Crown: Decision taken: Merkel prevails – new measure applies starting today


It has been decided: Partial entry bans in Germany will apply from Saturday. The reason for the measure imposed by Chancellor Merkel are mutations of the coronavirus.

  • From Saturday, January 30, the Germany A partial Entry ban (Update January 29, 5:52 pm).
  • Distribution areas are more dangerous Crown mutations.
  • For Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, the issue is actually European (update Jan 30, 1:02 pm).

Update January 30, 1:02 pm: Starting today, the Entry ban for the people Corona-Mutationsgebieten. But that is not all. Goes to the Federal Minister of the Interior Horst seehofer (CSU), travel abroad should also be more strictly regulated. the Augsburger Allgemeine He said on Saturday: “At the moment I can only make an urgent appeal to the population, to all those who are not absolutely necessary Travel abroad Absolutely refrain. I even see it as a Civic duty. Now without a really compelling reason Gebiete mutations traveling, I have to say clearly, would be silly. “

You can completely ban Seehofer But traveling abroad is very difficult. “For a general Travel ban the constitutional requirements are very high ”. Currently, the focus is more on entries from countries where Coronavirus mutation rampant. “It’s about defense against highly infectious mutated viruses.” Seehofer He also criticized the fact that there has not yet been a uniform European solution to the immigration issue. “Actually, we should solve the big issues in the EU for all.”

Update January 29 at 8:21 pm: From tomorrow it will be applied in Germany Entry ban for areas of crown mutation. The federal government had this new regulation in place Go for free – independent of the EU partners. the Vegetables strongly criticize this approach.

German crown ban: harsh criticism from the Greens

European politician Franziska Brantner called it one “Affront” towards EU partner countries. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) would have been more interested in one at the Conference of Interior Ministers. unified solution you have to penetrate, she says.

Updated January 29 at 5:52 pm.: The decision has been made: As of this Saturday it applies to countries where they are particularly contagious Crown mutations have spread widely, a great reach Entry ban. On Friday, the cabinet approved a transportation ban for airlines, railways, buses and shipping companies.

Crown mutations in Germany: entry ban from Saturday – numerous exceptions

the new regulation is valid until February 17 and contains numerous Exceptions, including for all Germans and foreigners living in Germany, as well as for transit passengers and the movement of goods. That confirms that Federal Ministry of the Interior from the German Press Agency.

Also transport of Medical staffTherefore, ambulance flights, organ transport and transport “for urgent humanitarian reasons” should continue to be allowed. Passengers in transit can also land in Germany and aircraft and ship crews can enter.

Crown mutations: the federal government alone decides to ban entry

Are specifically affected by the entry ban initially Britain, Ireland, Portugal, South Africa and Brazil, from Sunday also the small African states Lesotho and Estwani. The Federal Government had already had the. Step by step during the last weeks and months Entrance to Germany difficult. The federal government now decreed the new entry ban in Go for free – independent of the EU partners.

Background: between 27 EU countries one could not rely on a uniform approach to Mutations communicate. Before the cabinet decision, ambassadors only agreed to recommendations for stricter rules when traveling within the European Union; They did not meet German expectations.

Update January 29, 2:17 pm.: Already of this Saturday (January 30) A partial entry ban into Germany could apply. This arises from a new draft regulation that the cabinet will deal with on Friday and which dpa Present. There is a time limit until February 17th destined to. The conversations continue for the moment.

Crown mutations: Merkel is planning an entry ban; these countries would likely be affected

Distribution areas are particularly dangerous Coronavirus mutations. According to the current state it would be Britain, Ireland, Portugal, South Africa Y Brazil.

Exceptions should apply to:

  • Persons with residence and right of residence in Germany
  • Movement of goods
  • Transportation of medical personnel
  • Ambulance flights
  • Transport of transplant organs
  • Transportation for urgent humanitarian reasons
  • Transitpassagiere
  • Aircraft and ship crews

Corona-News: Söder upset about the vaccination situation – “underestimated in Germany at first”

Original message:

Munich – The Prime Minister of Bavaria Markus Söder (CSU) has the european union error in the fight against Corona-Pandemie accused. It’s too late vaccine ordered and was also only placed in some manufacturers, Söder said on Friday in ZDF- “Morning Magazine”. The result so far has not been satisfactory. “The operational responsibility was in EuropeSöder noted. The fundamental importance was underestimated.

Now, a few weeks after the start of vaccination, one is at a point in this country where the quantities ordered do not arrive and therefore vaccinations are postponed. “It is a very, very uncertain situation for such an important issue. And I think at first it was underestimated in some places in Germany, ”Söder said. Now what is needed is “maximum transparency” in tackling problems. Söder greeted him Federal and State Government Vaccination Summit Monday.

Now it’s about getting more vaccines faster. “It cannot be that such a large continent, which is so economically strong and has so many large pharmaceutical companies, is no longer a problem. production It can make possible more than just a job that is about to start in Marburg, ”said Söder.

Crown lock: will it decrease soon? Söder remains skeptical

The Prime Minister was skeptical about facilitating the Crown constraintswhich are limited until mid-February. “I’m not convinced that everything will be canceled on the 14th. I don’t think this is the time for great relaxation.” Mutation and premature relaxation are “a toxic combination.”

In Munich currently applicable blocking measures appear to be working. At least the infection figures suggest this. All corona news here on the ticker. (lks / dpa)

Rubriklistenbild: © Barbara Gindl / dpa / picture alliance
