Crown crisis in the US USA: 40,000 deaths: New York governor sees “climax exceeded”


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  • Christian Stör

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  • Melanie Gottschalk

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The United States is still in the midst of the crown crisis. More than 40,000 people have already died from the corona virus. The news ticker.

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+++ 22.19 PM: At USES has the number of Dead crown exceeded the 40,000 threshold. According to Johns Hopkins University on Sunday (April 19, 2020), more than 40,500 people died from the novel. Corona virus.

Consequently, the number of Sars CoV-2 infections in the United States increased to more than 740,000. About 67,000 people are considered to have recovered.

Crown crisis in New York: Governor believes “climax is over”

+++ 20.22 PM: The New York State is from the Coronavirus pandemicparticularly severely affected. But the number of patients in hospitals continues to decline. “If this trend continues, we will have peaked,” said the New York governor. Andrew Cuomo
on Sunday (April 19, 2020) at his daily press conference.

But that was only halfway

Crown crisis

the Democrat warned. Strict measures must be maintained to curb the spread of viruses.

Cuomo announced extensive Antibody test series in the state with around 19 million inhabitants to get a more accurate picture of the spread of the virus. In doing so Antibodies shown in the blood that survived Coronavirus infection You should try it. According to Johns Hopkins University, more than 242,000 people were infected in the U.S. state of New York, and more than 17,600 people died from Covid-19.

Crown crisis in the United States: Donald Trump again complains of a “witch hunt”

Update on Sunday, April 19 at 7.40 a.m. Donald trump has in the Crown crisis Democratic governors struck again in the states and at the same time praised the work of their own government. “The rest of the world is watching us and they respect what we have done,” the President of the United States said Saturday night (April 18) at his daily press conference at the White House. “I know that no one else could have done what we did.”

Trump compared the criticism of his government in the crisis with the Russia investigation the federal police FBI, which was concerned that its campaign team had made secret arrangements with Russia. “That shouldn’t be a partisan witch hunt like that Russian witch hunt be, “said Trump.

Trump attacks China in crown crisis and threatens consequences

At the same time, Trump again raised serious Allegations against China. Than new corona virus Trump could have been detained in China before it spread across the world. “It didn’t happen, and everyone suffers from it.” The president accused the Beijing government of not doing so.

Trump was convinced that China and not the United States had the highest number of deaths in the United States Pandemic had to register, this is contrary to the statistics that most victims locate in the United States. “We are not in the first place, China is in the first place,” emphasized the president. “They are way ahead of us in terms of the dead, we’re not even close to each other.” He told reporters, “You know it, I know it, you (the Chinese) know it.” But the media did not report it. Trump said.

Again protests against crown protection measures.

Action resumed Saturday in several states governed by Republican and Democratic governors. Demonstrations against protection measures..

For example, a car convoy was used to protest in Maryland’s capital Annapolis. The state is governed by Republican Governor Larry Hogan, who refuses to relax the measures as the number of infections increases, which is in line with the guidelines of the White House. Protester Charles Rex told Fox News: “This is absolutely ridiculous. People have to go back to work. “Protester Janet Baker said,” I want the constitution to be protected and honored again. “

New York location relaxes a bit

+++ 20.05 PM: I’m particularly hard on the Crown– US pandemic affected New York The situation in hospitals has improved somewhat. The number of Covid-19Patients have been falling steadily for the past three days, Governor Andrew Cuomo said Saturday at his daily press conference. That was good news, the Democrat said, but at the same time noted a continued high death rate.

The day before, 540 people were in a Corona virusThe infection died, and another 2,000 people tested positive. In total, more than 226,000 people are infected and more than 16,000 have died in the state with around 19 million inhabitants.

Cuomo emphasized that significantly more testing was needed before opening up the economy in New York think There are still bottlenecks in testing procedures. The governor requested additional support from Washington. On Thursday, Cuomo extended the relatively tight exit restrictions in New York in mid-May.

Crown crisis: Donald Trump gives gifts to farmers

+++ 2:16 p.m .: The United States government supports farmers in the Crown crisis with an aid program worth $ 19 billion. Farmers would have Pandemic “He suffered unprecedented losses,” said the President of the United States Donald trump Friday (local time) when the package is announced.

Farmers belong to the largest voting group. Donald trumpwho wants to be reelected in November. $ 3 billion CrownThe aid program should be used to help farmers in the USES Buy milk and crops and give them to community charities to distribute to those in need, Agriculture Minister Sonny Perdue said. The rest goes directly to farmers and ranchers.

Agar industry sales in the USES is through Crown crisis It fell sharply because schools with their canteens and restaurants are closed and more citizens eat at home.

Crown crisis in the United States: Michelle Obama speaks

+++ 11.50 a.m .: With her favorite children’s books Michelle Obama (56) children in the USES the time during isolation in the Crown pandemic Driving Outside In the future, her little fans will be able to listen to her on Facebook or YouTube, as the former First Lady of the United States said on Twitter on Friday. In cooperation with the American children’s channel PBS Kids and the publisher Penguin Random House, she wants to host a reading program there every Monday, where children can practice reading themselves.

“I am delighted to give (…) children the opportunity to practice reading (and give their families a well-deserved rest!”, Obama continued. As a first book, the wife of former US President Barack Obama (58) he made Julia Donaldson’s “Gruffalo” (1999) The list of books also includes the classic children’s book “Die kleine Raupe Nimmersatt” (1969) by Eric Carle.

Crown in the United States: Trump expects 60,000 to 65,000 deaths

Update, Saturday, April 18, 6:30 a.m. President of the United States Donald trump, which instigated its supporters in the fight against protective measures on Friday, calculated as a result of theCoronavirus pandemic with 60,000 to 65,000 deaths in the US Significantly less than previously feared in the US. Every death is too much, Trump emphasized Friday night (local time) at a press conference at the White House. However, the currently expected death toll is based on predictions of at least 100,000 deaths, which the White House had recently put forward. “Hopefully we stay well below the 100,000 mark,” said the President of the United States.

According to surveys conducted by Johns Hopkins University on Friday night, there are currently more than 36,000 deaths in the United States from coronavirus infection. More than 700,000 people have tested positive for the virus, more than in any other country in the world.

Many deaths in retirement homes

According to a New York Times count, at least 7,000 people in nursing homes in the United States have died of coronavirus infection. This represents about a fifth of all deaths as a result of Crown pandemic nationwide in connection with such facility.

In the worst state of the pandemic New York The newspaper reported that at least five or more deaths from the virus had been recorded at 72 facilities. In the neighboring state of New Jersey, a total of more than 1,500 crown deaths were associated with care centers.

Crown crisis: “Comic Con” 2020 canceled

+++ 21.03 p.m .: The largest comic book fair in the world. “Comic con” in San Diego, California for this year Corona virus canceled It was scheduled to take place July 23-26. As announced by the organizer on its website on Friday (April 17, 2020), the fair will be canceled for the first time in its 50-year history. San Diego Comic Con is slated to take place again in 2021, July 22-25.

Comic Con is visited by over a hundred thousand people annually. Hollywood stars present new movies there and comic book fans and superheroes use the fair as a venue for swapping.

German criticism of Trump for dealing with Corona

+++ 14.35 p.m .: There is strong criticism of Germany Donald trump: The federal government coordinator for transatlantic relations, Peter Beyer, has the performance of the President of the United States in the Crown crisis Strongly Criticized “The pandemic has been minimized for far too long,” Beyer said. “The confrontations between the president and various governors were in parts exaggerated, unnecessary, almost childish, and characterized by party political ideologies.”

In conflict with the governors they had Donald trump He stresses that he has the exclusive authority to decide whether the country will return to normal. However, this was in contradiction with the constitution and reality, because all exit restrictions were in the Crown crisis promulgated by governors, the washington government only provides guidelines and recommendations.

Presenting your three-step plan to return to normal Donald trump account for this situation. He emphasized that state governors stayed to implement the guidelines.

Crown crisis in the United States: New York extends exit restrictions

+++ 13:05 p.m .: The state New York will limit your way out in the fight against Crown crisis Extend at least until May 15. Governor Andrew Cuomo announced this.

In most of the Crown pandemic As of today, the affected state of the United States is also legally obligated to wear a mask in public. The rule applies to anyone who, for whatever reason, cannot stay six feet from the next person.

+++ 08.15 a.m .: How is that Sports in the United States during the Crown crisis plus? If it is later Donald trump is leaving, the leagues will resume operations soon, and with Ghost games. “Many of them will start without fans. Made for television, the old days, “Trump said, referring to phone calls with leaders of individual leagues.

So far there has been no official information on whether, when and how it should continue after the outage. As a second step, fans could look again, perhaps “with two empty seats between them,” Trump said. “Ultimately, we want to have full arenas. When the virus disappears, we will have full sand and enjoy the sport as it should be. ”

Crown in the United States: Trump unveils triphasic plan

+++ 17.4.2020, 6.40 a.m .: President of the United States Donald trump has a gradual relaxation of the Crown restrictions advertised in the United States. Economic life will restart in three phases, Trump said Thursday in Washington. This will be done “cautiously” step by step and “state by state”.

“According to the latest figures, our experts agree that we can now open the next front in our war,” said Trump. At the same time, he insisted on a cautious approach in which each US state. USA I had the power to make decisions. “We will not open everything at once,” said the president. Some states would be more likely to relax restrictions than others. State governors would have to direct this process, not the White House. “If you have to stay closed with them, we will let them do it. If you think it is time to open, we will give you this freedom and the guideline to accomplish those tasks. “

Crown in USA USA – Breakdown of Auxiliary Check Delivery

+++ 21:25 PM: The appearance of the Donald trump It’s over, with no announcements like the US government. USA Corona virus spread I want to fight

Meanwhile, there are more and more problems with the delivery of auxiliary controls, all of which for the Crown crisis citizens of the USES Must Obtain Anyone whose assistance application has been granted must receive $ 1,200 or more.

But there are several problems with the delivery of auxiliary checks. First, the President of the United States Donald trump He decreed that his name should be printed on each of the approximately 150 million checks, which according to some observers delayed the process.

Now, people across the country are complaining that they haven’t received a check or that the amount is too small. Families must receive special support from the program, which is why they were promised an additional $ 500 for each child.

The United States Treasury Department told the Washington Post that Corona Emergency Aid had broken down and said it was working on solutions. About 80 million ancillary checks have already been issued.

Donald Trump wants to loosen measures against the crown crisis at an early stage

+++ 20:33 PM: At that time it happens Donald trump in front of the cameras on the lawn in front of the White House. To his left and right are two huge trucks. Because Trump will honor America’s truckers today and on behalf of the entire country for their important work in the Crown crisis thank you “Truckers” are represented by employees of various logistics groups, including DHL, Fedex and UPS.

It is widely expected that the President of the United States first relief from measures against the spread of Corona virus will resist

However, the federal government in Washington can only provide guidelines. They are implemented by orders of the governors in the individual states.

+++ 17.07 clock: The Washington Post reports that the President of the United States Donald trump on Thursday (April 16, 2020) he will announce a relaxation of the measures, despite the growing number of Corona cases. The United States economy is doing poorly, with the relaxation that Trump wants to help her. He recently said that the fight against the coronavirus is ongoing, but the climax of the cases has been overcome.

+++ 2.40 p.m .: April 16 will be “a great day,” said the President of the United States. Donald trump announced He certainly hadn’t said it that way. Due to the escalation of the Crown pandemic For the fourth consecutive week, millions of people in the United States submitted an initial application for unemployment benefits. In the week ending April 11, there were 5.2 million new applications, the United States Department of Labor announced Thursday. As a result, about 22 million people lost their jobs in one month. In the previous week alone, 6.6 million people had submitted an initial request for support.

Donald Trump talks about a “great day”

+++ 11.30 a.m.: Donald trump it usually does not have much to do with facts, facts and figures. That’s in the Crown crisis it is no different than usual. Although the pathogen continues to spread extremely fast in the United States, Trump sees the peak in the number of cases already reached.

“It is clear that our aggressive strategy is working,” Trump said Wednesday (April 15). “The fight continues, but the data suggests that we have the culmination of new cases across the country.” These “encouraging developments” meant that guidelines could be established for US states. USA Relax the national closure. .

Today, therefore, he wants to announce his route to a revival of the American economy. April 16 will be “a great day,” Trump said. The corona virus and measures to curb the pandemic also plunged the United States into a severe economic crisis with nearly 17 million unemployed in three weeks. Seven months before Presidential election Therefore, the President of the United States wants to get back to normal as quickly as possible and make the economy work again.

Crown in USA USA: almost 2,600 dead in 24 hours

+++ 6.45 a.m .: At USES It is the world maximum number of almost 2600 people in 24 hours.Coronavirus infection died According to a Johns Hopkins University census on Wednesday afternoon (local time), 2,569 people have died from lung disease caused by the virus since the previous day.Covid-19 – The highest number of deaths in a single day worldwide. The total number of deaths from coronavirus in the United States increased to more than 28,300.

Trump is considering a mandatory pause for Congress

+++ Update April 16, 2020 6:20 AM: President of the United States Donald trump He has threatened to impose a mandatory break for Parliament to quickly fill vacancies in his government without Congress.

For him Coronavirus epidemic “The government needs to finally be able to fill the vacant positions,” Trump said Wednesday night (local time). The Constitution gives him the right to order a parliamentary breakup, Trump said.

Trump condemned the past practice of holding Congress through pro forma meetings with no lawmakers or senators present. This is a “neglect of duties that the American people cannot afford in this crisis,” Trump said. That is “fraud”. Senators, for example, who generally have to accept the appointment of senior officials and ministers, were not in Washington at least until early May.

New York increases death toll to more than 10,000

+++ 3:58 p.m .: In New York could significantly more people related to that Corona virus dead than previously thought Authorities from the metropolis on the east coast of the United States added 3,778 deaths to their statistics. The deceased were therefore “probable” Covid 19 cases – Including patients who died in the emergency room but did not necessarily test positive for the virus. People who died at home were also included in the statistics.

The assumption that the dead are under Covid-19 According to media reports, local authorities attribute the symptoms to her symptoms. Mayor Bill de Blasio had reported days ago that apartment deaths in New York City had increased significantly. The total death toll in New York City has only increased to more than 10,000, according to official figures.

Coronavirus crisis in the USA USA: China, Russia and the EU criticize Donald Trump

+++ 3:18 p.m .: The cessation of payments by the United States to the World Health Organization (WHO) amid the Crown crisis It has met with strong international criticism. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Wednesday the move was unwarranted. China He criticized that the decision of the US government. USA it weakens WHO and undermines international cooperation in the fight against the pandemic. Federal Chancellor Heiko Maas (SPD) also criticized the attitude of the President of the United States. Donald trump: “Blaming doesn’t help,” said Maas.

China showed “seriously concerned”. The WHO is “irreplaceable” in the fight against the virus, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian. Russia He condemned the American approach as “very selfish.” Assistant Secretary of State Sergei Ryabkov urged the United States government to refrain from further attacks on the WHO, according to the Tass news agency. A spokesman for his ministry said Trump was only looking for culprits.

The President of the United States announced Tuesday that US payments to the World Health Organization would be stopped. He accused the WHO of “mismanagement” in the Crown crisis and unilateralism in favor of China. Critics of Trump see the president’s pressure on the WHO as an attempt to distract himself from his own failures in the crown crisis.

The Crown Crisis in the United States: Time and again phases of social distance

+++ 13.03 p.m .: In the fight against it Corona virus could in the USES According to a study, the phases of social distance will always be necessary until 2022. A single period of this type should not be sufficient to spread the SARS-CoV-2 virus Keep it at a level that hospitals should take in the medium term, study author Stephen Kissler said Tuesday. If there were no other methods of treatment, the phases of social distance would have to be imposed over and over again.

The study by scientists at Harvard University in the United States, which was published in the scientific journal Science, is based on computer models for the spread of the new coronavirus. The study is based on the assumption that lung disease caused by the pathogen Covid-19 how common the flu could be seasonal in the future, with higher infection rates in the colder months.

However, there are still many unknown factors, such as when effective drugs or a vaccine are available, as the study authors admit. It is also unclear whether infection with the virus leads to immunity in recovered patients, and how long it will last.

Crown in the United States: Donald Trump’s name on aid checks

Update April 15, 2020 10:48 AM: It is an unprecedented decision: about the controls that are in the fight against Crown crisis The name will be sent to nearly 70 million Americans by the President of the United States. USA Donald trump stop

It is not only the first time that the name of a US President has been printed. USA On IRS checks, the order of the US Treasury Department. USA It has serious consequences, reports the Washington Post.

Because printing Donald Trump’s name could delay the delivery of checks for several days, the newspaper writes, referring to anonymous sources within the tax authority. According to an official statement from the Ministry of Finance, there should be no delay.

The $ 1,200 checks are part of a US government emergency program. USA To help the president Donald trump. They are said to be the consequences of Crown pandemic weaken in the labor market and for the economy.

With the letters “President Donald J. Trump” on the left side of the check, the millions of times the financial injection could also be an effective instrument in the presidential election campaign: in November, Donald Trump wants to become president of the USES let vote

Crown crisis in the United States: Donald Trump under pressure

First report of April 15, 2020: Than Corona virus have the USES still firmly under control. So far, more than 600,000 people have tested positive for the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University (as of April 15, 2020), and just under 24,500 Americans have already died.

The Crown pandemic caught the cold of the United States. Because for The President of the United States, Donald Trump, whose daughter Ivanka had recently ignored travel restrictions, and ruling Republicans, the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus has been nothing but a lie by Democrats, “fake news.” And even if Trump has now understood that the virus is extremely dangerous, he is under increasing pressure. The New York Times has meticulously reconstructed how the President of the United States has brought the country back for at least three weeks in the fight against the crown crisis.

Government advisers also see this Anthony Fauci like this “Of course things would be a little different if we closed everything from the beginning,” said the virologist in an interview with CNN. But there was “a lot of pressure on my back.” No wonder the #FireFauci hashtag started by Trump supporters is now being spread on Twitter.

However, in mid-March, Trump declared an emergency in his country. Life in the United States has stalled almost entirely, and the economy is also badly battered.

The state of New York most affected by the coronavirus pandemic in the United States

New York State was the most affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Almost 10,000 people there have already died from the corona virus (as of April 15, 2020), and around 200,000 residents are infected with the new virus. State Governor, Democrat Andrew Cuomo, is already considering facilitating the measures alongside his counterparts in other countries, and faces a test of power with the Donald Trump government.

Because Trump claims sovereignty over the relaxation of measures. He had an “all-encompassing power” over the issue of reopening the United States as a result of the coronavirus epidemic, Trump said at the White House on Monday night (April 13, 2020, local time). In doing so, it responded to declarations from the governors who had previously said that they would coordinate with each other when the restrictions they imposed were lifted. Trump emphasized: “When someone is President of the United States, he has general power.”

Coronavirus pandemic in the United States: will the measures be eased?

It is still unclear whether the US coronavirus measures. USA And to what extent will they relax. The World Health Organization (WHO) believes that the pandemic has not yet reached its peak. Therefore, relaxing measures in the United States could have serious consequences. These measures currently exist in the United States:

  • Closed schools and public institutions
  • Entry stop for citizens of the European Union
  • Curfew in all states
  • Much of the business
  • Canada border closed

msb with agencies

Some countries are coping with the crown crisis better than others. What do they have in common? Women in government.

* is part of the national network of publishers Ippen-Digital.

Image of the rubric list: © AFP
