Crown crisis in the United States: California governor warns of crowds on beaches


The scenes from last weekend had apparently alarmed Gavin Newsom. There was plenty to do on some sunny beaches, too much for the California governor to prove. In the crown crisis, he appealed to the citizens of the US state. USA So that they observe the rules of the virus on the beaches in the future. “The virus doesn’t take a break over the weekend,” Newsom said at an online news conference on Monday.

In the Southern California districts of Orange and Ventura, numerous people flocked to the beaches on Sunday in temperatures over 30 degrees. Unlike Los Angeles’ neighbors, the beaches are not closed.

The images of the Orange and Ventura beaches are “exactly what you shouldn’t do,” Newsom said. He warned that crowds on the beach would jeopardize “significant progress” in California in the fight against the coronavirus. The virus “does not return home because there is a sunny day on our shores.”

However, Newsom also emphasized that existing restrictions on public life in the West Coast state continue to be largely followed by the population. In California, exit restrictions were imposed relatively quickly, which experts say has prevented the virus from spreading more widely in the most populous state in the US. USA

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So far, about 45,000 coronavirus infections have been reported in California. The official death toll from the pandemic there was 1,753 on Monday.

Democrat Newsom had presented a working group of politicians and businessmen ten days ago to work on plans for economic opening and a restart after Corona’s mandatory recess. Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of them.

In addition to the actor who was Governor of California from 2003 to 2011, former Governors Jerry Brown, Gray Davis, and Pete Wilson are also on board. Former Disney boss Bob Iger and Apple CEO Tim Cook join the business community.

Icon: The Mirror
