Crown hotspot Saxony: Kretschmer announces a stricter lockdown | Regional


Dresden – The second hard blockade in Saxony is approaching. Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (45, CDU) prepared on Monday to his compatriots that schools, nurseries and businesses could close. The head of government demanded better border controls from the federal government!

This is on the “agenda”, said the head of government of Saxony. This week it will be decided in peace what measures will be taken to control the corona pandemic. Kretschmer: “Make sure everything happens well in advance. I’m not going to talk about concrete measures today. “

The number of infected people is increasing dramatically in the Free State. The Robert Koch Institute reported newly infected people on Monday, 1923. 13 people died in 24 hours. And the incidence now exceeds the 300 mark in the entire Free State, more than people infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days.

Michael Kretschmer confirmed that some of the tough measures that the Bavarian government decided on Sunday already apply in his state.

However, Kretschmer does not want to declare a disaster for Saxony: “Bavaria uses it to control the occupation of hospitals. We already have it ”. In Saxony there are coordination centers for clinic reservations in Chemnitz, Dresden and Leipzig.

One third of the people who currently test positive in Saxony are in nursing homes or facilities for the disabled. Kretschmer: “That is why we are working very hard to improve the situation there. In a conversation with district administrators last night, I once again encouraged them to issue a blanket ban on entry to these facilities and only allow visitors if there is a negative corona rapid test. “

And further: “The number of positive cases, which always have very serious medical consequences, especially in nursing homes, is extremely high and must be reduced.”

Federal Police on Duty

Fatal: Neighboring Saxony, the Czech Republic, had one of the highest crown numbers in the world in autumn and made a tough block. But: the border with Saxony remained open. Many Czechs traveled to Germany to go shopping because everything was tight in Bohemia. Small border traffic has been banned, only travelers can cross.

Controls at the border? Nothing! At BILD’s on-the-spot checks on Friday at the Schmilka (Saxon Switzerland) and Zinnwald (Eastern Ore Mountains) border crossings on Friday, no police officers were seen.

Kretschmer to BILD: “We also expressed clear expectations of the Federal Government at the Prime Minister’s Conference. There is a decree of the Federal Minister Seehofer to the Federal Police to control “.

He continues saying: “Now it is the job of the Federal Police to make this happen, without the barrier falling and without traffic jams that run for kilometers.”
