Crown! Current data: about 61,700 active cases in Germany – advice


According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), in one day more than 4,300 new cases of corona infection were reported in Germany. As the RKI announced on Monday morning, citing information from health authorities, a total of 4,325 new cases were registered on Sunday.

The number of registered cases is usually lower on Mondays and Sundays because not all health authorities transmit data on weekends.

According to the RKI, at least 366,299 people in Germany have been shown to have been infected with the Sars-CoV-2 virus since the beginning of the Corona crisis (as of October 19 at 12:00 am). Therefore, the number of deaths related to a corona infection was 9789. That was twelve more than the day before. According to RKI estimates, around 294,800 have been recovered.

Therefore, the number of active corona cases is around 61,700.

In more and more cities and districts, the critical value of new corona infections (50 per 100,000 population in seven days) is now exceeded. The number of risk areas is increasing, as this animated graph shows:

Hot Spots with Most New Infections

The 7-day incidence means the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. According to RKI data, there are now several cities and districts in Germany that not only break the critical mark of 50, but also have an incidence of more than 100. This includes:

► Berlin-Neukölln with an incidence at 7 days of 193.1.
► Berlin-Mitte: 137.2
► Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg: 117

► Cloppenburg District: 150
► Delmenhorst: 127.6
► Northeim: 105.8

► In the city of Herne (North Rhine-Westphalia) the incidence at 7 days is 111.2.
► Solingen: 113
► Wuppertal: 103.1

► Offenbach: 119.7
► Frankfurt / Main: 118
► Idar-Oberstein: 107.5
► Kassel: 106.9

► In St. Wendel (Sarre) the value is 144.8

► The Eifelkreis Bitburg-Prüm (Rhineland-Palatinate) reports: 118.1

► Erzgebirgskreis: 126.9

► Berchtesgadener Land: 252.1
► Augsburg: 118.3
► Mühldorf: 104.4
► Weiden Oberpfalz ID: 100.6

New corona infections reported daily in Germany - infographic

Laboratories reach their limits

The number of corona tests has fluctuated between around 1.1 million and 1.2 million per week since mid-August.

There is a delay in several labs. “In recent weeks, RKI has been receiving more and more reports from laboratories that are at the limit of their usability,” the institute wrote in its management report.

Crown tests and results by calendar week - infographic

R value

According to the RKI situation report on Sunday, the number of views, or R-value for short, was 1.44 in Germany (previous day: 1.40). This means that ten infected people infect an average of 14 to 15 more people. The R value represents the infection rate approximately one and a half weeks earlier.

In addition, the RKI includes the so-called seven-day R in its management report. The value refers to a longer period of time and is therefore less subject to daily fluctuations. According to RKI estimates, this value is now 1.35 (previous day: 1.37). It shows the infection process from 8 to 16 days ago.

Statistics: Number of reproduction of the crown in Germany - Infographic

Current Cases and Numbers: Coronavirus Diseases (Covid-19) in Germany (Karte / Map) - Infographic

App users can see the map here

How common is Corona around the world?

The private Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (USA) determines the world number of corona cases. If you compare the German numbers from Johns Hopkins University to those from the RKI, the RKI appears to be lagging behind in registering new corona cases. Reason: Both institutions determine the number of cases in different ways.

Covid-19: Coronavirus Cases Worldwide (Overview / Statistics) - Infographic

Animation: world map of the spread of coronavirus - infographic

Coronavirus worldwide: countries with the most reported Covid-19 cases -

Coronavirus in Germany: Covid-19 disease development in Germany 2020 - Infographic

Coronavirus: Covid-19 diseases by age group and sex in Germany (statistics) -

This is how the coronavirus endangers our health system: two curves |

This is how the RKI works

As the independent federal authority for infectious diseases, the Robert Koch Institute is currently shaping all of our lives with its figures, research, and the knowledge gained from them.

People with 90 different professions from 50 countries work there. Of the 1,296 employees, 1,224 are in Berlin and 72 in the Wernigerode branch. The Berlin 24/7 Situation Center alone has 150 employees.
