Crown crisis in the United States: Donald Trump threatens China


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  • Sophia Lother

    Sophia Lother

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As the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc in the United States, relations between the United States and China are deteriorating. Now Donald Trump is making new threats.

  • the United States are seriously affected by the Corona crisis.
  • The President of the United States, Donald Trump *, threatens China with a break in relationships
  • Haystack Sparkly shooting Trump administration Failure before: the White House responds

+++ 20.45 p.m .: It looks good on the Crown crisis not about the relationship between China and the United States. Now threatened The american president Donald trump even with one cancellation the Relations to Beijing Trump told Fox Business that he did not want to be with the Chinese president “at this time” Xi Jinping talk. Because he was “very disappointed” by China’s attitude in the Coronavirus pandemic. When asked about retaliatory measures by the United States, Trump did not say anything concrete, but threatened: “There are many things we could do.” We could break all relationships. “

Splashed beforehand Donald trump over and over with harsh accusations against China In front. He accused Beijing of important information about the dissemination of the coronavirus Having retained China could also have stopped the virus, but that did not happen, Trump said in an interview with Fox Business. The United States government also accused China of hacking Results of the investigation to possible Crown vaccines and Covid-19 medication I Want To Spy New threats from the President of the United States are likely to further worsen the relationship between the two countries.

Corona in the United States: the White House responds to complaints from coronavirus whistleblowers

+++ 6.44 p.m .: During the hearing of the Coronavirus complainants Rick Bright before United States Congress run, have the Trump administration responded and rejected some accusations. the Press officer of White clothes House Kayleigh McEnany accused the whistleblower on Fox News of not paying attention. Accusations that the government was unprepared would not be correct. The government had already prepared a document in case of crisis before the crown pandemic began. Protective equipment was also made available, for example Donald Triumph ensures that more than triple Respirators in the healthcare industry than in an average year.

The declaration of the Coronavirus complainants Haystack Sparkly who accuses the government that the people have lost their lives because the government did not respond in time. Is not sufficient Respirators many hospital employees would work with masks that did not meet the necessary standards. According to the Whistleblowers It was already clear in 2007 that in the event of a pandemic in United States There are not enough respirators available.

Coronavirus whistleblowers: Trump administration has failed in the corona crisis

Update from Thursday May 14, 2020, 05:55 pm: in a Whistleblower Hearing said the doctor Rick Bright Thursday (May 14, 2020) before United States Congress outside. He was director of BARDA, an agency subordinate to the US Department of Health. USA, before being transferred to the United States National Institute of Health (NIH).

As he emphasized again at the Congressional hearing, he was transferred because he refused to take a drug against him. coronavirus to make it accessible to the general public. Because the drug Chloroquine it had not been extensively tested in clinical trials. When used by the general public outside of hospital emergency situations, the risk to patients was too high, according to the complainant. Because the side effects and risks could not have been monitored, nor would it have been possible to help coronavirus patients with problems in time. That was for the doctor Rick Bright not responsible. At that time, President Donald Trump in particular had opted for the wide use of Chloroquine made strong

Also warns Whistleblower Haystack Sparkly before that there was no national plan or strategy that coronavirus to struggle. Nor is there a designated authority. The Trump administration has not taken critical steps in time. Already in January it was foreseeable that the lack of protective equipment imminent if you don’t act immediately. Haystack Sparkly I have always tried to raise awareness of this problem with superiors and on a higher level. But he was always discouraged. Very few financial resources are in the investigation to the coronavirus flowed what the development of a Corona vaccine slowed down sustainably. Congressmen currently represent the Coronavirus whistleblower more questions.

Senior US Official Warns Congress, Talks of “Darkest Winter” in History

First registration starting Thursday, May 14, 2020, 2:40 pm: Washington – Despite strong warnings from top health officials, the US President. USA Wants Donald trump promote the reopening of schools and universities. The new school year should start as planned in the fall, especially since the coronavirus * is strong Donald trump “We have to open our schools,” Trump said in an interview with Fox Business on Thursday, which has “very little impact” on younger people. “We have to open our country.” He expressly contradicted expert evaluations that warn of hasty steps.

United States: Donald Trump contradicts expert assessment of rushed steps in the crown crisis

Senior officials, however, warned. “Without clear planning and implementation of the steps that I and other experts describe, 2020 will be the darkest winter in recent history,” he warned. Rick Bright, former director of BARDA, a subordinate agency of the Ministry of Health, in a statement previously released to a committee of the House of Representatives. It should be heard in Parliament on Thursday.

Brilliant criticized Wins Crown Policy acute. It is an “indisputable fact” that in the autumn the coronavirus will happen again. With the simultaneous flu outbreak, this would be an “unprecedented burden” on the health system. The country was paralyzed due to Trump’s misleading communication and the lack of a national strategy. Scientific evidence should be the strategy to fight the novel coronavirus define “non-politics and nepotism”.

Corona in the United States: Donald Trump discredits Rick Bright via Twitter

Donald Trump’s reaction via Twitter * was immediate. “I don’t know whistleblower Rick Bright, I never knew him or heard from him. But to me he is an angry employee who was not liked or respected by the people I spoke to.” According to Trump, “You should no longer work for our government.”

Bright said he was fired as the agency’s director in April for refusing to support Trump’s acclaimed treatments for Covid-19 lung disease that have not been scientifically proven. He was transferred to a position at the National Institute of Health (NIH). Trump said he did not know the officer at all.

Marvin Ziegele with dpa

* is part of the national publishing network Ippen

The United States was already deeply concerned, but Anthony Fauci says everything is fine between him and Donald Trump.

Image of rubric list: © Alex Brandon / AP / dpa
