In 1918 the world suffered a pandemic and the First World War ended …
In England and Wales, as many people died last year as last year in 1918, the year of the Spanish flu.
Between January and December, there were 608,002 deaths in the two parts of the country, according to preliminary figures released Tuesday by the British statistics agency. That’s more than in any calendar year since 1918; at that time, 611,861 deaths were counted.
However, the figures are difficult to compare over such long periods of time because the size and age structure of the population have changed significantly.
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Still, they are terrifying: if you compare the death rates of England and Wales in 2020 with the average for the years 2015 to 2019, almost 76,000 more people died.
By the end of the year, nearly half of all hospital deaths in England and Wales were related to the coronavirus. Across Britain, more than 80,000 people have died from Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic, making the country one of the worst affected countries by the pandemic in Europe.
Oxygen is running out
It is also concerning that there appears to be a lack of oxygen to supply patients in UK hospitals and that one in four patients is under the age of 55. As the “Daily Mail” and the “Times” report, doctors in London hospitals have already been instructed to ration oxygen so that it does not run out.
The UK government’s medical director, Professor Chris Whitty, 54, warns that the worst weeks of the pandemic in Britain are yet to come. According to Whitty in a video, the new COVID-19 mutation is the culprit.
► The infection rate in the country has been more than 50,000 people infected with Covid per day for more than a week.