Crown crisis: United States halts UN resolution on pandemic


The United States has halted a planned United Nations resolution on the crown pandemic. The United States mission told partners in the UN Security Council that “it could not support the current draft resolution,” diplomats said. The text calls for a ceasefire in all conflict areas worldwide due to the pandemic.

However, the representation of the United States on the Security Council did not give a reason for its objection. Some diplomats believe that the indirect mention of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the text of the resolution in Washington causes displeasure. The President of the United States, Donald Trump, accused the WHO of serious flaws in the coronavirus pandemic and of being too close to China. The day before, the United States had accepted the diplomatic draft.

The text was intensively negotiated for two months.

The 15 members of the UN Security Council had spent two months intensively negotiating the text presented by France and Tunisia calling for a global ceasefire. UN Secretary-General António Guterres had repeatedly called for such interruptions in the pandemic fire.

A 90-day “humanitarian hiatus” is designed to allow governments in conflict areas to tackle the new coronavirus, according to the resolution text revised by the AFP news agency. Support is also sought for all United Nations organizations involved in containing the pandemic, including all health organizations. That would include the World Health Organization, even if the WHO is not named.

United States Accuses China of Disguise Tactics

The President of the United States, Trump, previously suspended payments by the United States to the WHO, which is criticized in Germany, among others. The overall wording on UN organizations was actually a commitment to get the United States to support the resolution.

Other diplomats said on Friday that the United States wanted to revert to an original wording in the draft resolution on “transparency” in cooperation. The United States has repeatedly accused China, where the new corona virus first appeared, of a cover-up tactic.

“From our point of view, the Council should proceed with a resolution that deals only with the support of a ceasefire, or with a broader resolution that addresses the need for a renewed commitment by Member States to transparency and accountability. Covid-19 “said the representative of the United States delegation.

Most confirmed cases worldwide in the United States

The United States accuses China of covering up the origin of the new coronavirus and informing the world too late of its appearance. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said last week that there was “overwhelming evidence” that the virus came from a research laboratory in Wuhan. China firmly rejects the allegations.

Critics accuse Washington of using the accusations against Beijing and the WHO to distract themselves from their own omissions in the fight against the coronavirus. The United States is by far the country with the most confirmed cases of infection and death worldwide. There have been more than 1.28 million infections and more than 77,000 deaths in the country.

The unexpected change in the United States regarding the resolution was “very, very bad news for the United Nations, the Security Council and multilateralism,” said the ambassador of a member of the Security Council.

The French UN ambassador emphasized that his delegation “will of course continue to try to reach an agreement if the opportunity exists.” Tunisia’s ambassador to the UN said the discussions will continue “to convince the Americans.”

Icon: The Mirror
