Crown crisis: unions take to the streets for workers


3:15 pm | Jena: call for solidarity in the crown crisis

At the Johannisplatz in Jena, 50 representatives of unions, parties and social associations gathered for Labor Day. The registered event took place under the proper safety and hygiene precautions. Showing solidarity online is not enough, said a Verdi spokesman, MDR THÜRINGEN. Workers would have to remain united in the crown crisis, leading the social struggles together. According to an IG Metall representative, it could not be that only workers would have to bear the consequences of the crisis. Among other things, the demonstration participants used posters to convene the 30-hour week with full pay compensation, fair wages in the care sector, and student financial aid. Some participants also took to the streets “because of the Fundamental Law”.

2:45 pm | Many police in Erfurt on May 1

In total, fewer people participated in the May 1 events in Erfurt than allowed. Patrick Martin of the State Police Directorate told MDR THÜRINGEN that around three people had gathered around 100 at noon. In the afternoon there were no more events in the city area. According to Martin, there is still a demo registration for Erfurt’s Cathedral Square. The city is still examining whether the event can be approved. Police are on the move with many officers throughout the city and can search anything that results. You also have an eye on social media. According to Martin, the police are happy if everything is kept in peace. In recent years there have been riots and violent clashes in Thuringia on May 1. Large demonstrations are not allowed this year due to the crown pandemic.

02:25 pm | DGB signals employee problems in crisis

The DGB Hessen-Thüringen demands that the interests of employees come first in the crown crisis. President Michael Rudolph told MDR THÜRINGEN that Labor Day was about how income, jobs, and businesses could be insured. The end of the crown crisis is not yet in sight, says Rudolph. However, employees would have to continue to earn a living, continue to pay their rent and fixed costs. On May 1, therefore, it was important to highlight the social dimensions of the crisis.

2:15 pm | Outdoor pools start later – swim masters want clarity

With a view to a late season of outdoor swimming pools, the Federal Association of German Swimming Masters demands clarity on the operation of sports facilities by the end of May. Most of the outdoor swimming pools in Thuringia generally open in the middle of the month. Due to the requirements of the crown, this date could not be met until now. According to the swimming masters association, many pools have been prepared and technology has been maintained. Leaving the pools dry will cause defects. Compliance with distance and hygiene rules is not an issue, however, guests would have to accept limited admission numbers and locked slides, according to the association. There are more than 50 outdoor pools in Thuringia. Due to the current Lnades Ordinance, it is currently prohibited to open swimming pools, leisure pools and adventure pools.
