federal states have chosen far-reaching openings in social life. Baden-Württemberg It is considered one of the countries that is moving cautiously to withdraw measures against the coronavirus pandemic. Now it lives up to this reputation. The government now suggests that Major event well beyond the federal requirement of August 31, it could be banned.

The state government already had a roadmap for Wednesday Relief published. Consequently, “big events are probably not possible until the end of the year.” Government spokesman Rudi Hoogvliet explained that the roadmap also aims to prepare citizens for long-term restrictions. Stuttgart News: “This especially applies to events where many people gather in crowded places, where they can be happy and wet. Experience has shown that these are the herds from which the infection spreads suddenly.”

Corona virus: demonstrations in Stuttgart

On Saturday thousands of people in Stuttgart against the Crown measurements shown. The authorities had conditionally approved the protest in advance. Protests under the slogan “Resistance 2020” are currently increasing throughout Germany. The diversity of the demonstration participants is reminiscent of that of the first Pegida demonstrations. However, they mostly unite a rejection of established policy, partly support grassroots democracy and animal welfare, warn of unconditional immigration, and are sometimes skeptical of the media. That reports that Editorial network Germany. Also the protest posters with the slogan “Merkel has to go”, recall the Pegida protests, which started in 2014 mainly in East Germany.

Crown in Baden-Württemberg: 300 cases in the meat industry: thousands are expected to demonstrate

Update, 7:17 p.m.: To the next one Demonstration against him Corona virus restrictions will return to Stuttgart this Saturday (May 9)end People expected. Starter Michael Ballweg originally registered 50,000 participants for the nonpartisan demonstration at the Cannstatter Wasen. That pushed the City Stuttgart end: Ball court received the requirement to limit the meeting to a maximum of 10,000 participants. I know more for City and Police Not feasible, a city spokesman said.

Last weekend is here various toutside People to wash for those who are restricted from their point of view Fundamental rights to demonstrate The organizer spoke of 5000 participants. Behind the protest is Ballweg’s “lateral thinking” initiative. It is regular Let’s recently received important entries.

Meanwhile, the German government apparently has doubts about Donald Trump’s thesis that the coronavirus was grown in a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

Crown in Baden-Württemberg: 300 cases in the meat industry – Big popular event canceled

Update, 4:07 p.m .: In Stuttgart the city council has to Cannstatter Folkloric festival for him Corona virus now finally canceled. Hope is a smaller alternative event, with no beer tents. That reported on Stuttgart Newspaper.

But not only that Folkloric festival The end of September was planned Crown at the border. It is also unclear if the Christmas market can take place where it is usual this year. The decision on the Christmas market should fall before summer break Stuttgart Newspaper further away

Crown in Baden-Württemberg: 300 cases in the meat industry – quarantined shared accommodation

Update May 8, 1:48 p.m.: Coronavirus infections in the meat industry are increasingly common in Germany. Among other things, just in Baden-Württemberg. According to this, around 300 infected people have registered with the Baden-Württemberg producer Müller Fleisch, and more than 200 with the Westfleisch company in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Mainly Romanian recruited workers, often found in Community accommodation lived, reported the Mirror Friday citing information from government agencies. You want to react with hygiene measures in companies and with quarantine in accommodation.

For Baden-Württemberg, the RKI reports more than 32,800 confirmed cases and at least 1,517 deaths on Friday.

Crown in Baden-Württemberg: specific dates for apparently fixed catering openings

Update May 7 at 11:39 a.m.: The dates of Gastro reopening * in Baden-Württemberg they are becoming more concrete. Minister of tourism Guido Wolf (CDU) said that SWROutdoor catering must May 18 Be possible again. The interior of the restaurants could be of 25 of May in reopening, hotels and amusement parks in May 30.

However, the dates are not yet a joint decision. “I can promise that the state government will save the schedule until the weekend so that restaurateurs can make binding plans,” Wolf said. The Infection numbers * but it would have to remain stable.

Minister of economy also Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut (CDU) spoke in favor of the proposal. If the Baden-Württemberg state government agrees, beer gardens and outdoor cafes could still do business for two weeks in May.

Virologist Drosten and hundreds of colleagues warn about fake news and massively criticize Facebook, Twitter and Google.

Crown in Baden-Württemberg: extensive easing – Kretschmann points to “sharpest weapon”

Update, 7.49 p.m.: According to the Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann distance remains the highest priority during the Corona crisis. “The minimum distance of one and a half meters is our sharpest weapon in the fight against the pandemic. So we will need it for a long time, “he said Wednesday. The same applies to the mask requirement in certain public areas.

An ARD camera team was attacked during a demonstration in Berlin. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a easing for the UK, but Spain once again declared a state of emergency.

Update, 5.30 p.m .: Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Winfried Kretschmann (Green) urges the federal government to introduce what is planned quickly Corona application. “We have already wasted a lot of time there,” Kretschmann criticized on Wednesday in the Stuttgart state parliament. For a greater fight against the spread of the corona virus, it will be “crucial” that a large part of the population uses the application. The application’s task is to inform citizens as soon as possible when they have had contact with a person infected with a crown.

As Kretschmann said, fourth graders in their country are expected to return to school after May 18, after having returned to school. After Pentecost, all students must come to schools in one continuous system (we report).

It also became a Traffic light system inserted. Everything from the green area is already open or will open on May 11, including shops, hairdressers, museums or zoos and driving schools.

Before Pentecost, according to the current status in the yellow area, open-air restaurants or camps would be opened, as well as stable infection rate Also the interior of the restaurants. However, there is still no opening prospect for important events such as trade fairs, congresses, sporting events, but also cultural and leisure facilities such as theaters, cinemas or discos.

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: What measures will Winfried Kretschmann maintain?

© picture alliance / dpa / Sebastian Gollnow

Update, 4:54 p.m.: Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann has finalized his statement in the state parliament.

Update, 16:51: For Important events such as fairs and conferences, but also Theater and music festivals, saunas and wellness facilities would have to develop new rules.

Update, 4.43 p.m .:
Sport outdoor again is allowed. The Bundesliga regulations they are controversial, says Kretschmann. “I am aware of this,” he says. Shops with more than 800 meters of commercial space must be opened, but the distance rule also applies here.

Residents Older people or people with disabilities are likely to be visited again by a single person. “We will have this agreement in Baden-Württemberg deploy quickly, “says Kretschmann.

Update, 4.35 p.m .: Prime Minister Kretschmann it is now voiced after Merkel’s press conference in the state parliament. “Basic structures” like distances are still preserved, he says. You bet on it Sense of responsibility the citizen – the use of a App But it is an important instrument. Therefore, the federal government would soon have to “launch” the application.

With the Schools should the Lessons for all student to be gradually resumed. “Of course, also with distance rules.” Until summer break, students must at least “daily or weekly” Schools you can visit in the Childcare they have agreed a “common framework” with all countries.

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Corona in BaWü: countries decide to gradually open up gastronomy

Update, 3:50 p.m.: Federal states should gradually open the Gastronomy at Crown crisis decide the chancellor agreed on this Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the federal states. Baden-Württemberg and the other countries must act under their own responsibility, in the context of the respective infection and the specific characteristics of the country.

Corona virus in Baden-Württemberg: Federal and state governments extend contact restrictions

Update, 1:51 p.m.:
Covenant and Countries have the Corona contact restrictions in Germany basically extended until June 5. However, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Minister of countries also switched to one when they lit up on Wednesday Relief. According to German press agency Members of two households should be able to meet among participants in the future.

Also, everyone should Shops in Germany may reopen under conditions. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and state prime ministers agreed the previous Restricted opening in a sales area of ​​800 square meters.

All other decisions at the big Corona summit can be found in the live ticker for Angela Merkel’s press conference.

Merkel and the leaders of the countries have agreed: out of 50 new corona infections for every 100,000 inhabitants, a concept of strict restriction must be implemented in the municipalities. Who would he currently hit.

The new loosening of the crown continues to create tension between the federal and state governments. At the exchange conference with Merkel, a prime minister did not pay much attention to one point.

Corona in Baden-Württemberg: relaxation in driving schools – lessons with mouth protection

Update, 1:32 p.m.: The Driving schools in Baden-Württemberg They are scheduled to start operating again next Monday (May 11). At first this had the Stuttgart Newspaper I learned from the Ministry of Transport in Stuttgart. The decision comes from Corona Steering Committee the state government on Tuesday afternoon (May 5). As the Stuttgarter Zeitung reports, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann wanted to negotiate this issue today (May 6) with the Chancellor and go to the other prime ministers.

Days ago Minister of State Transport Winfried Hermann a gradual plan for opening Driving schools presented and promised that he would like a solution at the national level, but also that he would do it alone Baden-Württemberg Consider possible when driving schools reopen. Lessons in driving schools should be included Mouthguard occur

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: Federal states must take responsibility for alleviating

Update, 12.25 p.m.: The individual Federal states take responsibility for others Relief the Crown restrictionsbut you also have to focus on possible negative Consequences react immediately The federal government and states agreed Wednesday that states would ensure that in independent districts or cities with more than 50 New infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days consequent Restriction concept must be implemented who learned the German press agency of groups of participants in the channel of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) with the heads of state.

Crown in Baden-Württemberg: Will further relaxation follow? Kretschmann clears up before Merkel summit

StuttgartRelief of restrictions in Germany
* * close – among other things Schools, Day care centersin Retailer and in Sport. However, the federal government wants to be responsible for openings that go beyond this, especially for those Contact restrictions – Largely left to the federal states. This stems from a federal resolution for Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) to consult with heads of state. It remains to be seen how Winfried Kretschmann of Baden-Württemberg will deal with this.

Coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg: the day of the Corona summit – Kretschmann clears up

On the day of the great Crown summit criticized Kretschmann Go alone in other countries. “Instead of waiting for today’s advice, a whole host of colleagues have now moved forward with their own openings,” said the green politician. He condemned the uncoordinated advance of several countries. “They cannot stay together if everyone has decided in advance what to do,” Kretschmann emphasized.

Already on Tuesday (May 5) Kretschmannabout him Corona’s location in Baden-Württemberg * and others Relief Informed Starting next week, “outdoor non-contact outdoor sports” will be allowed again, “where distance rules such as golf, athletics and tennis can be maintained,” the Prime Minister continued.

Baden-Württemberg: Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann comments on the crown figures

For Baden-Württemberg 32,576 people were reported on Wednesday (May 6). According to Numbers of Robert Koch Institute (RKI) are 94 more people than the day before. 1,481 people died in Baden-Württemberg as a result of the coronavirus *.

Described yesterday Kretschmann The situation is as follows: “On average, we currently have 196 cases a day. There are currently less than 6,000 people attending Covid-19 they are sick On April 6 there were three times as many cases. “Kretschmann continued:” The R value * it is just under 7, which is below the national average. ”

Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann on video


Crown crisis in Germany: contact ban, upper limit, vacation – these new crown rules should apply – an overview

* * it is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

List of rubric lists: © AFP / THOMAS KIENZLE
