Crown Germany: According to the RKI, a federal state has more cases than Bavaria


Crown crisis: Despite a relatively high R number in recent days, new information comes from Austria on Wednesday: the borders with Germany will open from June 15.

Update, May 13, 9:18 a.m. The current numbers in the Crown crisis should be in Germany Special attention these days. Many fear that after a powerful relief it has taken effect in the last few days. Virologists now a second wave of the pandemic.

As the Robert Koch Institute On Wednesday morning, the number of new infections increased by another 798 people who tested positive in Germany. So registered in the last 24 hours North Rhine-Westphalia the tallest New infections across Germany 222 people were accordingly in NRW it was positive for the virus, in Bavaria there were 209 people. Baden-Württemberg they registered 159 new infections.

Update, May 13, 7.42 a.m.: The by the The Corona pandemic closed the border between Germany and Austria According to information from the Austrian news agency APA fully reopened on June 15 will be. Starting next Friday, there will only be random border checks, the Vienna Chancellery confirmed Wednesday at the APA.

the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) had Tuesday by phone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The Federal Government wants to discuss new steps at its meeting on Wednesday. Previously, the Austrian chancellor had broadcast on Tuesday night “9:50” He told Swiss television that he expected the border to open in June. The Federal Chancellery in Vienna also announced that Austria is also striving to liberalize the border regime with its other neighboring countries.

Corona in Germany: more than 170,000 infected people registered on Tuesday

Update, May 12, 9 p.m.: Soon it will be time: breweries, restaurants and taverns in Bavaria can later Crown off As of May 18, they open their outdoor areas (until 8 p.m.).

According to the Bavarian Minister for Economic Affairs, Hubert Aiwanger (free voters), groups, for example several friends, can meet again in the catering sector *, under clearly defined conditions.

Update, 4:39 p.m.: According to an assessment by the news agency in Germany dpa So far more than 170,900 cases of coronavirus have been reported.

According to reports, at least 7,585 people infected with the pathogen Sars-CoV-2 across the country have died so far. At 4:15 p.m. Monday (May 10), 7,484 deaths had been counted.

Crown in Germany: the mask requirement remains in Berlin

Update, 4:06 p.m.: In Berlin, people must cover their mouth and nose when shopping and on public transport. This obligation under the Corona Regulation is not a disproportionate interference with fundamental rights, the capital’s administrative court announced Tuesday. The urgent requests of several applicants were rejected (VG 14 L 76/20 and others)

The court held that the Intervention in the right to free development of personality.. However, the intervention was justified by the objective of preventing new infections with the coronavirus and thus reducing the rate of spread of Covid-19 disease in the population.

Corona in Germany: Berlin adopts its own corona early warning system

Update, 2.20 p.m.: Berlin now bets own warning system in the crown crisis. Contrary to what the federal and state governments agreed last week, the maximum number of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants should be decisive. This maximum number was too high for Berlin, it was criticized beforehand. The rate of reproduction, the number of new infections and the occupation of intensive care beds with patients with Covid-19 should play a role in the warning system, Prime Minister Michael Müller and Health Senator Dilek Kalayci said on Tuesday.

If critical levels are reached in two of the indicators, the Senate wants to review the existing easing measures or postpone any other easing measures if necessary.

Crown in Germany: the closure of schools and kindergartens had this effect

Update 1 p.m.: The Closing of schools and kindergartens. has taken steps to contain the crown pandemic greater effect. As a result, the growth rate of confirmed crown infections slowed by 7.9 percentage points, according to one study. Research by the Institute for the Labor Market and Professional Research (IAB) in Nuremberg discovered this. Exit restrictions would represent 5.0 percentage points and completion of professional and recreational sports 3.4 percentage points.

Update 12:56 p.m.: The numerous Corona demonstrations in Germany draw criticism. In a comment on the day’s topic, SWR correspondent Michael Stempfle commented on the crown protesters, and certainly understood them.

Corona in Germany: slaughterhouse hotspot – 80 new infections

Update 12:43 p.m.: At a slaughterhouse in Birkenfeld near Pforzheim (Baden-Württemberg), more than 80 people tested positive for the coronavirus. This increases the number of employees who are or were infected with Covid-19 to around 400, a spokeswoman for the district office in Enzkreis in Baden-Württemberg said Tuesday. That’s more than a third of the workforce of around 1,100 employees. The authority released the results Monday night. Several media reported on it. At a slaughterhouse in the Coesfeld district (North Rhine-Westphalia), the number of confirmed crown cases has increased to 250, reports Deutschlandfunk online. The Westfleisch company was closed.

Crown in Germany: after Oktoberfest Aus – Munich wants to break new ground

Update 12:24 p.m.: After the cancellation of the Oktoberfest in Munich, the city has a “crazy idea”, reports*. Special times require special measures. Consequently, Oktoberfest operators should organize their games and games throughout the city.

Corona in Germany: Why has the number of reproductions in Germany increased?

Update 12.10 p.m.: According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the increase in the much-discussed number of reproductions in recent days is also in individual shoots attributed. “The youngest Outbreaks in slaughterhouses they have increased the number of reproductions, “said RKI Vice President Lars Schaade. Schaade again emphasized that this value was” only one parameter “to evaluate the dynamics of crown transmission. But it is not the only factor. Other” factor important “is the number of new infections. The scope and results of the tests are also important, Schaade said.

Therefore, compliance with distance and hygiene rules is still very important. “The virus is still there.Schaade warned. Even if the number of cases had decreased significantly.

Update 11:44 a.m.: Dermatologists believe that frequent hand washing in the crown pandemic will lead to more people developing itchy eczema on the hands. “The soap attacks the skin barrier,” said dermatologist Christoph Skudlik of the news agency. dpa. The 52-year-old man is the chief physician at the iDerm Institute based at the University of Osnabrück and the BG Klinikum Hamburg. People with skin problems should go to the specialist.

Update 11:07 a.m.: The RKI press conference in Berlin has ended.

Corona in Germany – RKI: No “routine tests” in schools and kindergartens

Update 10:53 a.m.: According to RKI Vice-Schaade, “routine testing” is not currently planned in schools and kindergartens. Where there is an outbreak, it must be tested. However, there must be a test for the nursing staff.

Update 10:49 a.m.: According to the RKI vice president, the measures in Germany would not have been as strict as abroad, for example Spain. “They allowed us to go out, to go for a walk. These were measures with a sense of proportion that left some freedom of movement. These measures were gradually relaxed. According to Schaade, the government is very aware of the side effects of a social and health nature.

Update 10:38 a.m.: “You have to deal with every outbreak,” says Schaade. The chains of infection would have to be traced, identified, that would be the job of the health department. Quarantine must be ordered. The limit of 50 per 100,000 inhabitants is a limit to prevent another outbreak, a threshold.

Update 10:28 a.m.: The dangerous situation in Germany is still there, emphasizes Schaade. “The second wave can be avoided if we avoid the chains of infection.” We could control the steering wheel through our behavior. As long as we have no alternative, we must avoid infections. “Behavior as it was last December” is only possible if there is one vaccine give, then Schaade. You have to “Discipline and imagination“To keep infections low.

Crown in Germany: Reproduction number probably beyond 1

Update 10:07 a.m.: “We are trying to capture a realistic picture of the epidemic,” says Lars Schaade of RKI. For this, a model is used, the so-called immediate prediction process. There are fluctuations in the reporting data, says Schaade. On weekends and Mondays, some health authorities report fewer numbers, which can lead to statistical fluctuations.

The call Number of reproductions According to estimates by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), it could still be around 1 in the coming days. The reason is that the number of new daily infections is barely decreasing and is approaching a plateau, RKI Vice President Lars Schaade said in Berlin on Tuesday. The current number of reproductions, or R value for short, shows the infection process approximately a week and a half earlier, the value reported on Monday, for example, the situation from April 28 to May 3.

Generally subject to R-value fluctuations – among others because individual shoots influence the value more than with a higher number of infections in general. Therefore, the RKI will in the future issue a so-called smoothed R value, which would better offset these fluctuations.

Update 10:02 a.m.: Contrary to its announcement, the Robert Koch Institute is giving a press conference on the crown situation in Germany. Lars Schaade presents the current figures and talks about the meaning of Reproduction number R.

Virus corona in Berlin: more than 7,500 deaths in Germany

Berlin – According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) They are so far 170,508 infections with the coronavirus registered (as of May 12, 2020, 00:00 a.m.). At least 7,533 people died from a Sars-CoV-2 infection.

According to the RKI, the Playback number R * from Monday at 1.07. This means that an infected person infects slightly more than one person. The value has been above the critical mark of 1 since May 9.




+ 169 *

























+ 180 *








Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania



Four. Five


Lower saxony





North Rhine-Westphalia












0 0















-one *













Source: Robert Koch Institute, as of May 12, 2020, 00:00 a.m. (updated online at 09:00 a.m.)


* and * Part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Markus Schreiber
