Crown demos in Germany: Thousands demonstrate against conditions in Berlin, Dortmund, Munich and Stuttgart. FDP politician Thomas Kemmerich was present in Gera.
Too many protesters in Cottbus: concentration dissolves
Update May 12, 9:16 p.m.: A short-term pass demonstration of the right-wing association “Zukunft Heimat” against the restrictions of the crown in cottbus it’s tuesday afternoon dissolved state. A police spokeswoman said the concentration on the Altmarkt was significantly higher than the 50 people allowed. Safety distances were not observed. Police had asked the chairman of the meeting to dissolve the demonstration. The newspaper “B.Z.” first reported.
the Cottbus Administrative Court had approved the rally on Tuesday in the short term. Police had previously denied the demonstration exemption due to violations of cleaning and hygiene standards during the demonstration last Tuesday.
In accordance with the Brandenburg containment regulation against coronavirus Meetings are generally prohibited. However, meetings of up to 50 people subject to conditions can be approved, provided this is justifiable from an infection protection perspective.
Demonstrations and violence: “Reporters without borders” fear fewer reports of protests
Update May 12, 4:31 p.m.: After several attacks on journalists, the association fears Reporters Without Borders that Report on demonstrations in Germany came back could. “We fear that the latest attacks will disturb media professionals and, if in doubt, will report fewer protests,” managing director Christian Mihr said Tuesday. He also emphasized: “Anyone who attacks journalists is attacking the fundamental right to press freedom.” Especially in times of a pandemic, media professionals should be able to report “freely and without fear of violence.”
He had several attacks in the past few weeks. Reporter teams given around demonstrations. There was one over the weekend Attack on a WDR team in Dortmund during a demonstration against crown restrictions. Days earlier, a man in Berlin attacked a camera team in the capital ARD studio. A ZDF camera crew was attacked in Berlin on May 1.
Crown Demos in Germany: Merkel apparently suspects that Putin’s apparatus is the instigator of the protests.
Update May 12, 1:33 p.m.: There has been a lot of “disinformation” since the Corona crisis. The increasing spread of Conspiracy theories* At all times around the pandemic, meanwhile, it even calls national politicians from the federal and state governments in the next Conference of Interior Ministers They should be a problem.
the CDU Interior Expert Armin schuster meanwhile called for a contentious discussion with crown protest groups like “Not without us” or “Endurance 2020” in. “Dismissing these groups as spinners is too short for me,” Schuster said recently. Rheinische Post. “We have to make them political with their nonsense and expose them as spoilers to our globally recognized infection protection success.”
Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) based on Corona’s demonstrations of “Organized disinformation of Russia” Have talked. She wants that image from the Change with the CDU Presidium * May 11. Therefore, Merkel described the protests as “troubling”.
Corona demos: horror about Kemmerich, who talks about “next time”
Update May 12, 8.26 a.m.: After the part aggressive protests against government requirements for him Crown crisis the head of the German Trade Union Confederation, Reiner Hoffmannwho called the citizens distance from radical forces. “With all the understanding of people’s concerns: I can only warn against joining an alliance of conspiracy theorists, right-wing extremists and science deniers,” Hoffmann told the German Press Agency.
Thomas Kemmerich.
© dpa / Martin Schutt
Update May 11, 6:22 pm: After spending the weekend at one Demonstration against crown restrictions. participated and therefore a lot Review had reaped, the Thuringia
r FDP chief Thomas Kemmerich via Twitter reported and defended again. “Why was he in Gera? Because I don’t want parts of the middle class with their concerns of AfD be caught, “writes the 55-year-old man about the short message service.
Due to its negative attitude towards AfD representatives and supporters, the demonstration He also addressed himself verbally: “Because of my distance to the right, they shouted at me there.”
Also to the accusations that he had none Respirator worn out he saidFDP politician. “I like it p. The police on site were not wearing my mask all the time. They would do it differently next time,” Kemmerich writes. So Kemmerich does not seem to rule out attending another demonstration against crown restrictions.
As the local police did not use my mun protection all the time. I would do it differently next time. 2/2
– Thomas L. Kemmerich (@KemmerichThL) May 11, 2020
Crown Demos in Germany: Horror over Kemmerich – General CSU with frontal attack
Update May 11, 2:19 p.m.: The participation of FDP politician Thomas Kemmerich in one Demonstration against crown restrictions has CSU general secretary Markus Blume prompted to critically criticize the party. “Fuses blow in the FDPChristian Lindner does not have his party under control, ”said the CSU politician at the German Press Agency in Munich. He also said in the FDP total row failure after total failure.
Blume criticized the Thuringian FDP chief’s crown protest with reference to the fact that Kemmerich demonstrates with right-wing extremists and conspiracy theorists and doing so violates the duty to wear distance and a mask. And also the statement of the vice president of FDP Michael Theurer about the mayor and green politician of Tübingen, who is “on the ethical side” Boris Palmer It is unsustainable for the flower. Theurer had described Palmer as a “smart mind” and, given the Greens’ demand to leave the party, had placed him near the FDP.
Demos against crown restrictions: Kemmerich’s participation by party colleagues was criticized
Update May 11 at 11:54 a.m. After this FDP politician Thomas Kemmerich in a weekend Demonstration against crown restrictions involved, without wearing a suitable protective mask * or paying attention to the minimum required distance from other people, now sounds from the ranks of more and more critical free democrats. So I had party leader Christian Lindner He already announced on Twitter on Sunday that he “did not understand” Kemmerich’s behavior.
Crown demos in Germany: horror about Kemmerich – party colleague: “he’s an embarrassing boy”
And also Konstantin Kuhle, FDP interior expert went to his party colleagues in conversation with the image– Massive newspaper. “Yes certain role of role model as a politician then you must comply with the distance rules * or wear a face mask in such demonstrations. Who doesn’t do that act negligent, is a bad role model and frankly it’s too much an embarrassing boy“He criticized Kuhle, the head of the Thuringian FDP.
That Kemmerich had ignored the two precautionary measures addressed by Kuhle was in the photos Demonstration with about 600 participants in Gera seen on Saturday The participation of AfD representatives of the protests ensured that Kemmerich’s behavior was criticized. “That weakened the FDP’s arguments,” Lindner said Monday in the RTLShow “Good morning Germany”.
Demos Against Crown Restraints: Lindner Strongly Criticizes Kemmerich On Television
The federal president of the FDP emphasized that his party was for one better balance health protection with freedom, social and economic life. But you can not close to right-wing extremists, AfD, left, or conspiracy theorists Come, Lindner demanded. “That weakens the concern of a serious party in the middle,” he said.
Kemmerich has meanwhile granted, during the weekend rally to have behaved incorrectly. He emphasized that there was no sympathy for the AfD. Still demand first-party colleagues, including FDP federal board member Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, now even the Kemmerich’s withdrawal from the FDP, reports the Bild newspaper.
In this regard However, he warned Kuhle against hasty action. “Anyone who has dealt with part exclusion procedures knows this is not an easy number, but you have to think carefully,” said the interior expert. Precisely because it is a “difficult story”, something like this has to be discussed and decided in peace in the responsible committees. “We have next week monday federal board meeting, that’s where it belongs and then you can discuss it ”, he announced.
Chancellor Angela Merkel and members of the Crown Cabinet also had a lot to discuss on Monday morning. In a meeting he discussed how to proceed in the Corona crisis.
Demos Against Crown Restrictions: CDU Secretary General Warns Of Infiltration
Update May 11, 8:44 a.m.: In some German cities, thousands of people took to the streets over the weekend to against the Demonstrate limitations in the crown crisis.. It was not uncommon for distance rules and the ban on large assemblies to be ignored.
Now you have CDU Secretary General Paul Ziemiak warned against infiltration of protests against state requirements to contain the coronavirus. “We don’t allow that Extremists use the crown crisis as a platform for his undemocratic propaganda abuse“He told the Augsburger Allgemeine (Monday edition). As a popular party, the CDU always takes citizens’ concerns seriously. And the party also appreciates that the vast majority of Germans support the restrictions with great understanding, Ziemiak emphasized. . “But it is also clear that we act consistently against those who now the concerns of citizens with Fuel conspiracy theories and put false news into circulation. “
too SPD Leader Saskia Esken he was critical of the manifestations of the crown. Who deny the pandemic and calls for violation of protection rules, exploit people’s insecurity “blatantly”she said. He also emphasized that spreading false messages about the crown pandemic was aimed at “destabilizing and dividing society.” He also asked for “clarification” to respond. He also appealed to citizens who approved the restrictions.
BTW: Christian Deutschländer, head of the political editorial team at Munich’s Merkur, also commented on the protests against the crown restrictions last weekend. The images cast doubt “in the mind,” says the editor.
And while the protests against Corona’s restrictions were in full swing over the weekend, many people are now also concerned with the question: Where to spend summer vacation in Corona’s time? You can also read which countries can allow tourists to return in the near future. Merkur.de*.
Before going on vacation, many children and teens also have school classes in the assistance program. But the association of cities and municipalities has now warned of enormous difficulties in gradually resuming school operations.
Demonstrations against Crown restrictions: FDP politician Kemmerich also participates – Lindner reacts
Update May 10, 1:56 pm:After his Thuringian party companion, Thomas Kemmerichin a Demonstration against applicable crown rules had also participated FDP-Chef Christian Lindner to. He condemned Kemmerich’s behavior via Twitter: “@ KemmerichThL’s action weakens our arguments. I do not understand thatLinder says via Twitter.
“Anyone campaigning for civil rights and a smart opening strategy does not manifest in dark circles and does not give up distance and protection,” Lindner continues.
Anyone campaigning for civil rights and a smart opening strategy does not manifest itself in dark circles and does not renounce distance and protection. The action of @KemmerichThL it weakens our arguments. I have no understanding for that. CL (2/2)
– Christian Lindner (@c_lindner) May 10, 2020
Thousands demonstrate against Corona restrictions: Kemmerich too, now there are serious charges
First report of May 10:
Munich / Berlin / Dortmund – The Emergency shutdown in Germany it had entered into force after images from Italy had raised fears of an overload on the health system in this country as well. According to Johns Hopkins University, 171,324 people in Germany have been shown to be infected with the coronavirus, and 7,594 patients have died from it.
Against continuous restrictions Thousands of people took to the streets across the country on Saturday. However, the main reasons for the protests are restrictions on private and economic life. Border closures* and fear of injury from Fundamental rights – for example before new laws on the use of Vaccines*, which in many places are significantly fueled by conspiracy theorists. The grand coalition had already rejected speculation that vaccination was mandatory.
Sometimes, however, also mixed right-wing extremist groups among the protesters or called their own demonstrations. In Thuringia, the demonstrations were accompanied by the AfD and political prominence of the FDP.
Crown demos in Germany: violent clashes in Berlin
More than a thousand people had gathered for an undeclared demonstration at Alexanderplatz in Berlin. As the police said on Twitter, they were asked to leave the plaza.
In the area #Alexanderplatz Several hundred people gathered to express their opinions. This is according to # COVID-19Containment Regulation not allowed. We specifically address people and ask them to leave the square.
– Berlin police operation (@PolizeiBerlin_E) May 9, 2020
After some police officers failed to comply, they were fired and, at resistance – “Simple physical violence” was used. An AFP journalist reported that the Protesters Bottles had been thrown. Television chef Attila Hildmann was among those detained by the police.
In a meeting the Reichstag building There were around 30 arrests. For several weeks, up to 50 people have demonstrated in Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz.
Crown demos in Germany: Thomas Kemmerich demonstrates in Thuringia
Former Thuringian Prime Minister announced on Twitter Thomas Kemmerich (FDP) *, who was elected prime minister in February with AfD votes to participate in a demonstration in Gera participated in “proportionality”. He distanced himself from the AfDHowever, according to a report by the editorial network, Germany also participated AfD politician attend the meeting.
Today I attended an event in #Gera He participated. For proportionality and one #Crown-Exit with measure and a half. The organizer was Peter Schmidt, businessman and member of the #CDU # Business Council. There were two speakers: the notifying entrepreneur and me. #NoAfD pic.twitter.com/XcJ432YdbN
– Thomas L. Kemmerich (@KemmerichThL) May 9, 2020
The criticism about him came quickly, also on Twitter and in the person of his predecessor and successor, Bodo Ramelow (Die LINKE):
Keep your distance or mouth / nose protection / coverage? – Nothing!
Model to follow? – Nothing! https://t.co/tKY7qk1DGl– Bodo Ramelow (@bodoramelow) May 9, 2020
Ramelow also did not send a newspaper report that Kemmerich accuses. distance to have celebrated another mask having used and therefore not having fulfilled its role as role model. The images also show this. Other members of the FDP also criticized Kemmerich, also for being with him. AfD officials in protests
Thomas Kemmerich after the election of the Prime Minister in Thuringia in February
© dpa / Martin Schutt
Crown Demos: AfD and right-wing extremists among protesters
Many people can justify legitimate concerns about fundamental rights: experts also question the proportionality of the blockade. However, the problem with this is that it just doesn’t differ from right-wing radicals and conspiracy theorists. This is shown, among other things, in videos of a user on Twitter:
The user filmed as several one hundred people walking down a street and obviously demonstrating: on his private blog he reports that, among other things, a radical right-wing councilor was among the protesters. Despite failing to meet the distance requirement, the police present had not attempted to dissolve the assembly.
Crown Demos in Germany: Munich ignores distance requirement
Also in Dortmund and Sedan According to AFP, the right-wing extremists had been mixed with demonstrations: the two demonstrations were resolved with loudspeaker announcements. At a meeting in Munich, the far right spectrum 36 personal data registered in front of the town hall.
It is generally located next to Berlin, Gera, Dortmund and Munich yesterday also demonstrations in Bremen, Stuttgart and Plauen instead, where the protests were mostly peaceful, according to AFP reports. In Munich the police had to intervene: with more than thousand participants much more than the registered number of 80 people had gathered at Marienplatz, fulfilling the Remote offer It was no longer possible, the protest intensified in Nuremberg.
Instructions at the demonstration in Suburb – Here the participants asked people to enter shops without masks in the future.
AFP / cat
It is the first government survey in 2020 for Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU); the topic, of course, is the crown crisis.
* Merkur.de is part of the network of publishers Ippen-Digital from all over Germany.
List of rubric lists: © dpa / Jesco Denzel