Crown crisis: the left wants to promote bicycle traffic with bicycle bonus


There is always talk of bonuses for buying a car, to support the economy. The left in the Bundestag is now putting a bike bonus into play, but this should help prevent the spread of the corona virus.

“The more people use the bicycle on local transportation, the easier it will be to maintain the minimum distance of 1.50 meters on the bus and train after loosening contact and departure restrictions,” said the left-wing traffic policy spokesperson, Andreas Wagner, the German press. Agency

It was important to exhaust all possibilities to promote cycling. “Therefore, I am in favor of a bicycle bond or a mobile bond that can be used to finance the repair or purchase of a bicycle,” said Wagner.

French Environment Minister Elisabeth Borne previously announced a similar plan. With a € 20 million program, he wants to boost cycling after the exit restrictions have ended.

According to the state, among other things, the repair costs of used bicycles in the amount of 50 euros per bicycle. It was time to start a new bicycle culture, Borne wrote on Twitter. The time when the program should be applied was initially unknown. The restrictions will be relaxed in France from May 11.

FDP: more investment in cycling infrastructure needed

The Union’s parliamentary group in the Bundestag is skeptical about such reimbursement of bicycle repair costs. “I don’t think this move makes sense,” said CDU / CSU parliamentary transportation policy spokesman Alois Rainer.

“It costs a lot of money, more than in France because we have more residents, and it is not certain that this will make more people use the bicycle regularly than before.” The money is now needed primarily to support people who work for a short time and businesses that need it.

FDP faction transportation policy spokesman Oliver Luksic demanded that the state generally invest more in bicycle infrastructure. “It is better than subsidizing individual modes of transportation directly.” The funds would also have to be requested for the expansion of the bike lanes. “In recent years, federal funds have not always been depleted, this needs to be improved,” said Luksic.

Icon: The Mirror
