Crown crisis in the USA: Donald Trump has ended the entry from Europe


In the spring of 2020, the US issued strict entry requirements for people who were in Europe for the last time. For American citizens, entry was still possible under strict protection measures from the crown, almost everyone else had to stay outside.

Shortly before his departure from the White House, Donald Trump now plans to abolish these requirements. As of January 26, entry will be allowed again, as announced on Monday (local time) by the President of the United States, who is still in office. Therefore, the same should also apply to travelers from Brazil, an entry ban for this country has been in effect since May 2020.

It should be one of Trump’s last official acts. In the immediate aftermath of Trump’s announcement, successor Joe Biden had his spokesperson Jen Psaki explain that she did not believe in these plans. His government will refrain from making flexible for the countries mentioned for the time being.

“On the advice of our medical team, the government does not intend to end these restrictions on January 26. cancel, ”Psaki said on Twitter. “With the pandemic worsening and more contagious variants emerging around the world, this is not the time to lift restrictions on international travel.” Instead, the Biden administration is planning new measures related to international travel to prevent the virus from spreading. to break.

So far, the strict requirements have been applied to travelers who have been to Brazil, Great Britain, Ireland, and the 26 Schengen countries in the past 14 days.

As of January 26, however, virtually everyone who wants to travel to the US must be able to take a negative corona test. This requirement had raised hope, especially among troubled airlines, that the United States government could swiftly disable its rules.

If a passenger cannot prove a negative test result or a survived Covid infection, “the airline must refuse boarding,” the CDC said in a statement. Therefore, the so-called PCR test, with which the virus will be detected, must be carried out within three days prior to departure.

Recommendation: stay home one week after entering the country

The health authority also urges all travelers to retest three to five days after arriving in the United States and to stay home seven days after the trip. However, these are recommendations, not a legally binding provision. When the measure was announced, CDC chief Robert Redfield had admitted: “Testing does not eliminate all risks.” In combination with the other precautionary measures, traveling is safer.

Trump will leave office on January 20, when Biden will be sworn in in the US capital.

When the entry stop was announced in mid-March, the president said regulation for Europe was limited to 30 days. In mid-April he announced that they would remain in force until the countries of Europe, which have been seriously affected by the coronavirus, improve. Only Americans, some diplomats and Europeans who have a long-term work permit in the US, the so-called green card, were excluded.

Icon: The mirror
