Crown crisis: virologist Christian Drosten receives death threats and praises Angela Merkel


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The crown crisis has made Christian Drosten a star in Germany. And for some an object of hate.

  • At Corona crisis * is Christian drosten become famous
  • The Virologist the Berlin Charité advises among others Chancellor Angela Merkel.
  • Christian Drosten * is one of the most influential men in Germany, and is now receiving death threats.

Update April 27, 2020, 8.15pm: The virologist speaks in his interview with the British Guardian. Christian drosten also about chancellor Angela Merkel and his role in Crown crisis. The CDU politician is “extremely well informed”, praising the virologist. It helps that she is scientific and can handle numbers. However, the most important role is Merkel’s thoughtful and calming nature, says Drosten.

First report of April 27, 2020, 5.30 p.m .: Berlin – He is a wanted man – and now he is being insulted and threatened: the one who was in the media in the Corona crisis Virologist Christian Drosten He is said to be threatened with death. For many Germans, he is the bad guy who paralyzes the economy, said Berlin scientist Charité in an interview with the British newspaper “Guardian”.

Drosten, Corona expert: “For many I am the bad guy”

Drosten said he would send the threats to the police. At night, however, he was kept awake by emails from parents informing him of their concerns about the future.

In an interview with the British newspaper, Drosten also describes his thoughts on why people in the Crown crisis then react to it. “People in Germany see that their hospitals are not overflowing and do not understand why stores have to remain closed. They just look at their situation, not New York or Spain. “

Christian Drosten: virologist complains of threats in the crown crisis

The Coronavirus expert He had previously reported on his NDR podcast that he received hate messages. In the interview, he talks about a “prevention paradox” in Germany: people see that hospitals can cope with the situation and therefore do not understand business closings. The vision of the situation largely Sars-CoV-2 affected regions such as New York or Spain are missing.

From Christian Drosten’s point of view, it is precisely the measures taken in advance that have prevented worse things in this country. He recently warned of setbacks in fighting the new virus if the pathogen is handled carelessly – a second, worse wave of infection threatens.

sbh / dpa

Chemistry Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim (maiLab) reviews virologists at the Crown crisis. That is his opinion on Hendrick Streeck, Christian Drosten and Alexander Kekulé.

In the crown crisis, the highest administrative court in Bavaria declared the ban on selling large companies as unconstitutional. Markus Söder reacts. The news ticker.

Medical President Montgomery also requires FFP2 protective masks for citizens. He is also skeptical of makeshift masks.

* is part of the national publishing network Ippen
