Crown crisis: preparing for a longer lockdown


The government and states are preparing citizens for a longer partial blockade; hardening is also expected. There could be exceptions for Christmas.

In view of the persistently high number of corona infections, people in Germany should be prepared for an extension of the partial blockade in December.

“There is no prospect of relaxation and not everything is clear,” Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said in Berlin report. The partial blockade had shown an effect, the number of infections had stabilized. But: “The hospitals are full, the death rate is increasing.”

Expand the blockade, deepen the measures

Looking ahead to the federal-state meeting next Wednesday, Söder said: “We will certainly propose to extend or deepen the blockade.” In addition to other contact restrictions, the issue of schools should also be discussed, Söder said. “At critical points in particular, the school is unfortunately one of the sources of infection.”

Countries apparently to toughen

Countries want to extend restrictions beyond November and tighten them in some places. This arises from a draft resolution that the ARD capital study it is available and is the basis for discussions between the country’s leaders and Chancellor Merkel.

According to the newspaper, a maximum of five people from two households should be able to participate in private gatherings from December 1. There should be exceptions for the Christmas holidays. Then members of more than two households should be able to meet. Here too an upper limit of five or ten people should apply; the resolution motion does not yet specify an exact value.

It is recommended “whenever possible to quarantine at home for several days if possible” before and after the holidays.

Stronger mask duty

The template also provides for the tightening of the mask requirement: “Everyone has to wear a mask face to face in closed rooms that are publicly accessible or accessible to visitors or customers,” it says. “In addition, a mouth and nose cover should also be worn in outdoor public places where people are confined or not only temporarily.”

According to the template, the crown restrictions that have been in place since early November will run until at least December 20. The aforementioned adjustment must be applied from December 1 to January 17.

Berlin Mayor Michael Müller (SPD), current Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Conference, responsible for organizing a state line, had previously told the dpa news agency: “We agree that a lot has already been achieved, but not enough”. He added: “It is currently being discussed among us how long we have to extend and how exactly we give it.”

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) also prepared citizens for a tightening of contact restrictions that initially apply until the end of November.

Merkel and Scholz: goals not reached

In a joint appearance after the G20 summit, Merkel said exactly what steps would be taken: “I cannot and do not want to anticipate this today.” He assured: “Citizens must receive a unified and joint response from the federal and state governments. In fact, they have the right to that. And this time we are working very hard on that,” Merkel said. The fact is that “we are not yet as far away as we would have liked to overcome the contact restrictions.”

Scholz also said that when the caseload develops, you are still not where you want to be. “And that’s why everyone suspects there must be an extension.”

Merkel and the 16 prime ministers will meet next Wednesday to agree on a concept before the end of the year if possible. The countries that are responsible for the implementation of the crown restrictions had this time insisted on making their own proposals.

Merkel had already insisted on a stricter course during consultations last week in view of the persistently high number of infections, but to no avail.

Deutschlandfunk reported on this issue on November 22, 2020 at 12:00 pm
