Crown, “Deutschlandtrend Extra” – Total lockout meets wide approval


Germany “Deutschlandtrend Extra”

Hard Lock Meets Wide Approval

| Reading time: 2 minutes

“Starting with vaccination in a practical way: those who are not older than 80 years must be patient”

The first vaccines against the new corona virus are expected to start soon in Germany. Preparations for this are in full swing. Health Minister Jens Spahn commented on the current state in an interview with WELT.

Corona’s harsh new measures are well received by most Germans. Even better than the partial lockdown imposed in early November. However, when it comes to religious services, Germans are divided.

reAccording to a poll, the harsh blockade that has been in place since Wednesday has broad support from the population. In the ARD “Deutschlandtrend Extra”, 69 percent of the participants said that the measures were appropriate, as announced by the WDR on Thursday. Only 14 percent said measures to contain the pandemic went too far. However, 16 percent expressed the opinion that the guidelines did not go far enough.

Therefore, the hard blockade enjoys greater support than the partial blockade imposed in early November. In the “Germany trend” in early December, 53 percent described the measures in place at the time as appropriate, 27 percent considered them too far-reaching and 18 percent too weak.

According to the new poll, requirements that have been in place since Wednesday include a ban on drinking alcohol in public – 86 percent of survey participants supported it. Banning gatherings and fireworks in public places on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Eve (85 percent) and the closure of much of retail and service providers (67 percent) also receive much support.

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68 percent of all respondents think that the extended suspension of classroom teaching in schools is good, 27 percent reject it. There is less support for restricting child care in daycare: 56 percent agreed and 36 percent disagreed.

Respondents were divided on the question of whether it is correct that church services can continue to be held under certain hygiene requirements. 50 percent supported this, 47 percent rejected it.

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Twelve percent of those surveyed said they felt very stressed by the current restrictions. 24 percent feel very burdened, 45 percent less and 19 percent nothing. Younger people feel more deteriorated than older people; People with school-age children in the home estimate the burden to be greater than those without school-age children.

With a view to the Christmas holidays, the survey shows that 24 percent of people plan to severely restrict their contacts or visits. 36 percent plan a severe restriction, 23 percent want to restrict themselves less severely, and 14 percent do not.

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With the crown crisis management of the federal government and the federal states, ten percent of Germans are currently very satisfied and 47 percent are satisfied. 30 percent said they were less satisfied. Twelve percent are not entirely satisfied.

For the “Deutschlandtrend Extra” on behalf of ARD “Tagesthemen”, the polling company Infratest Dimap polled 1,004 voters on Tuesday and Wednesday. The statistical margin of error was expressed as plus / minus 1.4 to 3.1 percentage points.
