Crown demonstration in Berlin: 1,500 people demonstrate at the Brandenburg Gate against Crown policy


Around 1,500 protesters from the “lateral thinking” initiative gathered at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on Friday night and protested against the policy of the German crown. According to the police, the registered demonstration was peaceful. However, the officials should have reminded them several times to comply with the distance rules. Police had initially spoken of 120 participants in the early afternoon, but updated their estimate around 8:30 p.m.

The gathering, like the demonstration scheduled for Saturday, was initially banned by the city. The administrative court struck down the ban so that people could gather at the Brandenburg Gate.

“Tagesspiegel” and “Bild” also reported that the protesters gathered in front of the Russian and US embassies and called for a “peace treaty.” Videos of these scenes were also circulating on Twitter. With the lawsuit, the protesters follow the ideology of the so-called Reichsbürger, which views Germany as a country occupied by the allies of World War II.

Berlin is expected to face a weekend of widespread protests against German crown policy. The city’s administrative court overturned a police ban order on Friday and made it clear that the planned Saturday demonstration of Stuttgart’s “lateral thinking 711” initiative with thousands of participants from all over Germany can take place subject to conditions. The decision was not final yet, the police filed a complaint with the Superior Administrative Court. This probably wanted to announce its decision on Friday night.

Icon: The mirror
