Crown demonstrations in Berlin: police prevent assault on rights in the Reichstag – Platz der Republik cleared – Berlin


Tens of thousands of people demonstrated in Berlin against state protection against the crown. In a

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According to estimates by the authorities, around around participated in the mostly peaceful protests 38,000 people part. As reported by Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) at night, they were distributed during the day about 300 people arrested, around 200 in front of the Russian embassy alone. He flew among other things of one Crowd of around 3000 of so-called Reich citizens and right-wing extremists Bricks and bottles to the police, he said. According to the police there also release of prisonersnorth.

Protesters At night they also broke a barrier in the Reichstag building and climbed the stairs., as reported by a reporter from dpa. Police officers pushed people back with pepper spray. There were skirmishes.

Vegan chef Attila Hildmann was also arrested in front of the Russian embassy, who calls himself a “far right” and a conspiracy preacher. Geisel did not comment on the history of Hildmannn’s arrest.

During the day they were Roads also temporarily blocked, broken barriers and a burning construction container, as the police announced. She was on duty with around 3,000 officers. A helicopter provided the operations command with images from the air.

He had called to protest Stuttgart Initiative for Lateral Thinking 711. She expected around 22,000 participants, but there were many more. There were also counter-protests, even from the left scene.

US attorney, environmental activist and vaccine opponent Robert Francis Kennedy junior, Nephew of US President John F. Kennedy, delivered his speech at the rally against the construction of the new 5G mobile network, He warned against total surveillance and attacked Microsoft founder Bill Gates in this context. Referring to the famous visit of US President Kennedy to Berlin in 1963, he said that his uncle came to Berlin because the front against totalitarianism had run in the city. “Today Berlin is again the front against totalitarianism,” he said.

Police did not allow a planned demonstration march to start at noon because minimum distances to prevent infection were not observed. After lengthy negotiations with the organizers, the police said they were going to disrupt the meeting. “Unfortunately there is no other option.” Later, the police took away the protesters who were left sitting in the street and did not leave voluntarily.

On banners, participants called for the resignation of the federal government as well as a End of protection conditions and daily restrictions due to the corona pandemic. The posters read “Muzzle democracy without us,” “Stop the Crown’s madness” and “End the Crown’s dictatorship.” Over and over the crowd chanted “resistance” and “we are the people.”

Some protesters carried photos of politicians dressed as prisoners with the words “guilty.”, for example, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), as well as Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU ).

AfD politicians and other right-wing groups also called for participation. At the Brandenburg Gate and other places were also Flags with imperial eagles, t-shirts with gothic letters and other symbols of right-wing extremists to see. In general, however, a wide mix of citizens, including young and old, as well as families with children, gathered at Friedrichstrasse, where the demonstration was supposed to begin, and later at the Victory Column.

Before Brandenburg gate had protesters in the morning “Open the door” called and “We are the people” singing. A huge German flag was placed on the ground in front of the door.

The Berlin authorities actually wanted to ban the gatherings, but they were subject to court. the The decision of the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin against the ban was known on Saturday night.. The police stated that the reason for the ban order was that the gathering of tens of thousands of people, often without a mask or distance, posed too high a health risk for the population. This was already demonstrated by the demonstration against the Crown policy on August 1 in Berlin, during which most of the protesters consciously ignored hygiene rules.

In a day reported by health authorities in Germany according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) since early Saturday 1,479 new corona infections. As of Saturday a week ago, 2,034 new cases had passed the 2,000 mark for the first time since the end of April. The peak of new infections reported daily was over 6,000 in late March / early April. (dpa)
