Crown Deniers in America: The Big Lie


No other country in the world is as divided in its assessment of the crown crisis as the United States. Many Americans deny the seriousness of the disease. Joe Biden will need a lot of persuasion to win the fight.

By Jule Käppel, ARD-Studio Washington

A Missouri doctor wants to shake up his peers with a shocking video. In it, he simulates the last minutes of the life of a Covid patient, from his point of view.

This is what it looks like if you breathe 40 times a minute, says the doctor. He leaned over the camera. In the painting, only her face. He is almost completely covered by a monstrous white special mask, thick goggles and the surgical cap. A medic in combat.

In the throbbing rhythm of rapid breathing, your head is sometimes close, then further away again. The oppressive scene reaches its climax: the doctor blinds with a light and his hand with the ventilation tube moves towards the camera. The end.

Denier: Crown a “one hundred percent overreaction”

This is what your mother, father or children will be the last to see when they contract Covid, says Dr. Kenneth Remy in his video. A few days earlier, South Dakota nurse Jodi Doering caused awe on Twitter. He has seen crown deniers die in his intensive care unit.

His last words were, this can’t happen, this isn’t real, he says on CNN. Beseeching appeals, drastic scenes from the everyday lives of people on the front lines are becoming more frequent and seem like desperate attempts to reach out to Americans like him: For Ryan, Corona is a “one hundred percent overreaction” of something that is very easy to survive. The 39-year-old family man from Georgia lost an older relative to the virus. But he wants to continue as usual. Protective measures go too far for him.

Trump continues to compare Corona to the flu

That’s a bit of a stretch for something no worse than the flu, he says calmly. Trump has also repeatedly compared Corona to the flu. On a park bench a few steps from Ryan, blonde Marie-Beth immediately shakes up the Corona issue. That is completely inflated and you don’t have to be so scared.

Some consider Corona to cause panic, others associate it with a grand conspiracy. In a survey by the Pew Research Center, one in four Americans believed at least a little that the pandemic occurred on purpose. The research center also found that in no other country in the world is public opinion about Corona as divided as in the United States. A rift that cuts across the political fields. Those who deny the crown are mostly Republicans. Staunch Trump supporters even see the crisis as a media plot against the president.

Biden needs a lot of persuasion

The media wants people to be afraid, says Ron. It’s about fear! The 51-year-old thin man has a theory:

“The media is against Trump. They would say anything that costs him re-election.”

For Ron, Trump has not yet lost the election. His overweight namesake, Ron, 62, of Alabama, even makes Corona laugh. After all, the pandemic is more politically motivated than medical. He suspects when the crisis will end: the day after Joe Biden takes office.

“The media will stop reporting on Covid. So it looks like it saved the country.”

For Joe Biden, fighting Corona is the top priority. He and his team are already working on a strategy to control the crisis. Above all, you need a lot of persuasion.
